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#1 Parent Mikek - 2017-06-20
Re a must have

Nahhh.. both were as real as a tranny's fanny

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-20
Re a must have

Is it the real thing though? I only go to professional jewelers in Australia to buy this sort of thing.

If I want a real Oris, Seiko, or Omega I need to go to reputable well established jeweler.

#3 Parent MikeK - 2017-06-19
Re a must have

Got one of these in Petaling Street Market in Kuala Lumpur and a Rolex and Breightling too.

However I also got the 'shits' going through Frau Windsor's Customs at Heathrow because it was an early arrival flight and the 'jobsworths' had nothing better to do - luckily I got through............

Silverboy - 2017-06-12
a must have

Every man of style and class, especially in upmarket places with quality ex-pats like Pattaya
must have one of these.

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