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#1 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW

ALL pills have side effects.

Beware of the spiral where doctors prescribe pills, then prescribe additional pills for the side effects of the first pills, then additional pills for the side effects of the second pills, etc. Some make a living doing those things.

It's good to read the list of side effects for the pills you are taking, becoming familiar with it so you can recognize them when they start.

Also, keep in mind that you are the master of your destiny, the captain of your ship: You can PROGRESSIVELY decrease the quantity of your pills if you FEEL (your body knows) that you are taking too much of it.

And you have the right to study and use, as I think you do, alternative medicines (keeping in mind that they might clash with the pills). I would trust alternative medicines more than western medicine which I don't trust at all (except for things like accidents or birth defects, I otherwise abhor doctors and pharmaceuticals).

Thanks for warning me, I'll be ready for that vicious circle. Although because no money changes hands in our system concerning medication they may be a bit more honest- but they could still be stupid.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW

ALL pills have side effects.

Beware of the spiral where doctors prescribe pills, then prescribe additional pills for the side effects of the first pills, then additional pills for the side effects of the second pills, etc. Some make a living doing those things.

It's good to read the list of side effects for the pills you are taking, becoming familiar with it so you can recognize them when they start.

Also, keep in mind that you are the master of your destiny, the captain of your ship: You can PROGRESSIVELY decrease the quantity of your pills if you FEEL (your body knows) that you are taking too much of it.

And you have the right to study and use, as I think you do, alternative medicines (keeping in mind that they might clash with the pills). I would trust alternative medicines more than western medicine which I don't trust at all (except for things like accidents or birth defects, I otherwise abhor doctors and pharmaceuticals).

#3 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW

Looks a good machine.

I will see my first western consultant on Friday and the appointment will kick off with an ECG, I am told. I'll see how that goes before investing in apparatus. I have no pains and can climb hills with ease, but feel ill often. That sounds like the drugs are poisoning me/side-effects.

#4 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW

The blood pressure of EVERYBODY in a doctor's office raises.

It is even the same for animals on the exam table of the vet: Their heart accelerates a lot.

You can buy a small heart beat and blood pressure monitor for not much money. It will show you how your blood pressure fluctuates all the time throughout the day (this is why one single reading at the doctor's office does not help much but it's better than nothing). For example, blood pressure increases after a meal. It's a good tool to use many times a day for a while, just long enough to learn how our body reacts to stress and eating and exercising and to music you like and TV programs you like and the occasional glass of wine. After the learning, it's good to use it when needed if your blood pressure has a tendency to go too high: You will learn what to do to keep it at a good level. Otherwise, if your blood pressure is kinda normal most of the time, don't obsess about it.

The little Omron on the Amazon.com.uk link below costs only 25 pounds. I know at least 2 people who are using it, and they like it; it's not extremely precise though. More expensive (but still very affordable) models will be more precise if you need precision. Your pharmacist should be able to explain if you need a precise one or just an ordinary one like the little Omron.

#5 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW

I read a study a few years ago that even when we sleep, noise raises our blood pressure. They connected to a heart/blood pressure machine people who live near an airport: Some of them did not mind at all/said they did not hear the noise of planes taking off and landing. And some did. The results on blood pressure and accelerated heart beats were the same for the 2 groups, whether they cared/said they heard the noise or not: Blood pressure went up during the noise and back down to normal after the noise.

So, raised blood pressure can be an involuntary response controlled by the involuntary nervous system? You can honestly think you feel relaxed when your nervous system is not? I thought I was relaxed when the doctor took my readings the other day, but she told me that it was slightly high.

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW

I read a study a few years ago that even when we sleep, noise raises our blood pressure. They connected to a heart/blood pressure machine people who live near an airport: Some of them did not mind at all/said they did not hear the noise of planes taking off and landing. And some did. The results on blood pressure and accelerated heart beats were the same for the 2 groups, whether they cared/said they heard the noise or not: Blood pressure went up during the noise and back down to normal after the noise.

#7 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW

Thankfully I have always slept well but I do know somebody else who needs that suggestion and I'll pass it on, Fifi.

Let's hope them German didn't experiment by dangling poor souls by the feet from autobahn bridges with earplugs in(mainly in the lug-holes) to see if they'd sleep, eh! They is very thorough.

#8 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW

I totally believe the article. I am sensitive to noise myself and I live in a city. But I found a partial solution: Wax ear plugs called Ohropax (made in Germany). They block all noise if they are applied properly (I learned to do it over time), to the point where I can hear my heart beat at times. They provide instant relief from noise, they allow the body to fully relax! If you are alone at home with Esther, then you can't use them as you won't hear signs of danger. But when your wife is home, you can use them when you sleep. They come wrapped in cotton. I put the link below. Amazon UK sells them in large packs without the cotton wrapping but I would not trust any version that does not look like the pic below.

#9 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-25
Re: Re more MGTOW


What about this, Fifi? We can't diet for this one- although I don't suppose they have found anything new; their research probably just confirms how stress can play a detrimental part. Back in the 18th century and before doctors were telling patients to get off somewhere peaceful for 6 months. Big cities like London were even noisier way back when.

Had to get up early this morning and make a big bacon sandwich for the wife to take to work. I was reminded of the contrast between her lean back bacon and the fatty streaky bacon in China- although I don't eat any bacon now.

Got to get that girl away from Mickey Mouse, so I'll sling some shredded wheat down her and walk to the slides and swings for a few hours. We two are off to The West Country for her summer holiday, I have some sound-proofing to do.

#10 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-24
Re: Re more MGTOW

I just did a search about the dangers of olive oil and found a rebuke to olive oil being the best source of fat out there. I did not know olive oil had critics. Thanks for the tip, Taffy.

#11 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-24
Re: Re more MGTOW

Good points, Fifi.

#12 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-24
Re: Re more MGTOW

I recommend prudence with vitamin pills: It's a big scam by the pharmaceuticals. Too much vitamin in the body makes the liver sick (the liver has to deal with all this extra stuff that nature never meant to include in our diet). I just typed "what damages are caused by excess vitamins" in google: There are hundreds of pages.

If you eat a balanced diet, you do NOT need vitamin pills.

Besides, vitamin pills are artificial, made from chemicals. Never good.

#13 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-24
Re: Re more MGTOW

Olive oil is widely recognized as one of the best foods in the whole world. But it's normal that someone will want internet exposure/fame by exposing it as bad food. I still believe in olive oil because the Mediterranean diet (which includes olive oil) is known as the best in the world. It has to be extra virgin (not the cheap kind).

Studies come and go, and they contradict each others all the time. For example coconut oil was supposed to take care of all sorts of illnesses but last week a study debunked all that.

But a study that I would like to bring to your attention is about fried potatoes (chips, hash browns, french fries) "Eating fried potatoes linked to higher risk of death, study says" (link below). This confirms previous studies that fried food is bad. And I chose to believe that fried potatoes are bad.

Most people agree that fresh fruit and veggies are the best foods. You will find your truth through all the data about food. Every person is different and reacts differently to each food. What is important is to have some basic info about each food in order to make the best possible choice and keep an open mind (I know you have an open mind). Then you live with your choice, and that has a positive value in itself whatever happens.

Maybe you need the whole Mediterranean diet and not just the extra-virgin-olive-oil? We do have to bear in mind that said oil is also made up of saturated fat. I understand it's the couple of extra ingredients extra virgin has that compensates for that shortcoming.

Interesting you mention fresh fruit and vegetables. I have been asking around why vitamin-c from fresh fruit is better than from a pill? Most people don't seem to know actually...they just know(dubious.) I think the truth is this, vitamin c is vitamin c but an orange or an apple comes with fibre. So if you take a vitamin c tablet and bolt down a Weetabix, then job done ,just as good.....or even better with the calcium that comes with the milk.

I agree with you that the Med diet is probably the best in the world but the jury is out on the oil.

#14 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-24
Re: Re more MGTOW

Olive oil is widely recognized as one of the best foods in the whole world. But it's normal that someone will want internet exposure/fame by exposing it as bad food. I still believe in olive oil because the Mediterranean diet (which includes olive oil) is known as the best in the world. It has to be extra virgin (not the cheap kind).

Studies come and go, and they contradict each others all the time. For example coconut oil was supposed to take care of all sorts of illnesses but last week a study debunked all that.

But a study that I would like to bring to your attention is about fried potatoes (chips, hash browns, french fries) "Eating fried potatoes linked to higher risk of death, study says" (link below). This confirms previous studies that fried food is bad. And I chose to believe that fried potatoes are bad.

Most people agree that fresh fruit and veggies are the best foods. You will find your truth through all the data about food. Every person is different and reacts differently to each food. What is important is to have some basic info about each food in order to make the best possible choice and keep an open mind (I know you have an open mind). Then you live with your choice, and that has a positive value in itself whatever happens.

#15 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-24
Re: Re more MGTOW

Your family loves you. You are a good man, Taffy.

The cheese has to be low-fat, and please don't eat cheese that contains trans fat: the latter is what blocks arteries. Trans fat is the enemy.

At the moment I have rationed myself to two slices of cheese on toast a week. Low-fat makes sense, but I have seen advice that you should eat very strong mature cheddar- is that low fat, it could be for all I know?

I notice 'Olive Oil' is on that link you sent (good link too) but even that stuff has it's critics and very learned ones too. The go as far as saying it can even block up your veins. I am coming close to believing that if you stay almost skinny, then everything aside from red meats- sausages, bacon and stuff (the obvious evils) are allowable. What do you think, Fifi.

Worth saying that some chips are not dangerous. So little oil on oven chips! Look at this-because they have so little saturated fat they are not very tasty but she likes them. I should say she woffes down brocolli (on your link) this is just a snack.

#16 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-23
Re: Re more MGTOW

Your family loves you. You are a good man, Taffy.

The cheese has to be low-fat, and please don't eat cheese that contains trans fat: the latter is what blocks arteries. Trans fat is the enemy.

#17 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-23
Re: Re more MGTOW

Taffy: In case you are interested: "Top 20 Artery-Cleansing Foods" (link below)

Grateful for that, Fifi. My ex-wife says she eats cheese every day and also maintains it's good for her heart. She's been an advisor over the last few weeks.

#18 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-21
Re: Re more MGTOW

Taffy: In case you are interested: "Top 20 Artery-Cleansing Foods" (link below)

#19 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-21
Re: Re more MGTOW

I am delighted!
Also please have a look on the internet at foods that help, over time, decrease plaque in blood vessels.
And teaching your daughter to eat the right foods will make a huge difference in her life later on.

#20 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-21
Re: Re more MGTOW

Take good care of yourself, Taffy.

Thanks Fifi.

I am putting effort in on this one. My goal is to be taken off all medication. My diet is so good, I won't need drugs for cholesterol for example. I think the limit for saturated fat is 20g perday. Mine is about 2g. No meat at all in any form! No butter- lots of fish. You are quite right, the diet is everything. My birthday is in a few months, I'll maybe have a bottle for that one.

#21 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-17
Re: Re more MGTOW

Ok Taffs, take it easy. I have a serious throat infection at the moment so I must also take it easy.

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-17
Re: Re more MGTOW

I was the one who suggested the Keith Richards similarity. I think it's an aft description.

BTW Taffs, as I am housebound right now thank to a rotten throat bug I have been watching a lot of TV.

Sorry to hear about the terrible fire in London, this is really horrific.

Can't blame the locals for being extremely angry, this mess needs to be sorted out quickly and the negligent parties brought to justice.

Just from what I've been reading and news reports it seems this disaster stemmed from a string of negligence and indifference to the welfare of the people in the housing block.

#23 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-15
Re: Re more MGTOW

Take good care of yourself, Taffy.

#24 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-15
Re: Re more MGTOW

In fact Taffy, from a recent photo, is a rather handsome man; very tall. Another poster wrote that he has some type of Keith Richards rugged attractiveness (I forgot the exact words) and I agree with that.

Thanks, Fifi- looking forward to speaking again but need some time. Esther stopped crying on way to school now, all looking good.

I am baffled as I seem to have upset 'expat' Maybe he's been got at again. Quite shocked when he likened me to that green monster-all the reason to not look in again for a while.

Speak in a couple of weeks, Fifi.

#25 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-15
Re: Re more MGTOW

I have been reading your posts for years but it just came to my mind that, SB dear, you are a troll: You write what will generate reaction on this board (and on other boards too). You are not here to share your experiences as an ex FT. You are just a troll.

Fuck off!

All the style of which you have become known for! One thing SB isn't which you are 'a predatory stalker' who stalks people on the Internet forums and then releases there names when you are being beaten in an argument. You have been part of that behaviour before over London Girl and you did it to me the other day. SB is a good man, you are about as low as a human can get.

Anyway, I am not back yet, still need some time to recuperate.

#26 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-15
Re: Re more MGTOW

Racist? Yes, call me a racist, but ignore the racism of the Chinese you adore so much. Sexist? Being an MGTOW is not sexist, it's about being independent and protecting oneself from the pitfalls of marriage and protection of financial assets.

Materialistic? Buying expensive luxury watches with my own money is "materialistic" ?? Maybe I should be a fool and spend my money on materialistic bitches like you probably do.

Take a good look at modern Chinese women, you will see the definition of materialistic.

#27 Parent Neville Bartos, intelligence report. - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

You are right that nobody in Thailand cares about sexpats banging women over 18. The post from ex-pat hubby is ludicrous. Thailand is a buddhist country with open attitudes about sex and the sex industry generates huge income for Thais. It seems that ex-pat hub does not know that there are thousands of videos on You Tube in Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok etc of bar girls taken by Thai ex-pats and tourists. Many actually taken inside bars and go-go's and the posters are happy to identify themselves, even if they take upskirt photos of the girls. Some of the girls dance on elevated platforms naked anyway or with no underwear. "Pattayanz, "Aussie Yobbo in Thailand", "Kev in Thailand" "Bangkok 112" "King Epic" "Pattaya" " Geoff Carter" "Tim "Sharky" Ward" they all make videos of bar girl and sex districts in Thailand. They have been in Thailand for years. And someone thinks the Thais will care if this Silverboy takes a picture with a bar girl or of different bar girls? Thousands of Western men take pictures of bar girls every day in Bangkok and Pattaya and upload them to various social media. These guys openly brag about their sexual prowess. The bars and clubs themselves use the images of the bar girls they employ frequently in their advertising and promotional material. Claims of Issan girls having their privacy violated in Bangkok and Pattaya are nonsense. If you want to be anonymous don't live and work in Pattaya. If you work in a popular bar or club you will quickly become well known and your images will be all over the net. Silverboy is in fact a minnow in all this. Ex-patt hubby is naive in the extreme. If SB was still in China that is where he would be most at risk as the Chinese have been humiliated by him many times. I am sure he is now on the radar screen both with the Chinese education department and known and hated by many ex-pats in China.

#28 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

In fact Taffy, from a recent photo, is a rather handsome man; very tall. Another poster wrote that he has some type of Keith Richards rugged attractiveness (I forgot the exact words) and I agree with that.

#29 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

Fifi, who's that?

Taffy, must be!

#30 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

No, there are people who want to share messages about how countries should be led. You can't understand that. You only care about yourself.

#31 Parent Rong Wei - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

Isn't that what everyone does on this site?

#32 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

I get the feel that you are a very lonely person. You could write anything (yes, you are a troll) in order to get any reply, even from someone you don't care about. So, I am going to let you rot in peace. Rot in pieces. Refill that glass. Mummify.

#33 Parent Rong Wei - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

How would you know?

Do you always make such rash decisions?

#34 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

Dunno but what I know is that I don't like you.

#35 Parent Rong Wei - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

So, Fifi, why do you seem to like this racist, sexist, materialistic pig so much?

#36 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

You seem to know your stuff.
Thanks for the tips.

#37 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

Some of them are a good investment Fifi. Yes, you can re-sell them sometimes for a profit if you know a good dealer. I only buy what I like.

There is a guy on You Tube called ArchieLuxury ( ArchieLuxuryChannel ) who likes watches and deals and sells also but he likes a few brands that I don't like, like Patek, whilst very expensive I think they are old fashioned.

I think he is a bit of a watch snob, for example you can get a good Seiko for 650 dollars but he thinks they are crap.

Still, I like his non-watch related videos in Bangkok, and also his "Why Brisbane Sucks" video, "Auckland Sucks", "Sydney Sucks" etc, funny stuff.

I think a husband would be impressed with a nice Oris, mid-range Grand Seiko ( about 2700-2800 dollars ) or a nice Omega.

Some Omega Sea Master is good, but they became known as a bit of a wank watch after appearing in a James Bond film. you know "007" and all that stuff.

#38 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

Some of you guys, especially the very left wing kind; really tend to over-estimate your importance and your capabilities.

First of all, if you mentioned it to the immigration authorities, most of the workers who are likely to underpaid and quite corrupt, wouldn't give a toss. There's so many expats up to no good on a far worse level; the authorities themselves are not likely to act unless it became a national scandal. There's those who go for the underage hookers or sell drugs, such people are far more likely to be of greater interest, for it is they that actually destroy the country and ruin so many lives.

Secondly, you'd probably have to target real working class Thai people to create a level of anger on the type of scale that would justify such action. I severely doubt that your knowledge of the Thai language or locally preferred social media outlets and other online communities is sufficient to guarantee that you could ever get a reaction at all. Not only would you struggle to reach the right people, but when you do; they probably wouldn't even understand you.

Finally, Thai people aren't quite as stupid as those in the West. As tolerant as they may be of gay and trans people; they're still fiercely nationalistic people and they do not have any kind of social justice culture like that which has been polluting the West over the past few years. A lot of them do get pissed off with bad behaviour from foreigners but they aren't out to try to catch every single naughty boy out there; some of them even profit quite nicely from their presence. Also, Thai men do like to drink, smoke, play around too, you're not likely to see them protesting against such behaviour. In fact, they may hold a more positive attitude to farang guys banging hookers rather than stealing what they consider to be 'their women.'

#39 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

I wonder how Thai Immigration would view a westerner's detailed description of Pattaya's sex industry posted on the net along with photos of said westerner socializing with Pattayan bar girls. Would this be deemed appropriate advertising aimed at western sexpats outwith Pattaya, which would be a great way to boost the local economy, or would it anger Thai Immigration if they knew about it? I would think the latter would be the case.

No doubt there are readers of this forum who are motivated to snitch to Thai Immigration about an indiscreet sexpat Westerner, with a view to getting him blacklisted by Thai Immigration so that he can never obtain a new Thai tourist visa.

I am not a snitch, but the amount of vitriol and foul language in many of Silverboy's posts, and the hurtful replies thereto shows us the amount of hatred between Silverboy and some of his detractors. Among the latter, there could well be an informant to Thai Immigration out to scupper said Western sexpat's Pattayan vacation plans.

If I were a Western sexpat, I'd be very careful to hide my identity, and maintain a very low profile on the net.

#40 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

Can you resell these watches you like to buy at a profit a few years later on? i.e are they a good investment? i.e. is it a good gift to give a husband?

#41 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

I've tried to think of a luxury watch that would suit you. Like I said, some Omega Seamaster watches are really nice, but a lot of young wankers wear them. eg, young teacher, accountant.

Being a distinguished older gentlemen I think an Omega Constellation Automatic is more your style.

Stainless steel and 18 ct gold, it is a beauty.

#42 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

You replied like Attorney General Sessions during his testimony at the US Senate today: You clammed up!

#43 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-14
Re: Re more MGTOW

I have no obligation to provide you with any links. It could compromise some of my sources and my intelligence network.

All I will say is that I post on sites about Pattaya, MGTOW movement, skyscrapers, luxury watches, expensive shoes, and sex in SE-Asia.

That is all you need to know.

#44 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-13
Re: Re more MGTOW

You haven't replied to my earlier email that asked you to provide links to the other sites you claimed to post on. I am now in doubt that any such sites exist!

Anyway, I will continue to amuse myself by reading your controversial postings on this site, and the negative responses most of them illicit.

Now that Herr Doktor, his devilish apprentice Migsy, and Taffy seem to have deserted the site, you are the major remaining shitstirrer thereon.

Here's hoping you will quickly find other ways to amuse yourself once you are on Thai soil.

#45 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-13
Re more MGTOW

Save all your money. One day you will have the honor of strolling along this fine street. The finest women on the planet!

#46 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-13
Re more MGTOW

Why do I need a watch? If I need to know what time it is, I can just ask Siri. No, I don't need a show of pretentiousness on my wrist. I do have a weakness for rubies, though.

So do you and your sex-pat buddies show off your new watches to each other while slurping beer and exchanging tales of young girl conquests?

#47 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-13
Re more MGTOW

So what is your watch of choice? A cheap Casio seems to be your style, LOL!

#48 Parent yuk - 2017-06-13
Re more MGTOW

Phew, I feel like I've dodged a bullet, the nightmare scenario of bumping into a woman you
know, it would be a disaster!

Yes, indeed, it would be a disaster. Imagine the water those poor women would have to use while taking multiple showers to rid themselves of the stench as a result of their contact with you.

As for Dr. R. P., she's retired now, living in a high dollar home in a very desirable location where she continues to study while also returning to her love of playing the piano and does not concern herself with such trivialities as watches or other such meaningless pursuits.

Yeah, that 100 dollars an hour she earned for 20 years along with her retirement money set her up pretty good. But no, she does not think she's something special. In fact, considering her accomplishments, she's one of the most humble people I've ever met.

So rap on rapper. You're completely out of tune, though.

Enjoy that whole being fat and bald thing. Oh yeah, I recently heard that self induced vomiting by young Thai girls in Pattaya after contact with your ilk is on the rise. It's apparently become quite the thing.

#49 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-12
Re more MGTOW

So happy to be fat, bald, misogynistic, hehe!

I 'm so glad I will never get to meet all the terrible women you know, especially that horrid Chinese one with a PhD. I'm sure she thinks she is something special, LOL!

Phew, I feel like I've dodged a bullet, the nightmare scenario of bumping into a woman you know, it would be a disaster!

#50 Parent Rong Wei - 2017-06-12
Re: Re more MGTOW



What could you possibly hope to hear beyond the three or four themes he repeats ad nauseam on this forum?

Heck, he assumes I'm Chinese and completely misses the joke of my name.

What a moron!

#51 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-12
Re: Re more MGTOW

Please provide links to the other sites you post on. And your handles thereon if different from your handle on this site.

I for one am very much interested in reading more of your postings net-wide.

#52 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-11
Re: Re more MGTOW

Correct, I am also on several other sites, hehe! I am so glad I am able to impart my style and knowledge and wisdom to others.

You seem to be stressed out: Go get a new pair of Birkenstocks ( Havana or Arizona ) is good choice, get a nice watch ( Omega Speedmaster Mk 2 is good ).
get a few nice denim shorts, 7 oversize white T-shirts ( not V neck ).

Buy a plane ticket to Bangkok, book some accommodation in Pattaya ( LK Renaissance is good choice )

You can be like me. I can imagine, soon I'll be in Soi Chaiyapoon or Soi Dianna, I can imagine, 10 am in the morning, full English breakfast,
Chang or Singha beer in hand, then another, and another.

After about 1 pm, pretty ladies, "hey handsum/handsurm man, where you go?" "I stay with you". "What you do now".

It's so cool, haha!

#53 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-11
Re: Re more MGTOW

I have been reading your posts for years but it just came to my mind that, SB dear, you are a troll: You write what will generate reaction on this board (and on other boards too). You are not here to share your experiences as an ex FT. You are just a troll.

Fuck off!

#54 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-11
Re more MGTOW

The FBI is a politically correct tool of left-wing US governments. Women who claim to have been raped and whom provided no evidence to back up such claims have no credibility. Saying "I was raped" is not proof of a crime. Rolf Harris, Cosby, obviously they are not guilty. It is a disgrace and a travesty of justice that these "cases" even get to a court. Poor old Rolf, poor old bastard, 87 years old and still being hounded for "crimes" that never took place. All because women want money for nothing. It's sick.

#55 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-11
Re more MGTOW

The kind of women you like, arrogant and elitist scum from China, would not interest me anyway. That awful Chinese dating show "If You Are The One" says it all about Chinese women. The women on that program are just trash, but I'm sure your type would like them. Most women are pathological liars. An allegation or claim of rape is not evidence. Like another poster said about you, you have zero commonsense. What about women who said they were assaulted by Trump? Especially the woman who said she was sexually assaulted on a plane? What a laugh! What date was it? Which airline was it? Flight number, arrival and departure points? What was the weather like? Seat number? There are thousands of women who make up ridiculous stories like this. If you ask them the details, "I don't know" , "I can't remember". I know a Canadian guy who was accused of raping a woman in 2013, but this "crime" supposedly happened in 1984 at a TV station where he worked. He had to fly all the way from China to Canada to sort this pack of lies out. He hardly knew this woman, only met her twice before, she did not even work in same studio as him. The case was thrown out by the judge but he was out pocket thousands. As for Pattaya, yep, it's the only place to be, hehe! When I die my ashes shall be scattered on Soi 6, a wonderful street!

#56 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-11
Re more MGTOW

"Never listen to a woman who says she has been raped or sexually assaulted".
"99 per cent of these rape allegations are fake

Sorry, left out the above quote in my last post.

Again, the FBI estimates that about 8% of rape allegations are false. But of course you will always skew statistics in your favor. Having no research capabilities, you'll always rely on BS to make your point.

#57 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-11
Re more MGTOW

"I ignore and reject women 90 per cent of the time".

In that you are a fat, balding, misogynistic, uneducated low-life with small hands, 100% of the women that I ?know and ever will know would reject you. But hey, that's okay, there's room for hedonistic bastards like you on this planet somewhere. I'm sure you'll find it if you keep looking. Pattaya? Maybe. Soon enough, though, there will be so many of your ilk in such places that you'll be feeding on each other like rats in a barrel.

And please tell us, scumbag, how did you determine that? The FBI in the US estimates that only 8% of rape allegations are false.

Silverboy - 2017-06-10
more MGTOW

"I ignore and reject women 90 per cent of the time". "It's good". "I buy whatever I want, whenever I want".

"My bank balance is always in the black regardless of my spending habits". "If you are an MGTOW on a high income you will always have money because you are not spending it on women". "I own my own house, I don't have to put up with false rape allegations and fake DV claims". "I don't have some cow nagging me 24/7"

"Never listen to a woman who says she has been raped or sexually assaulted". "99 per cent of these rape allegations are fake and the motivation for this criminal behavior on the part of women is always MONEY!"

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