Return to Index › more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".
#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-16
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

A good post. I think the way to go is to just bang bar girls in Thailand or the Philippines or have short-term GF's in those countries.

Marriage is just a whole lot of stress and worry for men and has no financial, emotional or health benefit for men.

I am not suggesting men become celibate or abstain from sex, but marriage means no sex anyway.

There are better ways to go in 2017, marriage long ago past it's use by date as have most "serious" relationships.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-16
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

MGTOW is a strange thing. Yet, there a hell of a lot of truth to it.

It is probably the right way for many an individual man to go, but it would not be good for Western civilisations if every single man 'went their own way.' We still need to make babies and create families. Despite whatever hardcore feminists may claim, they still need sperm donors too.

But can MGTOW actually put such women in their place? Yes, for sure... Don't become a slave to women, actually be a man about it.

Too many younger guys think that being a vegan, hipster, goody two shoes will make all the ladies want to sleep with you. From experience I can say the opposite is true, many a woman wants to tame a rough, naughty boy but why would they even bother when he's effectively been psychologically castrated? Some boys are so worried about being labelled a rapist or a misogynist that they actually seem to be doing all that they possibly can to avoid getting laid. They're not even making the first moves anymore, or any moves at all.

Then again, you see some women in the Western world, especially the sort that come to China to teach. Some are so obnoxious or/and ugly that you sometimes wonder if you'd actually indeed be better off turning gay.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost

Most Western people don't care about what happens in Syria or Afghanistan, or in places like China. Is has zero effect on their lives. Obviously the Western media will focus on events that directly event Western people.

We will hear the usual rubbish about the "racist" Western media whilst the racist and ignorant Middle East and Chinese media is let off the hook once again.

I only care about violence and security in Western societies, or maybe in Pattaya, my new full time home city in a few weeks time.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost

If refugees know for sure they won't be allowed to reside in the West they won't bother getting on boats in the first place.

The Howard government in Australia knew how to deal with illegal immigrants and boat people. We need some leaders with balls in the UK.

There are two things that are destroying the West right know:

1) Muslim immigration.

2) Marriage and feminism.

We know what the first one is doing, the second is just as inherently evil IMO.

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

He is a libtard and a virulent appeaser. I hate anybody who grovels at the feet of minority groups.

I also especially detest anyone who toots the horn for China and its evil and disgusting government.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost

You are right, Jesus did not exist. People continue to believe this shit, it's like Santa and fairies in the garden.

There is no "Allah", there is no Christian "God" of any of that rubbish.

Religion is just crappy non-scientific hogwash that flies in the face of common sense. It's a load of garbage.

#7 Parent taffy - 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost

Jesus was born as a refugee in a manger. Fortunately for him the manger wasn't in England or the U.S., lands of good Christians all.

Precious little evidence Jesus ever existed, not real hard evidence present for events 4000 years ago but strangely lacking for events 2000 years ago. Even less for Islam which came even later than Christianity.

#8 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost

"Refugees drown because of our shove-open-the-door policy. It should be made clear that
there will be no right to stay in the west."

People do not flee a burning building because they know that they will be given rent free apartments or universal healthcare or citizenship.

They flee to save their lives and their children's lives.

Jesus was born as a refugee in a manger. Fortunately for him the manger wasn't in England or the U.S., lands of good Christians all.

#9 Parent BeenThere - 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost

"Refugees drown because of our shove-open-the-door policy. It should be made clear that there will be no right to stay in the west."

Technically, that's a valid point: If they knew they could not stay, they would not risk their lives on overcrowded boats.


#10 Parent taffy - 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost

Who are these people? I read that in 2011 Muslims in England comprised 2,660,116, 5.02% of the population. You want them all deported? In the U.S. we have 3.3 million. Most Trump supporters would be happy to deport them if they could.

Yesterday, when this horrendous event occurred, the death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria as well as refugee drownings in the Mediterranean was substantially greater, and received little or no media attention.

Yes, repatriated, Trumpsey. Cunard and P&O ocean liners can be used in the same way as in The Falklands crisis. All people repatriated must be treated well - so I expect it will take some good few years to complete. We will need to tighten our belts-I myself am willing to forgo half of my income for the eventual good of the country.

Refugees drown because of our shove-open-the-door policy. It should be made clear that there will be no right to stay in the west.

#11 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-04
the maladies of Empire lost

How long will it take before the likes of heretosay suggest our own criminals and murderers
are just as bad. Born in the UK or not these people need to be thrown out and thrown out

Not long.

Who are these people? I read that in 2011 Muslims in England comprised 2,660,116, 5.02% of the population. You want them all deported? In the U.S. we have 3.3 million. Most Trump supporters would be happy to deport them if they could.

Yesterday, when this horrendous event occurred, the death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria as well as refugee drownings in the Mediterranean was substantially greater, and received little or no media attention.

Behavior should be punished, not ethnicity or creed. If illegal immigration results in deportation, it must occur for ALL, not just Muslims. The reality is that business interests in both the U.S. and England support and subsidize illegal immigration.

I'm told Allah loves all people. I'm told Jesus does too.

The U.S. Christian president was just ecumenical enough to sell 300 Billion dollars of weapons to the Saudis after rubbing their glowing Orb and 24 hours later whisper to the wailing wall: "Who's your Daddy?".

Empires that suck the blood of the 3rd world should not complain when they contract vindictive venereal disease.

#12 Parent taffy - 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

Silverboy - 2017-06-03
In response to Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". (taffy)

Now there are two more terrorist incidents in the UK, in London. Let's wait a few days, I'll bet a Muslim immigrant or the son of a Muslim immigrant is involved. As usual there will be nonsense like "Islam is a religion of peace", and politicians will call for "tolerance". We don't need tolerance, I'd be water boarding these terrorist suspects and giving them electric shocks. On another note, I wonder how the suicide bombers feel after they blow themselves up and discover there are no virgins? Must be a big disappointment for them.

How long will it take before the likes of heretosay suggest our own criminals and murderers are just as bad. Born in the UK or not these people need to be thrown out and thrown out now.

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

Now there are two more terrorist incidents in the UK, in London. Let's wait a few days, I'll bet a Muslim immigrant or the son of a Muslim immigrant is involved. As usual there will be nonsense like "Islam is a religion of peace", and politicians will call for "tolerance". We don't need tolerance, I'd be water boarding these terrorist suspects and giving them electric shocks. On another note, I wonder how the suicide bombers feel after they blow themselves up and discover there are no virgins? Must be a big disappointment for them.

#14 Parent taffy - 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

Yes, of course I am and of course you would say that.

“It's really hard to deal with a narrow-minded people that have a limited sphere of thinking, what ever you tell him/her will be twisted into falsehood, the truth will be lost and will ruin everything.”
― Bradley B. Dalina

I've always seen you as having a foggy mind, a consciousness dampened by your delirious belief that whatever finds its way out of your mouth must be true.

Dr. T was right in his recognition of you as being less than you think you are.

By over focusing on the Muslim issue of rape and sexual abuse you ignore the statistics that clearly show who the most common perpetrators really are. Yeah, that's right, family members and friends of family.

So, please show us your righteous indignation about Caucasian perpetrators. Oh yes, the statistics regarding rape and abuse in Wales is quite alarming. And, no, it's not Muslims. Maybe you could focus on that for half a minute. Hell, maybe you could even address the issue when you return home and actually make a difference.

(Hmm. Wait a minute - that's pretty doubtful. After all, you are way to hung up on your own importance to make an attempt at positive change. This is evidenced by your daily diary of drivel.)

Putting yourself in the same intelligence category and morality as Turnoi is about right- did you advise him when he chased down LG?

Don't know why you can't get this, if you have enough criminals of your own why import more? Anyway it may be an undesirable type of Welsh boyo criminal but not one that dons explosives under his dragon shirt and blows up young people at a concert to get his hands on virgins in the afterlife.

#15 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

You have always been full of it and totally illogical.

Yes, of course I am and of course you would say that.

“It's really hard to deal with a narrow-minded people that have a limited sphere of thinking, what ever you tell him/her will be twisted into falsehood, the truth will be lost and will ruin everything.”
― Bradley B. Dalina

I've always seen you as having a foggy mind, a consciousness dampened by your delirious belief that whatever finds its way out of your mouth must be true.

Dr. T was right in his recognition of you as being less than you think you are.

By over focusing on the Muslim issue of rape and sexual abuse you ignore the statistics that clearly show who the most common perpetrators really are. Yeah, that's right, family members and friends of family.

So, please show us your righteous indignation about Caucasian perpetrators. Oh yes, the statistics regarding rape and abuse in Wales is quite alarming. And, no, it's not Muslims. Maybe you could focus on that for half a minute. Hell, maybe you could even address the issue when you return home and actually make a difference.

(Hmm. Wait a minute - that's pretty doubtful. After all, you are way to hung up on your own importance to make an attempt at positive change. This is evidenced by your daily diary of drivel.)

#16 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

It makes me laugh to see women who make up allegations they they were raped 30 or 40 years after it supposedly happened.

Look at poor old Rolf Harris, he has been hounded for years the poor old bastard. 87 and he is still being pursued by mentally unstable women.

A man in the West can be hauled before a court just on the whim of some nasty vindictive woman who wants money.

#17 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

The opinions of virulent libtards and appeasers like yourself do not really concern me. I rely on anecdotal evidence.

My post was about the entitlement mentality of Western women and their latest idiotic request for "period leave"

As usual, you turn it into a sympathy session for white gals.

#18 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

It does make one shudder but there are certain women who want EVEN MORE Muslim immigration to the UK and Australia.

Yes, openly invite people into your country who want to rape and kill you.

#19 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

At the age of 14 Amanda* endured six months of sexual assaults by a family friend. Five years later she decided to report the crime. After years of court appearances, cross-examinations and extreme pain, does she feel she got justice?"

Now, please defend your position, which is apparently that women are more likely to be raped by muslims. As usual, like your hero Trump, you have no problem with tossing out unsubstantiated claims that only represent your ignorance and intolerance.

You and your buddy, Taffy, disgust me.

God that can happen but in England we are talking about hundreds of Muslims gang-banging local underage girls.

Of course we will have our own degenerates but they are enough to deal with so why import extra-dirty-hands to make the situation even worse. Bit like saying Dad beats up Mum so lets give a home to ex-convicts so they can all beat her up in turn- in fact let's scour the world and import some more women beaters and put them all in tents on the lawn so they can all beat up.

You have always been full of it and totally illogical.

#20 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

When the West is finally overrun and taken over by Muslims the white women will be squealing
for the white men whom they despise to save them from being raped and murdered.

"Sexual assault: How common is it in Australia?"
By Stephanie Anderson

Australia has one of the highest rates of reported sexual assault in the world, but support workers say the number of offenders facing court and receiving prison sentences is too low.

So, apparently, Muslims have take over your country.

The article also notes the alarming amount of estimated unreported sexual assaults as compared to other countries.

And then there's this:

"At the age of 14 Amanda* endured six months of sexual assaults by a family friend. Five years later she decided to report the crime. After years of court appearances, cross-examinations and extreme pain, does she feel she got justice?"

Now, please defend your position, which is apparently that women are more likely to be raped by muslims. As usual, like your hero Trump, you have no problem with tossing out unsubstantiated claims that only represent your ignorance and intolerance.

You and your buddy, Taffy, disgust me.

#21 Parent taffy - 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

When the West is finally overrun and taken over by Muslims the white women will be squealing for the white men whom they despise to save them from being raped and murdered.

You're dead right, SB. I feel sorry for all those women from English Coastal Villages who were taken back to Africa by the Barbary Coast white slave traders. The figures are, half of them died on the voyage over there and then half of the remainder died of shock at the hands of the Muslims. We should never forget our sisters and what they went through. It makes one shudder, doesn't it?

Silverboy - 2017-06-02
more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

The latest idiocy is some Australian women calling for 13 days a year "period leave". More evidence of the entitlement mentality. Who do these women think is going to pay for all this?

What makes you entitled to special treatment? If I have a sore pecker do I get "pecker leave" ? Early this year some feminists in Melbourne wanted the walk signal at intersections replaced by an image of a woman.

Woman in the corporate sector already have way more flexibility in regard to how they dress compared to men. It's always "I want this", "I want that".

When the West is finally overrun and taken over by Muslims the white women will be squealing for the white men whom they despise to save them from being raped and murdered.

Young white guys, save up and get the fuck out of overpriced, overrated and feminist controlled Western shit holes like Sydney, Brisbane, London, New York and Los Angeles.

MGTOW way to go. You can decide your own future. Stop the worship of white pussy, don't marry, you will be happier, wealthier, and have your freedom to travel and live wherever you want.

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