Return to Index › Re: Re No entitlements here!
#1 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-10
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Your publisher must have fired you, otherwise you wouldn't have time to come here and type these gems of senility.

#2 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-10
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Turnoi, you have not changed in the last 3-5 months: As stupid as ever.

#3 Parent Punisher - 2017-06-10
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Some people have a way of life that will end up in a situation like that one.

We wish him to fully recover from his heart attack.
#4 Parent Punisher - 2017-06-10
Re: Re No entitlements here!

The "bad guy" is healthy and strong. I hope you can be saved from a heart attack..haha

#5 Parent Punisher - 2017-06-10
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Who is "we", Fifi? You can only speak for yourself.

We wish him to fully recover from his heart attack.
#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-10
Re: Re No entitlements here!

You scared Taffy away, UKIPer.
We miss Taffy.
We wish him to fully recover from his heart attack.
UKIPer, leave Taffy alone please.

#7 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-09
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Help moderators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turnoi is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#8 Parent Punisher - 2017-06-09
Re: Re No entitlements here!

Don't know what and who the "Turnoi camp" is.
You just seem to be a bit paranoid.

#9 Parent Punisher - 2017-06-09
Re: Re No entitlements here!

"Taffy" always has delusions. Including those that he is qualified to teach.He should eat UKIP bananas instead and be banned to Loch Ness...haha

#10 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-08
Re: Re No entitlements here!

You have delusions, "Taffy"

By the way, what happened to my posts? Are you one of the moderators?

#11 Parent taffy - 2017-06-07
Re: Re No entitlements here!

hush hush hush [edited]

So, this comes from the Turnoi camp, the same camp that plotted London Girl's downfall and forged a web-page, a profile on Lindeken(whats the name) was it? And also reported her to the Spanish tax authorities- and contacted her employer. You haven't fooled me recently I just like to give people chances. You are actually the scum of the earth are you not?

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