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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-09
Re: Re No entitlements here!

I am not sure about that. It seems he makes his Chinese wife go out and work.

More men should do this.

You are right though that most ex-pats in China with a Chinese wife let her walk all over them.

Recently I've convinced several China ex-pats to cut their losses and move to Pattaya.

A few others said they would relocate but up till now are still stuck in China with the Chinese wife burden. I can't fucking understand this, stay in a relationship with a woman who bleeds you dry financially and a relationship where you get NOTHING in return, apart from maybe a bit of fourth rate sex three or four times a year.


Another thing, there is tonnes of hate toward Chinese women on the internet on dozens and dozens, possibly hundreds of web sites.

A lot of Chinese women get angry because of this, they say "I hate men who say bad things about Chinese women", but these women NEVER do anything to modify their behavior.

It's just the same ol shit year in and year out with them.

#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-08
Re: Re No entitlements here!

In 2017 marriage is a totally outdated and useless "institution".

Men do not owe women anything. I repeat, marriage is a wealth hazard for men.

It is a health hazard also, as stress is bad for one's health.

Does marriage benefit children? Do children deserve the legal protections afforded by marriage?
Would you prefer that your parents weren't married?

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-08
Re: Re No entitlements here!

In 2017 marriage is a totally outdated and useless "institution".

Men do not owe women anything. I repeat, marriage is a wealth hazard for men.

It is a health hazard also, as stress is bad for one's health.

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-08
Re: Re No entitlements here!

You have been blessed; however, with the best will in the world, parents can be short-changed
and so can children. We must remember that our kids are separate people and through no
fault of the parents they can go astray and give grief. If you are a good parent, well,
of course the chances of rearing good offspring are good but sadly not guaranteed. I do
accept that it all worked out for you though.

Much of it worked out. I suspect that every life is a 'mixed bag'.
Individuals have the right to choose not to have children. I'm glad I chose to have mine; they certainly changed my life and myself.
Someone who does not have children CANNOT understand the value of the experience, though they may observe the investment cost.

#5 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-08
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Marriage is a wealth hazard for men.

Marriage is an institution created to protect and nurture children.

#6 Parent taffy - 2017-06-08
Re: Re No entitlements here!

A poster recently sent a list of links to Taffy about the benefits of drinking wine after a heart attack. I would point to that scientific evidence as the explanation for Taffy's post. But, in all fairness, let's wait for what he has to say.

Alex, you haven't got an all-fairness-bone in your body Hahaha! Any points of view you have ever have over the years on this forum have been designed to get brownie points from other posters and those views have randomly changed.

As San Migs you are henchman to the cleric. I should say following the threats I have had that the police here have been informed should anything happen to me.

Now your mandate at the moment seems to be to disagree with me no matter what stance I take. It would be school-boyish of me to bother about arguing the toss with a point of view that you don't actually have. I see you have found a friend in heretosay hahaha! A sincere chum for you.

Recently(up to yesterday) you have been e-mailing me- mostly trying to get me to run down other posters you have fallen out with-in order to cause trouble- you is really a snake in the grass.

I need to take a break from the forum to concentrate on getting fit and well. I'll look in again in a month's time say.

Drink?? I have never been so keen on it as to remove it from 7/11 while dossing in the park.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-08
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Marriage is a wealth hazard for men. A pre-nuptial agreement is one option I suppose but most women don't want to sign them.

I know a British guy who asked his Chinese fiancee to sing one. She exploded with anger. He did not marry her and later dumped her.

#8 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

A poster recently sent a list of links to Taffy about the benefits of drinking wine after a heart attack. I would point to that scientific evidence as the explanation for Taffy's post. But, in all fairness, let's wait for what he has to say.

#9 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!


#10 Parent taffy - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Everyone chooses their own path and no one is truly able to judge the path that others take.
I have experienced no greater, more joyful time than the birth, infancy, youth and adolescence of my children.
They certainly did not increase my financial assets. They have neither assured nor expedited my retirement.
Our only currency has been love.

You have been blessed; however, with the best will in the world, parents can be short-changed and so can children. We must remember that our kids are separate people and through no fault of the parents they can go astray and give grief. If you are a good parent, well, of course the chances of rearing good offspring are good but sadly not guaranteed. I do accept that it all worked out for you though.

#11 Parent taffy - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

You're so smart, [edited].

Maybe a reason you got a heart attack is not bad food, but just that you can't release your thinking processes when you sleep: Your smartness keeps you in a perpetual state of stress, fighting against most of the world including those Chinese, those Muslims, those Africans, those UK doctors...

I am intelligent, you have merely an animal-like-cunning which serves you just as well.

#12 Parent taffy - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Great post!

I so appreciate your level headed, clear thinking.

No no no, before you write keep-on-side letters, you must think about reasons, explanations as to why she was so level headed. As it stands your missive is meaningless, and could be as welcome as a morally reinforcing message from Genghis Khan to Mother Teresa.

Well, you have thrown your complete hand in now!

#13 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

You're so smart, [edited].

Maybe a reason you got a heart attack is not bad food, but just that you can't release your thinking processes when you sleep: Your smartness keeps you in a perpetual state of stress, fighting against most of the world including those Chinese, those Muslims, those Africans, those UK doctors...

#14 Parent taffy - 2017-06-07
Re No entitlements here!

Actually most Chinese people are dumbfounded the way we let immigrants walk all over us

in the west.

I'm dumbfounded that you've managed to interview "most Chinese" on this matte

You are not too bright are you? The context I said that was clear; I obviously referred to all the Chinese we come in contact with in UK and personally come into contact with in China-and have been able to broach the matter.

Well, 'ukiper.' yesterday you were not sure whether I was talking about my wife or not but today you seem to know me well. Like heretosay you say things, you make accusations, but never justify them with examples.

Listen ukip and heretosay, how much evidence do you need that you really should not be arguing with me- you are outclassed and not up to it.

#15 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Great post!

I so appreciate your level headed, clear thinking.

#16 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-07
Re No entitlements here!

Actually most Chinese people are dumbfounded the way we let immigrants walk all over us
in the west.

I'm dumbfounded that you've managed to interview "most Chinese" on this matter.

#17 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

never married, no kids

Everyone chooses their own path and no one is truly able to judge the path that others take.
I have experienced no greater, more joyful time than the birth, infancy, youth and adolescence of my children.
They certainly did not increase my financial assets. They have neither assured nor expedited my retirement.
Our only currency has been love.

#18 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Actually most Chinese people are dumbfounded the way we let immigrants walk all over us in the west.

Actually we know from your daily journal on this site that your Chinese wife walks all over you
#19 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

You should heed the advice contained in my "outbursts". You would be happier and have more money.

Some more good information from me right now:

A case study. Three different men:

1) 55 year old white man, retired, never married, no kids, owns own home outright, 2.7 million dollars in savings. He can live very well just off the interest, even at current low rates.

2) 50 year old white man, retired, never married, no kids, owns own home outright, 1.3 million dollars in savings. Not as good as 1 , but still very good.

3) 45 year old white man, married to a now nagging forty year old wife, two kids, still owes a couple of hundred thousand dollars on mortgage. Very little savings, will retire at 70 if he's lucky, maybe later.

Where do you fit in? I think I know.

The thing is that 1 and 2 are not really smarter than 3, just that 1 and 2 did not marry and invested their money wisely.

Become an MGTOW. You will have have much less stress, and much more money and freedom.

Those who go MGTOW is early twenties can be secure by late thirties even and live the dream in SE-Asia.


#20 Parent taffy - 2017-06-07
Re No entitlements here!

I doubt Esther is going to bomb a school any time soon or a market either in a few years time, your post is a bit stupid.

He didn't think she would, it was a direct attack on me.

You are right in critisising Asian wives but mine pulls her weight and is part of the team. She also politically agrees with me. Actually most Chinese people are dumbfounded the way we let immigrants walk all over us in the west.

#21 Parent Caring - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Free flow of info is great but your free outbursts are quite detrimental for the information.

There should not be suppression on any views and opinions on the internet
#22 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-07
Re No entitlements here!

U don't always get what u want!

Hateful posts are composed by hateful people!

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-06
Re No entitlements here!

I doubt Esther is going to bomb a school any time soon or a market either in a few years time, your post is a bit stupid.

BTW, I am anti-Chinese ( as far as mainland Chinese are concerned )

As far as Asian immigrants go I think Western governments should severely restrict immigrants from China in particular as these people hold a mindset and values that are incompatible with Western values. I don't think they are much of a terrorism risk, however their way of thinking is still detrimental to Western society.

Chinese women are lazy and entitled and don't want to work. Maybe Taffy's wife is a very rare exception.

He is right, Western men should be able to bring a partner back to their country of origin, but my question is, why would anyone want to do this?

There are many stupid white men living in China and also in the West who worship Chinese women and stupidly pander to their every whim. They then complain and wonder why they lost all their money a few years later. I've seen it all before.

Really don't understand this worship of Chinese pussy. Chinese women are nothing special.

Thai women fuck much better, look much better, cook much better.

#24 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Freedom of speech Fifi, freedom of speech! There should not be suppression on any views and opinions on the internet, apart maybe from incitement of violence
and encouraging others to kill, which I think is not freedom of speech and should be illegal.

#25 Parent Caring - 2017-06-06
Re No entitlements here!

Like I said, pirates. But I guess hijacking here and there's legal. LP's jackasses' salaries are probably as hard to speculate as the ones of the board pirates' here are. Yes, you're so entitled and so credible.

And how do you rate the Labour Party as The Observer mentioned it?
#26 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

You wish!!
But truth is this damn site or my browser or the combination of them have some US autocorrect/spelling software

Bloody Hell, you want a lot of options to choose from wot went and did it- wot went and compromised your excellent English! So, we can assume that you didn't notice that that word was American or English spelling!! You didn't have a clue,..which means you could be a sort of Brit but not a very well read one. Perhaps you is rich multi cultural Muslim one trying to tie me in knots? Now, dui de hai shi dui de?

For your information and for others who think they can smell blood, I may be feeble at the moment and a tad fragile but there's nowt wrong with my head!

#27 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

You wish!!
But truth is this damn site or my browser or the combination of them have some US autocorrect/spelling software

#28 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

We don't need to "import" more people, whatever part of the world they come from. This country is already full. There are 1.2 billion Chinese; why dump them on us? We have to mobilize and just say NO!!!

Mobilise or mobilize- just where are you from? Can't be from the UK, so why are you making the UK your personal-pronoun-business?

I have always been of the opinion that an Anglo-Saxon or a Celt Brit has the right to bring his wife home. His wife and offspring will easily be assimilated. The problem is we have foreigners bringing other foreigners home..and all the relatives.

Anyway you are not British so sod off!! Not your call! Just saying like!

#29 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

I totally agree.

Delighted to see your interest in healthy food. To a large extent, we are what we eat.

Haha, you are right. I used to reserve such an expression for 'free-range eggs' but now it applies to all I eat.

As for eggs, a happy chicken makes a good egg.

#30 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

We don't need to "import" more people, whatever part of the world they come from. This country is already full. There are 1.2 billion Chinese; why dump them on us? We have to mobilize and just say NO!!!

#31 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

I totally agree.

Delighted to see your interest in healthy food. To a large extent, we are what we eat.

#32 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

I thought this board was supposed to be a civilized place.

Your post should not appear here.

He made a point of gunning for me. Totally illogical, Chinese offspring have never had the inclination to blow us up. He has no style or imagination- merely a deeply rooted cruelty.

#33 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-06
Re: Re No entitlements here!

I thought this board was supposed to be a civilized place.

Your post should not appear here.

#34 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re: No entitlements here!

These immigrants are taking all our jobs.

That's true if you are totally fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese. Her job is all about selling British manufactured high quality goods to the Chinese. Although her job is more customer relations.

Normally I would agree with you.

#35 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re No entitlements here!

I assume Esther is your Chinese child.

You know she is, now don't you!!

#36 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-06
Re No entitlements here!

Esther has started school so that will help me out. She has however been shouting the school
down in Chinese "Don't go off and leave me here- don't lock me in here!!"

I assume Esther is your Chinese child. Give her 5 more years, and if I extrapolate from what you wrote, I assume that she might be tempted to blow the school up. 10 more years, a market. We don't want people like her.

#37 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-06
Re: No entitlements here!

we is only been back a week and my wife has landed a job 3 miles down the road already.

These immigrants are taking all our jobs.
#38 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
No entitlements here!

The Observer of pirates of eslteachersboard 100 %, Jack Sparrow of Pirates of Caribbean 0.001%. The first one's approval rating's rising rapidly while the second one with Johnny the homo way down to the bottom; or, is it to the buttock :\

And how do you rate the Labour Party as The Observer mentioned it?

Glad to say we have no characteristic Chinese female entitlement hang-ups here; we is only been back a week and my wife has landed a job 3 miles down the road already. Only £10 an hour for a 40 hour week but it's something to build upon. We will get her a pushbike.

Esther has started school so that will help me out. She has however been shouting the school down in Chinese "Don't go off and leave me here- don't lock me in here!!"

#39 Parent caring - 2017-06-06
Re UK June 8

The Observer of pirates of eslteachersboard 100 %, Jack Sparrow of Pirates of Caribbean 0.001%. The first one's approval rating's rising rapidly while the second one with Johnny the homo way down to the bottom; or, is it to the buttock :\

Observer - 2017-06-05
UK June 8

Labor has a chance
In any case, May's legitimacy to negotiate Brexit with the EU looks like it's plummeting
Plummeting like Trump's approval polls: 36%
Interesting: UKIP extremely low

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