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#1 Parent ks_1976 - 2007-02-06
I Agree! - Teachers Discussion

here here!
your comments have seemed to have worked to!
lets keep these forms positive!

#2 Parent wendy_h80 - 2007-02-04
A Boy, His Dog and A Tree - Teachers Discussion

Hello all. I agree with Uncle Sam in his comments about not only this form but other forms at other ESL sites. Some people do like to think of these forms as their own and use them as their own soap box. Now yes, some of the posters do provide some useful info but much of the info that gets posted here about China is wrong, as I know as I have been here in China for three years now. I do not understand why many posters want to get into a running war of words with certain other posters. Why not openly say "I disagree because ...." in a pleasant manner and leave it at that. No some boys have to get in a pissing contest with each other. Other people will not participate because they feel "why should I, as my form or comments will just get jumped on by so and so" as happened in a form that I have posted here. Choose your words carefully. Leave yourself an out as many people make such blanket statements that these statements are either not clear to anyone but the writer. Until manners come back into use here, I feel that you will only have 'the few doing the posting for the many.'

#3 Parent kj - 2007-02-04
really? - Teachers Discussion

The fact, regarding the frequent posters in this forum - those you have likened to dogs staking out their territory, is that for the most part they are the only ones who respond to the posts of others who are seeking information of one kind or the other. Moreover, they are usually the only ones who provide useful information and/or raise relevant questions. Then, there are those such as yourself who stop by on occasion to take a jab at someone else - perhaps, in your case, at a time when you're so bored with your life and wallowing in some pool of negativity that, like a child, you need to lash out at others.
So, do us and yourself a favor and provide us with some useful insights and erudition regarding the field of ESL/EFL. By doing so, you may find that this is, after all, a useful forum wherein it is not necessary to attack others just to get your kicks and whereby you may actually learn something or, conversely, find a degree of self appreciation for having helped someone else.
Do yourself a favor and go back through the archives here and read some of what the frequent posters have written. You may actually learn something or, at the very least, you may find it in your heart to retract your negative statements.
Have a nice Spring Festival!

Uncle Sam and the CIA - 2007-01-31
Truth or Consequences - Teachers Discussion

It is quite interesting the relatively few cyber individuals, out of tens of thousands of ESL teachers out there, that dominate and monopolize this "open" ESL teacher's discussion board of virtual realty. I count about six individuals that seem to believe they have marked out this territory as their own, as a dog does when it lifts its leg on a neighborhood tree to stake out its space! These cyber individuals have been around on this discussion board of virtual reality for at least six months. Give it a break!!!!! I know this may be hard on your egos

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