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#1 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re collateral profit

Taffy, please be careful when quoting. I'm only responsible for the first two sentences.

Oh, sorry.

In regards to Roman Catholics, most of them don't seem too bad- we can live with them. I am not referring to the Vatican. I was brought up CofE myself and can boast Bishop Turnoi as one of our leaders.

#2 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re nimby

British occupation and military violence in Northern Africa and the Middle East, including Pakistan and Afghanistan (and elsewhere) persisted for centuries, accompanied by the peaceful 'residency' of many thousands of non-violent Brits.

The North Africans showed violence towards whites during the Barbary Coast white slave trade. They would themselves have invaded other counties properly if they had of been powerful enough. No logical reason why the UK owes anything to Africa or the Middle East- all down to the grace of God.

#3 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re collateral profit

Taffy, you are one of the lucky ones - still drawing breath at your age after a heart attack in China!

All this religious crap you mention pales into insignificance compared with your luck.

In contrast, a highly paid professional soccer player succumbed to heart failure in Beijing - read all about it!

Tell a Friend

Trouble is, is when all this religious crap persuades young men to stab total strangers 10 times for the love of Allah. I refer to the young blond lady. But I do see your point.

I am going to order some running shoes today.

I was going to attempt some gardening today but it's a bit wet.

#4 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re: Re collateral profit

The IRA mostly gave warnings before they carried out their attacks. They did not want to kill civilians, it was more about causing economic damage.

A friend of mine was working as an accountant in London in the mid 90's when a financial centre was bombed, but nobody was killed.

The Islamic terrorists don't care who gets killed, they don't give warnings to evacuate an area.

The IRA and ISIS are chalk and cheese.

Yes, get rid of anyone from North Africa and Pakistan.

A terrorist incident in Melbourne last night, a siege, no prizes for guessing
where the culprit is from, north east Africa.

I was just listening to some idiot on the radio who said police should only wound terrorists,
no, give em a shot in the chest and another in the head.

Send them to meet the virgins who don't exist, lol!

Australia seems good at foiling terrorist attacks.

Yes, big distinction between the IRA and ISIS.

#5 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit

Taffy, you are one of the lucky ones - still drawing breath at your age after a heart attack in China!

All this religious crap you mention pales into insignificance compared with your luck.

In contrast, a highly paid professional soccer player succumbed to heart failure in Beijing - read all about it!


#6 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-06
Re collateral profit

The National Front Disco

Enjoy the song!


#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-06
Re: Re collateral profit

The IRA mostly gave warnings before they carried out their attacks. They did not want to kill civilians, it was more about causing economic damage.

A friend of mine was working as an accountant in London in the mid 90's when a financial centre was bombed, but nobody was killed.

The Islamic terrorists don't care who gets killed, they don't give warnings to evacuate an area.

The IRA and ISIS are chalk and cheese.

Yes, get rid of anyone from North Africa and Pakistan.

A terrorist incident in Melbourne last night, a siege, no prizes for guessing
where the culprit is from, north east Africa.

I was just listening to some idiot on the radio who said police should only wound terrorists,
no, give em a shot in the chest and another in the head.

Send them to meet the virgins who don't exist, lol!

#8 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-05

Now The Islamic
problem chiefly comes from North Africa and Pakistan. Time these characters were
escorted home.

British occupation and military violence in Northern Africa and the Middle East, including Pakistan and Afghanistan (and elsewhere) persisted for centuries, accompanied by the peaceful 'residency' of many thousands of non-violent Brits.

If a few hundred individuals from that region occupy and create mayhem in England this century out of a population of over two million peaceful Muslim residents, couldn't that be seen as a more equitable situation, not the product of an imperial occupation?

My fair country with a continuous contemporary military presence throughout the world is equally unable to claim Not In My Backyard with any moral or rational authority.

#9 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit

Taffy, please be careful when quoting. I'm only responsible for the first two sentences.

I believe that adherents to religious institutions are not monolithic in their beliefs and behavior.

I can attest that Irish Catholicism has been a poor supporter of women's rights. I would not consider that adequate justification to deport all devote Irish Catholics from the U.S. They are entitled to their beliefs. If they choose to bomb abortion clinics, they can be arrested for their behavior, not for their ethnicity, nor for their religious convictions.

#10 Parent taffy - 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit

Taffy, I abhor the Saudi treatment of women. But it is not characteristic of all Islamic nations.

The male has to be in charge is characteristic of all Islamic nations.

All Christian nations do not incarcerate blacks to the same degree that the U.S. does.

Maybe they have entitlement complexes and chips on their shoulders, I don't know.

If there were other Jewish majority nations, I don't expect they would enforce their own personal apartheid against fellow Semites.

Jews also look down on women and they are far from equal...same family tree I think.

Hindu - Muslim strife in India is not duplicated in other nations with Muslim and Hindu populations.

That's good to know.

London suffered IRA terrorism for years that was based on Catholic-Protestant fervor. Should all Christian immigrants have been deported?

Well in England we don't care much if there's more Catholics or protestants. Neither of those congregations at the ordinary man level want to deprive women and gays of freedom
#11 Parent taffy - 2017-06-05
Re: Re collateral profit

London suffered IRA terrorism for years that was based on Catholic-Protestant fervor. Should all Christian immigrants have been deported?

Good point. Taffy, your turn.

This wasn't really a problem stemming from the arrival of foreigners. Celts, Anglo-saxons, catholics and reformists have been arguing and fighting for centuries. Now The Islamic problem chiefly comes from North Africa and Pakistan. Time these characters were escorted home. Could we do it, yes we could! Should we do it? With some degree of alacrity!

#12 Parent BeenThere - 2017-06-05
Re: Re collateral profit

London suffered IRA terrorism for years that was based on Catholic-Protestant fervor. Should all Christian immigrants have been deported?

Good point. Taffy, your turn.
#13 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit

Well, Trumpsey, if want to see women continuing to live like dogs (means having to ask men
before they do anything of value.) I have decided I can't persuade you otherwise.

Taffy, I abhor the Saudi treatment of women. But it is not characteristic of all Islamic nations.

All Christian nations do not incarcerate blacks to the same degree that the U.S. does.

If there were other Jewish majority nations, I don't expect they would enforce their own personal apartheid against fellow Semites.

Hindu - Muslim strife in India is not duplicated in other nations with Muslim and Hindu populations.

London suffered IRA terrorism for years that was based on Catholic-Protestant fervor. Should all Christian immigrants have been deported?

#14 Parent taffy - 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit

Trump just gave the Saudi glowing orb a $300 Billion weapons contract.

Saudi gave Trump the contract? Yes, well, we should not have anything to do with Muslim countries, let alone building weapons for them.

Well, Trumpsey, if want to see women continuing to live like dogs (means having to ask men before they do anything of value.) I have decided I can't persuade you otherwise.

#15 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-05
collateral profit

Fed up with these statistics Trumpsey- they only prove you have enough killers of your own
and don't need Muslims to help you out.

We certainly do. And the 1% of Muslims in the U.S. likely commit 1% of the crimes.

15 of the 19 perpetrators of 911 were Saudi citizens committed to the overthrow of the Saudi Royal Family. Trump just gave the Saudi glowing orb a $300 Billion weapons contract.

Theresa went on a sales trip to Riyadh in April.

Everyone in the West is familiar with the term "collateral damage". In the Middle East it is called murder of innocents.

We should have a term "collateral profit". But the corporate media, Don and Theresa prefer the term terrorism.

#16 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-05
Re White people killed by Muslims!

Yes, instead of shooting a few people here and there it's better to destroy 100 level towers, kill thousands of people and cause 150 billion dollars in immediate economic losses and a couple of hundred billion later on.

Not a bad effort the 2001 WTC attack, the first "failure bombing" in February 1993 "only killed 6 people" and only caused 2 billion in damage. Silly old Ramzi Yousef, 500-700 kg of TNT in a van., not good enough, he must be a failure of a terrorist according to libtard logic.

Or you can just bomb a marathon in Boston, that's not much good though, only killed four or five people and blew a few others arms and legs off. I suppose Americans shooting each other is more "uncivilized" than bombing some runners I guess. BMB was a "failure" not enough deaths and injuries for libtards, but still caused Boston to lose a billion dollars or so through lost productivity, closing down the city for a few days, etc.

#17 Parent taffy - 2017-06-05
Re White people killed by Muslims!

In the U.S. on June 3, 2017, 40 people were murdered.
Unfortunately for corporate media profits, not one white person was killed by a Muslim.

They do like to save all their murderings up- they like to knock out a couple of major skyscrapers in one go-They like to put out of action major US cities all at once-saves pissing about with run-of-the-mill ordinary homicides.

Fed up with these statistics Trumpsey- they only prove you have enough killers of your own and don't need Muslims to help you out.

FTinPRC - 2017-06-05
White people killed by Muslims!

In the U.S. on June 3, 2017, 40 people were murdered.
Unfortunately for corporate media profits, not one white person was killed by a Muslim.

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