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#1 Parent taffy - 2017-06-04
Re Pox Americana

The hard reality is that attacks by vehicles in public places are very hard to defend against in a free and open society.

Free and open to get butchered and murdered and things will get worse. You can't negotiate and spy on the devil!

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-06-04
Re Pox Americana

Seriously, guys, what do you think of the 3rd paragraph below, that the best way to stop attacks is with intelligence from inside the Muslim communities, a good reason not to alienate them?

"The perpetrators of these terrorist attacks in the West are largely second-generation homegrown terrorists, not recent immigrants or refugees.

The hard reality is that attacks by vehicles in public places are very hard to defend against in a free and open society.

The best defense against such attacks is good intelligence, and that often comes from inside the Muslim community. To gather that intelligence requires not alienating Muslims but encouraging them to flag to authorities those they see who are radicalizing or seem to be preparing some kind of an attack."

You really live in a little bubble. Go to Sydney, London, Manchester, you will see the
devastating effects of immigration.

Why Libyan people were allowed into the UK in the first place is beyond me. And their sons
grow up to be suicide bombers.

Tell the victims of the Manchester suicide bomber how wonderful multi-culturalism is, sure
they'd love to hear from you.

#3 Parent caring - 2017-06-04
Re Pox Americana

Many societies are truly losing their identities but China is gaining power. Developed nations' permission to allow Chinese model onto the world stage has clearly brought the question of multiculturalism. The word "Globalization" has in fact been misinterpreted and misused by the powers that took advantage of the situation. Now, we can add all the capable species on Earth to the 7 something billion people and say that we're into the next stage of the globalizing world. Whether there are species that can produce so cheaply as cetrain Asians remains to be seen.

All societies decline. As they do, other rise.

Multi-culturalism has no impact on China's rise. China's prominence is in great part due to corporate globalization, a process initiated and largely sustained by the 'white west' elites.

#4 Parent taffy - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

Nope, as I've said before, I live on an island - but it ain't Manhattan.

Alcatraz or some such God-awful-place would be more appropriate.

#5 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

You are in fact the biggest sell-out of all. You have admitted that you taught English to
immigrants in New York.

Yes indeed, I did teach immigrants in America; however, how you got the impression I did so in New York is beyond me. You're only about 3,500 miles off. Nevertheless, I was quite satisfied and sometimes honored to be teaching immigrants. And, I might add, I can't imagine that any of the hundreds of students and their families that I was involved with would knowingly commit any kind of crime.

So then, please tell me why a teacher of immigrants is a "sell out.

I will always be the one with the most morals, integrity, and common sense.

I thought this was a teacher's forum - not the comedy club. But thanks for the laugh anyway.

Go on with your shitty life in New York.

Nope, as I've said before, I live on an island - but it ain't Manhattan.

#6 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

You are in fact the biggest sell-out of all. You have admitted that you taught English to
immigrants in New York.

SB, perhaps you are confusing the libtards. I taught ESL to Chinese immigrants in New York; I still reside in China.
I don't know how big a sell-out I have become; I believe my price is reasonable.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

haha, people like me have Pattaya! We don't need crappy China never did, and the sell out types like you are a disgrace.

Go on with your shitty life in New York. I will always be the one with the most morals, integrity, and common sense.

You are in fact the biggest sell-out of all. You have admitted that you taught English to immigrants in New York.


#8 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-03
Re Pox Americana

the Manchester mass murderer was the offspring of a Libyan immigrant we gave
refuge to

Violence is almost always unwarranted.

I will leave the involvement of the U.S., Britain and Italy in post Ottoman Libya to scholars of North Africa; suffice it to say, vast reserves of Libyan oil were discovered in 1959.

When you set fire to a neighbors house and then deign to give the residents shelter, their gratitude may be suspect.

#9 Parent taffy - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

When teaching in China I often showed such posts as yours and SB's to my university students as examples of poor writing with limited awareness of syntax and grammar. But what many students usually focused on was the lack of a cohesive thought process on the part of the writer. Not that it was shocking to them, as

Well you say that without being able to give any examples; whereas, I have been known to pull your English to pieces, and can do it again.

You mean to say that you get so furious at other posters on this site that you can't get them out of your mind when teaching even Hahaha! Wot about when you is making love, does a chance bromide word from SB unleash icy water on the situation. Are you just a little bit pathetic?

#10 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

I don't suppose SB will be very pleased with you tomorrow.

Actually, his words mean nearly nothing to me. And as for you furnishing material that I can scoff about, well, I scoff at most of your posts anyway.. Usually, though, I'd rather do something more positive than respond to such drivel. Well, to be honest, when not responding, my scoffing is often accompanied by derisive laughter.

When teaching in China I often showed such posts as yours and SB's to my university students as examples of poor writing with limited awareness of syntax and grammar. But what many students usually focused on was the lack of a cohesive thought process on the part of the writer. Not that it was shocking to them, as they were already aware that they'd have to deal with incompetent, pretend teachers who actually thought they were teaching English as a Second Language - as one would with immigrants, rather than English as a Foreign Language. One of my students went on to write his graduate thesis on the incompetency of foreign teachers and speculated that the time would be coming soon when the pretenders would be sniffed out and kicked out. It would seem that that time has arrived. But that's a whole other story.

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

Yes, she is doing the right thing. Kudos to her in this instance.

#12 Parent Curious - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

Talking about Manchester, Ariana Grande is returning to Manchester, to give a benefit concert in favor of the victims and their families. Many celebrities will join her.

Brave young woman.

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-03
Re Pox Americana

You really live in a little bubble. Go to Sydney, London, Manchester, you will see the devastating effects of immigration.

Why Libyan people were allowed into the UK in the first place is beyond me. And their sons grow up to be suicide bombers.

Tell the victims of the Manchester suicide bomber how wonderful multi-culturalism is, sure they'd love to hear from you.

#14 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-03
Re: Re Pox Americana

Trump is doing a great job. I'm so glad that he refused to participate in this Paris accord global warming scam. "Climate change" is a hoax engineered by the Chinese like Trump previously said. It is all about destroying the USA and other Western economies.

It is about time many people started to speak up about this global scam. It is similar to the HIV/AIDS hoax and scam. Many prominent scientists have been saying for years that HIV does not exist.

The only people who think this "virus" is real are those medical professionals in the pockets of the big pharma companies.

#15 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re: Re Pox Americana

I, too, am taking great delight in the kind of awareness and holistic view that leads to people like Gov. Jerry Brown telling it like it is and taking a stand against idiocy. SB is not the only shallow thinker around, but thankfully there are many clear minded folks that can help steer us away from policies that reflect that same kind of shallow, tunnel vision type thinking.

He won't be able to take it long.

He will become so furious at the world that he will have a heart attack, his only way


Trump is probably too stubborn to have a heart attack and would probably have a mental breakdown first. I suspect that there will be no major issue that actually brings him down. Instead it will be the obvious truth that he has not the education, political experience and just plain savvy to be a world leader. In short, his own incompetency will be the pathway to his impeachment.

Unfortunately, as has been noted here on the board before, we will then have to deal with Pence.

Glad I furnished some material that you can scoff about- "Trump is probably too stubborn to have a heart attack" So it was you all along! In true Jerry Brown style you told it the way it was in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Some anti-Trump supporters are genuine people...but you're just nasty.

I don't suppose SB will be very pleased with you tomorrow.

#16 Parent Curious - 2017-06-02
Re: Re Pox Americana

I love Jerry Brown.
Love Jerry Brown.

#17 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-02
Re: Re Pox Americana

I am starting to notice - with delight - that there are people, associations, companies,
states, cities, countries, that are bypassing some of trump's blockades.

I, too, am taking great delight in the kind of awareness and holistic view that leads to people like Gov. Jerry Brown telling it like it is and taking a stand against idiocy. SB is not the only shallow thinker around, but thankfully there are many clear minded folks that can help steer us away from policies that reflect that same kind of shallow, tunnel vision type thinking.

He won't be able to take it long.
He will become so furious at the world that he will have a heart attack, his only way

Trump is probably too stubborn to have a heart attack and would probably have a mental breakdown first. I suspect that there will be no major issue that actually brings him down. Instead it will be the obvious truth that he has not the education, political experience and just plain savvy to be a world leader. In short, his own incompetency will be the pathway to his impeachment.

Unfortunately, as has been noted here on the board before, we will then have to deal with Pence.

#18 Parent BeenThere - 2017-06-02
Re: Re Pox Americana


I am starting to notice - with delight - that there are people, associations, companies, states, cities, countries, that are bypassing some of trump's blockades. Like in a body, when a blood vessel (not in the heart, but most other places) blocks, the other blood vessels nearby will take the flow of blood of the blocked vessel. Or in nature, when the flow of a river is obstructed, the flow will go around/over/under and will keep doing its job.

trump will soon start feeling that he is becoming obsolete. He won't be able to take it long. He will become so furious at the world that he will have a heart attack, his only way out. I, for one, will be celebrating.

#19 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-02
Re Pox Americana

I was talking about the West and the detrimental effect immigration has had on Western

Do tell? Yep, always the shallow view from you. Wake up and smell the covfefe.

#20 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re Pox Americana

All societies decline. As they do, other rise.

Multi-culturalism has no impact on China's rise. China's prominence is in great part due to corporate globalization, a process initiated and largely sustained by the 'white west' elites.

The U.S. will soon be a 'minority-white' nation. In the U.S., only Caucasians are disturbed by that 'new normal'.

Diminished U.S. diplomatic and military power in the world is welcomed by most of the world's population. The working girls in Thailand embrace the new Korean and Japanese elites and their generous 'soft power'.

You are weighing things up in a reasonable way, Trumpsey; however, none of that erases the facts that the Manchester mass murderer was the offspring of a Libyan immigrant we gave refuge to. That mass murderer will have the same pedigree I suspect as every other Muslim in, murderer- biting-off-the-hand-that-fed-him-type-murderer. The perpetrators couldn't have perpetrated in the UK had they listened to me and SB years ago.

These invaders hell-bent on changing the landscape, leaving a trail of blood, are not millions of Irish labourers who will merely change the religion to Roman Catholic, Trumpsey.

We shouldn't sit back and say 'all things must change' as they blow us up, behead us, rape our daughters.

#21 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re: Re Feedback from a Brexiter would be appreciated

The UK brought a lot of people from Africa into the UK and into the Americas; these people did not invade, they did not want to come here. What do Brexiters say: These people should return to Africa?

No the poor people didn't want to come, they were sold by their own African chiefs to slave traders, they were betrayed by their own people.

Unfortunately some of their offspring are being brainwashed by Muslims to perpetrate heinous crimes in the UK.

My desire is to remove a whole population of people who believe women should be ordered around by men and that homosexuality should be outlawed- be they born in the uk or not. I just want to save peoples lives. I don't want women subjected to misery as that said population gets larger and flexes its muscles. I don't want homosexuals stoned to death in some grim future. Be warned, please!

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-02
Re Pox Americana

You are right to some extent about the working girls. There are now go go bars in Pattaya for example that mostly cater to Japanese and Korean men. White men, even if they have a lot of money don't want to pay 3000-4000 baht for ST ( short time ) for go-go girls, or 4000-5000 for LT ( long time ) I know I wouldn't! The Japanese don't care, they will pay more, it does not bother them.

Go-go bar girls are super pretty with stunning bodies but can be starfish in bed.

However, having said all that, white men still rule there in most places. Still plenty of white ex-pats who can afford any bar girl if they so wish.

China will fail because of very high debt levels. It will have it's own financial crisis and and property bubble burst.

Think it can't happen? Many economists are predicting it. It happened to the Japanese and they are much smarter than the Chinese. Also, China is not a democracy, does not have a rule of law or a transparent legal and financial system. It's workforce is uneducated and I was not talking about China in my post anyway, or anywhere in Asia.

Asian countries don't have an immigration program as most people know.

I was talking about the West and the detrimental effect immigration has had on Western countries.

#23 Parent Curious - 2017-06-02
Re: Pox Americana

Yep, new reality.

#24 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-02
Pox Americana

The West is slipping into decline. All this multi-culturalism rubbish, it has destroyed
Western society. No more immigration, no more pandering to minority groups.

All societies decline. As they do, other rise.

Multi-culturalism has no impact on China's rise. China's prominence is in great part due to corporate globalization, a process initiated and largely sustained by the 'white west' elites.

The U.S. will soon be a 'minority-white' nation. In the U.S., only Caucasians are disturbed by that 'new normal'.

Diminished U.S. diplomatic and military power in the world is welcomed by most of the world's population. The working girls in Thailand embrace the new Korean and Japanese elites and their generous 'soft power'.

#25 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-02
Re Feedback from a Brexiter would be appreciated

Yes, you will see a lot more Manchester type attacks. Australia is also in the firing line. At least ten mass casualty terror attacks have been foiled here. Very lucky so far, but the enemy will pull one of them off eventually.

The West is slipping into decline. All this multi-culturalism rubbish, it has destroyed Western society. No more immigration, no more pandering to minority groups.

#26 Parent BeenThere - 2017-06-01
Re: Re Feedback from a Brexiter would be appreciated

I hear you, Taffy.
I recognize it's hard for us in North America to make a judgment on the Manchester risks of the UK.
Personally, I was raised in a "diversity" environment, where we had to open our minds and hearts to people of all origins, mostly refugees. And it has worked quite well for us so far (not perfect, but quite well - I would risk a percentage of 98%). I understand it's not the case everywhere in the world: Diversity does not work well in the Middle East for example. And it is less accepted in the US since the trump election (there are more and more hate crimes).
Yourself, Taffy, with all your heart (I know you are a good father), you want Esther to become well integrated in the UK, accepted by her peers in school, and later on, by her peers at work.
So, where do you draw the line? Immigrants or citizens of foreign heritage are OK in the UK if they have at least one UK parent who will help them to integrate, but Muslims are not OK because they don't integrate (they don't integrate well in France or Belgium either; maybe also in Poland and other former USSR countries): Do I understand you well? The whole Brexit thing is about Muslims, right?

Not about people of African heritage right? Or are they included in the Brexit anger? (I am honestly asking the question, not trying to be ironic as for us in North America, it's not always clear).

So, historically, we are going back to the Ottoman empire trying to invade Europe. It lasted for centuries and centuries. Europe resisted. And it still does. What Brexiters say is close the borders: Do I understand well?

The UK brought a lot of people from Africa into the UK and into the Americas; these people did not invade, they did not want to come here. What do Brexiters say: These people should return to Africa?

#27 Parent taffy - 2017-06-01
Re Feedback from a Brexiter would be appreciated

But UKIP’s sudden decline also demonstrates the degree to which right-wing populists have shifted the European policy debate toward their turf.

All academic. Brexit only promised to slow down the inevitable decline. Britain is already a multi-racial hell-hole and the only way is down. Every Anglo-Saxon and Celt for himself now. We will of course see a lot more 'Manchesters' People like myself tried to warn and we were ignored. Too late now.

BeenThere - 2017-06-01
Feedback from a Brexiter would be appreciated

Calling all good men in the UK, what do you think of this Washington Post assessment:

"A year after achieving its most sacred ambition, the party long led by President Trump’s favorite European politician, Nigel Farage, is in disarray, scarred by prominent defections and by vicious feuding — some of it physical — among its remaining members. An election on June 8 in which the party’s share of the vote is expected to crater may be UKIP’s death blow.

But UKIP’s sudden decline also demonstrates the degree to which right-wing populists have shifted the European policy debate toward their turf. If UKIP is losing support, it is not because the party’s ideas have lost favor. It is because mainstream parties have co-opted their causes and adopted their rhetoric.

Across the continent, mainstream politicians are attempting to beat back the far-right wave by mimicking the language and policies of the populists on hot-button issues such as immigration, cultural identity and Islam."

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