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#1 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-03
Re: The Queen

She is admirable.

#2 Parent taffy - 2017-06-03
The Queen

What about the 92 year old Queen-look snapped this week, Fifi? She has obviously got all her marbles. Nice car.

#3 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-03
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

I agree with the Keith Richard look.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-03
Re how to become skinny and gaunt

Great pic, a sort of Keith Richards rugged look, way to go.

#5 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

Arthur, I was going to do the very same thing you just did: Google words like "it is safe to drink wine after a heart attack"

I agree with your suggestion that Taffy should read many articles before talking to doctors because some are very ignorant or if older, very attached to their obsolete knowledge. Taffy would find that out quickly by asking some pointed questions coming from those articles.

I would also google: "is it safe to have sex after a heart attack"

#6 Parent Arthur - 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

Taffy: Please have a look at the articles below, research more articles, ask doctors, and then also ask yourself if the frustration of not drinking will kill you earlier than 1 or 2 glasses a day:

1- Is it healthy to drink wine every night even after you’ve had a mild heart attack?
"French scientists evaluated 353 men who had recovered from a first heart attack. They observed them from within two months of the attack for about four years. During that time, men who averaged two drinks a day were 59 percent less likely to have additional cardiovascular events than the men who abstained from alcohol. Heavier drinking was less protective.
Providing further evidence, a 2010 analysis of more than 16,000 patients found that moderate drinking is safe and beneficial for people with cardiovascular disease."

2- Two glasses of wine a day could help heart attack patients live LONGER
Heart attack patients who drink wine are less likely to suffer another episode
Two glasses a day reduces risk of another 'event' by 13 per cent
For years, research has suggested a daily tipple of wine may help to prevent heart disease.
Now it seems it even has benefits for those who have already suffered a heart attack.
New research shows patients who have had a heart attack are less likely to have another one - and stand a better chance of living longer - if they enjoy wine in moderation, rather than abstaining.


3- Moderate Drinking Helps Men After Heart Attack?
Study: 1 or 2 Alcoholic Drinks a Day Boosts Longevity Among Some Men After Heart Attack
March 27, 2012 -- After a heart attack, men who continue to drink one or two alcoholic beverages a day may live longer than heavy drinkers or non-drinkers.
Those findings appear in the European Heart Journal.


4- From the British Heart Foundation: Heart conditions and alcohol
"Once you’ve recovered its fine for most people with a heart condition to drink alcohol within the recommended limits.

However, check with your doctor for advice on whether it is safe for you to drink alcohol and how much. If you have been diagnosed with certain conditions, such as some types of cardiomyopathy, it may be advisable for you to avoid drinking alcohol altogether."


There are dozens of articles.

#7 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

Making plans for your daughter is good and necessary.

Finding the meaning of your own life, of the main events that took place and how you dealt with them, and what you learned from them, is of a

I know what you mean but my job now is to get well and be around for my family. And come to terms with not being able to crack open a bottle of red on a Friday night. Over and above that and in spite of being a tad eccentric I am pretty well adjusted. I don't bottle things up and so unlikely to get too depressed. But we'll see.

Thanks for the good advice, Arthur, it's much appreciated. And thanks Fifi too....and Trumpsey.

#8 Parent Arthur - 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

Making plans for your daughter is good and necessary.

Finding the meaning of your own life, of the main events that took place and how you dealt with them, and what you learned from them, is of a different order.

#9 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

I am missing things I didn't see any of that but you could be right. Actually while I was still in the throws of the attack (not expecting to make it) Me ,my son, and my wife secured the plan for Esther's future. Just dotted i's and crossed t's as it's been long since established that she goes to my son should anything also happen to wife. They get on like a house of fire I'm pleased to say.

#10 Parent Arthur - 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

I would agree with Fifi, and would add that you look like a man who is contemplating his mortality and reassessing some of his values, changing the order of priority. Am I right?

All those things are good. They are part of life. No reason to fear.

#11 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

Hahaha! it frightened me.

#12 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt

I like you on this photo, Taffy. A real warrior.

#13 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re how to become skinny and gaunt

Sorry I meant to attach a picture of myself which shocked me, gaunt, skinny. Please don't eat Chinese fried food or their often poisonous alcohol-or you'll end up having weight loss forced upon you- and if you haven't got a few thousand quid available you might wake up in the morgue.

taffy - 2017-06-02
how to become skinny and gaunt

First of all become a fat bastard by eating Chinese oily food (also get blood pressure by the salt involved) KFC, McDonald or pizza, is all good stuff to lay you low. Mostly I believe you should drink Chinese made alcoholic drinks, because in the same way they will add poisons to baby milk to make it cheaper to manufacture they won't think anything about adding it to your beer or whisky., Then just wait for a personal pronoun heart attack and voilà, in a few weeks you will be as skinny and gaunt as me.

Fortunately I have avoided the blood pressure but you may not get so short-changed. Bet Turnoi our cleric is giggling somewhere.

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