Return to Index › As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-24
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

This board may have gone downhill to quite an extent; but Silverboy still always delivers, lol.

There are indeed many different kinds of faggot in this world; many of them post on this board and are apparently mostly heterosexual.

However, I'd argue that being a homosexual faggot is far more desirable and worthy of respect than being a constantly controlled by a shitty Chinese farmer wife faggot.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-22
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

Thomas Friedman is decent author and standard lefty Trump bashing aside; he makes some good points.

However, only a fool would ever declare America to be dead and buried.

Yes, there's no point bothering in ESL in China, but there are some great opportunities in tech and other areas there. But declaring the demise of America, if not the whole of the West? That's just very wishful thinking. It helps him sell those books though...

The West may appear to have got bored of winning for now, but competition from the likes of China will hopefully prove to be the kick up the arse that it really needs. The election of Trump, far from being a signal of decline, could herald the beginning of the West's comeback. But he's far from perfect and has a lot of work to do yet.

#3 Parent caring - 2017-06-12
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

Now, I guess it's better to be "a wimp" than mentally handicapped idiot.

You are such a wimp and there are many in China like you. I know many former China ex-pats in Pattaya and we just sit around drinking beer and laugh at how stupid those remaining in China are.
So, are you saying that drinking with your buddies supports your argument.
You complain about China but you don't divorce your wife and leave China. Nobody has respect for you if you behave like this.
Do our international wives represent their nations and/or leaderships of their countries? If yours has done that, she must have spoken on behalf of all the Chinese that you seem to bash so much on the forums which you abuse too. My wife acts for her family (mother, her kids and me). Anyhow, a constructive criticism and complaining aren't the same, since one serves to promote development while the other posters' mental disorders which you've sadly demonstrated plenty of times on the board. But I bet "NOBODY" in your Thai pub will agree with me. >:(
BTW, my faggot comment was not not about gays, it can have different meanings.
OMG, your bigot "faggot comment" serves nothing but yourself and your hand that either stokes off your crotch or keyboard key :\

Not only that some countries and their employers treat FTs like "shit" but also the forums on the internet that allow such an abuse so that the facts wouldn't become liabilities for the websites.

#4 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

I am talking about his wife and daughter, you dimlit

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

Taffy is not Chinese either.

#6 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

Maybe I replied to the wrong post. I was talking about Taffy.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

I am not Chinese, what drugs do you like to smoke? I am Aussie and I like drinking beer and wine and mongering ( whoring ) in Asia. I like luxury watches and sandals. I warn everyone not to purchase an Omega Seamaster as they are a wankers watch. I don't want to be associated with pretentious young fuckwits at their first accountant job, it would ruin my image and reputation.

#8 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

And we don't want you Chinese in the UK even if you are the wife or daughter of a Brit. Capiche?

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-11
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

If you are Chinese as your name implies than you are the biggest loser of all. You are from an inferior race. You are lazy, corrupt, and have no morals or values.

I can afford to sit around drinking beer and giving good advice to others because I have money and free time.

You Chinese should stay in China, you are not welcome in any other Asian country or Western country.

#10 Parent Rong Wei - 2017-06-11
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

I know many former China ex-pats in Pattaya and we just sit around drinking beer
and laugh at how stupid those remaining in China are.

I laugh at people who spend all day just sitting around and drinking beer.

Losers, capital L!

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-10
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

You are such a wimp and there are many in China like you. I know many former China ex-pats in Pattaya and we just sit around drinking beer
and laugh at how stupid those remaining in China are.

You complain about China but you don't divorce your wife and leave China. Nobody has respect for you if you behave like this.

BTW, my faggot comment was not not about gays, it can have different meanings.

#12 Parent caring - 2017-06-10
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

Mr SilverBOY and mods must be as close, since his "shit" gets through so often. So, what's the "shit"? The fact that FTs and foreign business people have been misled since 1980s; or, the monitoring classroom cameras that've been copied from western technologies a while back; or, the health check records of foreign experts who keep on having them renewed so thoroughly. Anyhow, leave my wife out of it, SilverBOY! Reply to the content of the posts rather than to your psycological disorders.

Mr Caring, talking shit again. Just enjoy getting ripped off by your Chinese wife you fucking faggot.
#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-09
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

Mr Caring, talking shit again. Just enjoy getting ripped off by your Chinese wife you fucking faggot.

#14 Parent caring - 2017-06-09
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

The doors opened for reasons that we could not see. FTs and business people came for a trick and treat. Today is too late to lament for the monitoring cameras in our classroom that've been copied from abroad technologies are branded as local innovations. Whether our mandatory annual health check records can be used to duplicate us, or perhaps create FT robots, in the classrooms remains to be seen.

Curious - 2017-06-07
As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan

"[China] has been fast and smart at adopting new technologies, particularly the mobile internet. For instance, China has moved so fast into a cashless society, where everyone pays for everything with a mobile phone, that Chinese newspapers report beggars in major cities have started to place a printout of a QR code in their begging bowls so any passer-by can scan it and use mobile payment apps like Alibaba’s Alipay or Tencent’s WeChat Wallet to contribute to the beggar’s mobile payment account.

Moreover, while Trump is pulling out of the Paris climate deal, China is steadily pulling out of coal. Xin Guo, C.E.O. of Career International, told me two of his hottest job openings in China are in “software and new energy” — everyone is looking for engineers for electric cars, solar and wind.

China grew in strength, became America’s equal in many fields and continued to protect its own companies from foreign competition, either by limiting access or demanding that foreign companies take on a Chinese partner and transfer their intellectual property to China as the price of access, or by funneling Chinese firms low-interest loans to grow and buy foreign competitors.

Once those companies got big enough, they were unleashed on the world. China plans to use this strategy to implement its new plan — “Made in China 2025” — to make itself the world leader in electric vehicles, new materials, artificial intelligence, semiconductors, bio-pharmacy, 5G mobile communications and other industries."

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