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#1 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re: Re Alpha Beta Viagra

Not a bad price I think.

Ah but the wife returned and thought it too expensive so we have ordered this one instead.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-02
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

No good consulting the Pattaya girls, they really will give a lot of men a heart attack, lol! In fact it's not that uncommon for late 60's and early 70's white men to die of heart failure after bedroom sports in Pattaya.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-02
Re: Re Alpha Beta Viagra

Not a bad price I think.

#4 Parent taffy - 2017-06-01
Re: Re Alpha Beta Viagra

The THIRD cause of death in the USA, after heart attacks and cancer, is MEDICAL ERROR.

Wow, sounds safer in China, Fifi.

Was going to fix the washing machine today but it's a built-in-obsolescence one without a removable back panel; so any fixing would require me to turn it upside down. Don't fancy that, so will order this tonight if the wife agrees.

Well, I am a bit sensitive at the moment, Fifi, so don't lose any sleep.

#5 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-01
Re: Re Alpha Beta Viagra

There is a lot of information on google and youtube about the natural foods/natural remedies that can help each disease or condition. Of course, one has to use good judgement and not all websites are very good or even good, but a lot of natural remedies have been successfully used for millennia mostly in the UK. The pharmaceuticals of course don't want us to know about them.

Doctors and pharmaceuticals form a tight network. They try hard to control people. Please be vigilant. On the internet, check the many side effects of the medication they gave you. They make money - it's a pyramidal thing - when they treat people for the side effects of their medication by prescribing additional medications which also generate side effects, etc.

The THIRD cause of death in the USA, after heart attacks and cancer, is MEDICAL ERROR. It is published every year in the American Journal of Medicine. It's official. Last year it was fourth, but it climbed to third place this year. I assume that it is more or less the same in the UK. But not many people like to talk about it because most people like the mythology of a benevolent fatherly god looking after each of us. It applies mostly to old people who have less and less friends and relatives (because they all died): They need a powerful friend who wants them to be healthy, who gives them gentle orders and chides them when they cheat. You have a young wife, so you most likely will escape this scenario.

I repeat what I wrote some time ago about you becoming sick in China because you could no longer take China. Back in the UK, you will feel much better, you will build your strength again. Notwithstanding what you may think of me, this is my wish.

#6 Parent taffy - 2017-06-01
Re: Re Alpha Beta Viagra

I was thinking of Malt Vinegar but you could be right. I pickle (used to) eggs in malt otherwise you get white insipid looking eggs.

#7 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-01
Re: Re Alpha Beta Viagra

The best is organic apple cider vinegar.

#8 Parent caring - 2017-06-01
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

The board doesn't look much different than what you are hinting at.

What's more embarrassing than an Alpha male on Beta blockers?
#9 Parent taffy - 2017-06-01
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

No, nothing serious, just standard blood test I have every few months, check for various things.

Salmon is great, I am jealous. As for sex, I think whenever you feel like it.

If you're gonna die on the job it's the way to go!

Seriously, maybe you should lay off the bedroom sports for a short time.

Get professional advice from someone about that, but not another useless GP.

Hahaha, I should consult them girls in Pattaya.

I's the vinegar that I will drench the salmon with! Bit peasantish maybe but vinegar cleans out your veins so I read. Actually alcohol might help but I must give the wife a say-so in all of this and she says no booze. I did read somewhere though that alcohol only helps over-45-year-old women!

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-31
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

When I was a carpenter and self employed I did not charge more to work on Labor Day. Yes, you must be indentured and have a licence.

Glad you got the 700 pounds, that is good news.

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-31
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

No, nothing serious, just standard blood test I have every few months, check for various things.

Salmon is great, I am jealous. As for sex, I think whenever you feel like it.

If you're gonna die on the job it's the way to go!

Seriously, maybe you should lay off the bedroom sports for a short time.

Get professional advice from someone about that, but not another useless GP.

#12 Parent taffy - 2017-05-31
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

Yep, call any tradesman or technician out on a public holiday and you pay big bucks. It is the same here in Australia.

I used to work on the Labor Day and Queens Birthday holidays here and I did not charge call out fee. A lot of blokes
do though.

What aspect of the industry was that? You need to be indentured in Aussie, don't you?

Finally got around to asking the wife how much I cost in that hospital- I was surprised it was just £6000. Today I was looking through a years post when I discover a cheque for the wife from The Inland Revenue for over £700, a tax refund, so that was nice. Only trouble was it had expired so she had to phone them. They will reissue the cheque following checks. And look at that!! A good demo as to why those two words must be spelled differently. They ain't the same.

#13 Parent taffy - 2017-05-31
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

Hope there's no worrying reason for getting that test?

I walked 3 miles into town today, all downhill but got a taxi back., We found a new cheap shop selling tins of red salmon at a quid each. Just what I needed. My wife is still carrying everything at the moment.

This change of lifestyle is a nightmare really- however I get a calorie -free coke as a treat tonight.

What about sex- when do you think I should restart that......she keeps on about the schedule?

#14 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-31
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

To put it mildly, most GP's are a waste of space, they know fuck all. It is hard to get a good one. Yes, a mechanic, engineer, or builder needs to know much more than they do.

I went to a GP here yesterday, just to get a referral to get a pathology test done, cost 73 dollars cash, the fucker did not direct bulk bill me but I get 34 dollars back by cheque, but not for a week probably.

#15 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-31
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

Yep, call any tradesman or technician out on a public holiday and you pay big bucks. It is the same here in Australia.

I used to work on the Labor Day and Queens Birthday holidays here and I did not charge call out fee. A lot of blokes
do though.

#16 Parent taffy - 2017-05-30
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

Bleh Blah not me, Taffy.

The culprit is a bully and a coward, furious at being never able to match me- always in my shadow. Sees a chink in my armour. Maybe an old associate......certainly slithers that low as I recall. Can't understand why he was allowed to say what he has. Anyway, you came across right from the start inferring that my story wasn't genuine. An old poster it seems has returned to heap my funeral pyre- maybe somebody I tried to help.

By the bye I have lost the password for the e-mail I displayed here- so apologise if I didn't answewr somebody.

#17 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-30
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

Bleh Blah not me, Taffy.

#18 Parent taffy - 2017-05-30
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

150 pounds, shit, that about 310 AUD! Looks like being a heating technician is the way to go!

Hahaha, you're right there. I actually had no intentions of calling them out on Bank Holiday, otherwise it would have been £65. The wife called them- never mind she deserves a shower.

Bloody awful first appointment with English doctor- so self-important, at least in China they are made to walk with the peasants. Bloody GP's, I am told that a heavy goods vehicle mechanic has to know more than a GP.

Having s break from fish and lettuce and other veg. Got some veggie sausages and beans.

#19 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-30
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

150 pounds, shit, that about 310 AUD! Looks like being a heating technician is the way to go!

#20 Parent taffy - 2017-05-30
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

I don't think this is an invention. He showed his real pics on here just like I have in the past.

I was skeptical of some posters on here before but if they show good evidence to prove themselves I believe them.

Thanks, SB. I wasn't happy that a person with a negative harmful agenda has been inhibiting my message- We should all change our lifestyles before it gets changed for us. Don't come to China without emergency assets. Remember that the Chinese medical staff won't penetrate your person with silicon-type-applicators designed to relieve constipation in a violent eruption. Your wife or friend must do that for you. You must have a trustworthy to keep dashing downstairs to pay at frequent intervals- insurance policies won't butter any parsnips on the Chinese plate. On that note don't use butter or spread but trickle olive oil on your bread.

My heating system lost pressure while away and it just cost us £150 for a bod to adjust a valve. We have returned to where we don't want to be but sadly the other house requires too much work- more than I can handle at the moment.

What I can't understand is that during the last couple of weeks my blood pressure hasn't fluctuated beyond normal!

#21 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-30
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

I don't think this is an invention. He showed his real pics on here just like I have in the past.

I was skeptical of some posters on here before but if they show good evidence to prove themselves I believe them.

#22 Parent taffy - 2017-05-29
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

You really think he's going anywhere?

Just another invention to keep the drama going.

You don't actually disbelieve me Fifi. But you wouldn't let a small thing like the truth sway you. The evidence provided is overwhelming. Making a fool of yourself.
Here is a picture of me with my doctors and nurses that they requested. I expect an apology. The day of discharge

#23 Parent taffy - 2017-05-29
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

A final trek from the mountains of Yunnan to the Beijing Airport tarmac, an expensive permanent souvenir of China lodged near your heart.

Taffy, I think your China saga concluded in dramatic fashion.

China is a painful experience for any individual that worries about what others think; that cohort includes, of course, the entire population of China. For FTs in China I recommend a pervasive delusion of self-aggrandizement, a clueless certitude that everything being said in Chinese as they pass is admiration and gratitude.

Enjoy the next chapter of your life. Keep us posted.

Haha, wellwritten. I have another souvenir actually. On the final night in Dali we stayed in a hotel (50yuan) I decided I needed a watch so they clubbed together and bought me one for 30 yuan in the 10yuan shop. Works a treat and I shall keep it.

#24 Parent Bleh Blah - 2017-05-29
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

Enjoy the next chapter of your life. Keep us posted.

You really think he's going anywhere?

Just another invention to keep the drama going.

#25 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-29
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

A final trek from the mountains of Yunnan to the Beijing Airport tarmac, an expensive permanent souvenir of China lodged near your heart.

Taffy, I think your China saga concluded in dramatic fashion.

China is a painful experience for any individual that worries about what others think; that cohort includes, of course, the entire population of China. For FTs in China I recommend a pervasive delusion of self-aggrandizement, a clueless certitude that everything being said in Chinese as they pass is admiration and gratitude.

Enjoy the next chapter of your life. Keep us posted.

#26 Parent taffy - 2017-05-28
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

I'm out of here June 20, can't wait to leave.

Good luck with that, SB. I was booed out of China. It was decided by the doctor and my family that I couldn't/shouldn't lift a suitcase and that the wife had to do it. On the shuttle bus at Beijing I suffered all sorts of derision for watching my wife manhandle. The thing is this, they wanted to believe that I was a wife-abuser, it made them feel good about themselves.

I am back home now. I have managed to get the air out of the cooker gas but not further on down the pipe which serves the hot water. Do that tomorrow.

\esther shattered, after the journey home, she has fallen asleep on a case....but just been scooped up for a flannel wash.

#27 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-27
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

I've decided I don't really give a shit these days. The West is quickly becoming a lost cause, especially for men over 45 years old. Let the women on here fight for a false future, the USA is basically rooted. I don't think now that Trump can turn things around.

I'm just glad I'm not in my early 20's now. The future for young Western men is scary unless they try and save up as much money as they can and get out within
the next ten years and move to Thailand, or maybe Bali.

I'm planning to to come back to OZ in 2022 and live in a small town in north Queensland. Brisbane is already fucked, too expensive, and will get worse with even more massive development planned here.

Add super snobby women to the mix, it's game over.

I'm out of here June 20, can't wait to leave.

#28 Parent caring - 2017-05-27
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

And I smell a rat in the posts, are they the spamming dupes? I think mods can have powers as well.

#29 Parent taffy - 2017-05-26
Re Alpha Beta Viagra

I spotted a female in that pic, is she a mere dupe of them hyenas?I think females can have power-over-other ambitions, and not just on the world stage- it could be your local community club, or even ones forum. Take most of us posters, SB, me, even San Migs, we don' involve ourselves with actual ambitions of changinging the forum. But I see a dark force in turmoil to control. sorry about my choice of English, not on the ball yet. what I am saying women too possess this alpha male type thing. I have seen a Napoleoness rallying (trying to) all the forum sours........and we know what happens with that story. I am off on my longjourney soon.

FTinPRC - 2017-05-26
Alpha Beta Viagra

What's more embarrassing than an Alpha male on Beta blockers?

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