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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re China did a good medical job according to my Western health care centre

China is backward compared to Western nations in almost every respect. For example, a hospital in Sydney or Brisbane in Australia is light years ahead of any hospital in China in concern to levels of expertise, professionalism and the level of care. The same with universities, Chinese universities and teaching standards must NEVER be taken seriously.

Medicine in China is a scam designed to fleece patients of their cash as quickly as possible. I know one Australian in Nanning, Guangxi province, who had to return quickly to Sydney after a cancer misdiagnosis.

His summation of the doctors and nurses at this particular Nanning hospital: uncaring, lazy, unprofessional, useless.

Chinese are like dodgy used car salesman. Everything is about making money by selling the cheapest, nastiest and most shoddy products and services.

#2 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re: Re China did a good medical job according to my Western health care centre

There's a lot in what you say, Fifi.

#3 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-01
Re: Re China did a good medical job according to my Western health care centre

As you get stronger, day after day, the new challenge will be to deal with the fear that - naturally - follows a heart attack.

Fear has a toxic effect on the body.

And on the mind.

And children absorb it like sponges.

There are many ways to deal with fear. I trust that you have developed your own way and will use it more intensely in the coming weeks. Then, things will return to their peaceful
and healthy normal.

#4 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re China did a good medical job according to my Western health care centre

It's funny that a poster wrote earlier today that Fifi and Taffy are the same person :O)

I know but I don't know what that poster is up to. I am unwilling to challenge him as I don't know what is going on and I actually don't like hurting but I can be too good at that. He probably just thinks I am a vulgar show-off. I think it has very little to do with you. He sent the green troll to you a couple of weeks ago. I can't answer him by e-mail beause for now I have mislaid the password to that particular address- so I am not trying to ignore him, if that's the problem. I do know that somebody has been trying to do a LondonGirl on me..I may have been blaming the wrong people- I am not sure.

Yes, I asked the doctor bluntly yesterday "Am I a danger to my daughter, since I need to look after her while my wife is on night-shift?" "not at all" he said- "I have seen the Chinese scans and I can see they have done a good job and missed nothing" She sleeps all night and I just aim the torch her way to check on the blankets.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-01
Re China did a good medical job according to my Western health care centre

'China' did a good job?

Please, there's more than hospital in that country, you know? Which is quite likely to be a private business too. Maybe you should give respect specifically to where it is due, such as the individual hospital, unit, team or staff member rather than diluting it with a generic thank you note that you seem to intend to deliver to all 1.4 billion citizens.

Happening to have a singular good experience in China does not warrant praising the whole damn country. If you are going to look at regional industries as a whole, many a medical doctor (that you may end up tutoring when he finishes work) will be able to tell you that not all is good when it comes to healthcare in China, mainly due to corruption and bizarrely in what is supposed to be a Communist country, a hyper-capitalist mentality exists; often leading to false diagnosis, kickbacks etc.

Jesus... If I praised China every single time I received good service or enjoyed a pleasant experience there, I'd soon be able to steal DaShan's job as the defacto laowai ambassador.

Likewise, we do not declare that China is a shit place to work because of one single shitty school. However, when there are hundreds of shitty schools, then we may choose to look at the trends which are occuring as a whole. But, ultimately, it will always be the offending individual business whose reputation will take a hit.

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-30
China did a good medical job according to my Western health care centre

I am glad!
You will now on be in better health than ever, Taffy, because you are now careful about what you eat.
It's funny that a poster wrote earlier today that Fifi and Taffy are the same person :O)
A poster yesterday was glad that someone posted positive news about China (that was about Forest City). I support that today by changing the title of this post from bling to "China did a good medical job according to my Western health care centre". So that's it, I did my share today to highlight the good aspects of China (it's becoming easier day by day than highlight the good aspects of America).

#7 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-30
Re: Re blinded by the bling

By now i have attended that clinic. The first procedure was the ECG. That went okay but it informed the consultant that I'd had a recent heart-attack- so you can't say you have had one when you haven't. I don't know why you would want to.

The consultant examined the scans and my record from China and pronounced they'd done a good job in China and hadn't missed anything. He showed an interest in results (from China) in something called something like an echo-test, and is sending me to the hospital to have that re-checked.

Blood pressure was good as were other things.

#8 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-30
Re: Re blinded by the bling

All the best at your meeting. Let us know.


Wearing walking boots, rugby shirt- all the gear that says this was just a big mistake, so get him off that medication and send him off to Pattaya for a week to help SB out with his bust schedule.

#9 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-30
Re: Re blinded by the bling

Fifi, you are Taffy!

I think the board moderator(s) should stop the crap you are trying to perpetrate on us forthwith by rejecting all Fifi posts in the future.

Your bullshit as Fifi as to why Turnoi's posts have ceased, and why his previous ones were deleted, are prime examples of your misinformation.

You're a stinker!

#10 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-30
Re: Re blinded by the bling

All the best at your meeting. Let us know.

#11 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-30
Re blinded by the bling

That I find you laughable, Daffy, does not mean I'm upset.

I'll leave it to gay folks to comment on John's bigotry and offensiveness. But to answer your question, yes, homosexuals with pink hair are deserving of consideration.

Now, I'm still waiting for you to clarify your statement that I'm usually wrong. I asked you what I'm wrong about. But like the SB Toddler and a few others in this forum, you find it difficult when pressed to back up your off the wall statements. Or is it that you're quite comfortable playing the complete loony tune that you present yourself to be? In another time you'd have made the perfect court jester.

That's not good enough, Mr Heretosay, we wouldn't be able to scrape enough homosexuals together to butter one slice of a small 'nimble' loaf on this forum, they need your support, they need somebody to speak up for them! I think that the offensive Irishman's meaning, is that, Gay women with a penchant for pink locks is neurotic and take everything out of proportion. I mean, I don't actually know if you get EVERYTHING wrong, I was just pulling your leg. Your reaction was supposed to have been "FUCK off, Taffy, Hahaha!"

Big day today, my first meeting with a 'Mr' as opposed to ordinary doctor at a clinic. Only concern I have is will 'her-on-the-nightshift' be late picking the girl up from pre-school, as I won't be around to do it?

#12 Parent (he)retosay - 2017-06-29
Re blinded by the bling

That I find you laughable, Daffy, does not mean I'm upset.

I'll leave it to gay folks to comment on John's bigotry and offensiveness. But to answer your question, yes, homosexuals with pink hair are deserving of consideration.

Now, I'm still waiting for you to clarify your statement that I'm usually wrong. I asked you what I'm wrong about. But like the SB Toddler and a few others in this forum, you find it difficult when pressed to back up your off the wall statements. Or is it that you're quite comfortable playing the complete loony tune that you present yourself to be? In another time you'd have made the perfect court jester.

#13 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-29
Re blinded by the bling

By the way, because I support women's issues and believe that women are not to be objectified nor treated with disdain, does not mean that I'm a woman. Believing such says something about you, Daffy, doesn't it? That is, maybe you need to reexamine some of your perceptions that get in the way of good, clear thinking.

Well, you need to say she or he when either is quicker to type than 'heretosay.' It's not me that's making an issue of gender- I mean you are not meaning to make us any wiser, now are you? it's going to remain shrouded in mystery, giving you the opportunity of exploding "Well, why should it matter what I am!" when pressed. I notice you didn't get upset with John when he was offensive to homosexuals with pink hair...they don't deserve consideration? I will try and avoid using he or she if it upsets you that much.

#14 Parent BeenThere - 2017-06-29
Re: Re blinded by the bling

Your post mirrors mine of a few minutes ago.

China is becoming the California of Asia and there is a buffoon in the White House.


#15 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-29
Re blinded by the bling

I don't know about that, John, but I do know that heretosay is very seldom right about

Oh, really? Please enlighten me about what I have gotten wrong. I'm always willing to learn and to move forward.

And speaking of moving forward, this just came out in the news today:

China to build the world's first ever 'Forest City' with homes and businesses blanketed in almost ONE MILLION plants and 40,000 trees

The Liuzhou Forest City, in southern China, would be home to 30,000 people once it's completed in 2020
Covered in plants and trees, the community could absorb some 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year
It's also expected to take in 57 tonnes of pollutants and produce about 900 tonnes of oxygen annually
By Tracy You For Mailonline
Published: 07:27 EDT, 29 June 2017 | Updated: 08:24 EDT, 29 June 2017

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4647910/World-s-Forest-City-one-million-plants.

Let's call this, for John's benefit, an example of China's renaissance.

Sadly, in the US we talk a lot but act little. Unless of course it's war and weaponizing the rest of the planet. But we do have the corner on bufoonery in high places, which, oddly, trickles down into the minds of such folks as John. It would be laughable were it not so dangerous.

By the way, because I support women's issues and believe that women are not to be objectified nor treated with disdain, does not mean that I'm a woman. Believing such says something about you, Daffy, doesn't it? That is, maybe you need to reexamine some of your perceptions that get in the way of good, clear thinking.

#16 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-29
Re blinded by the bling

Can't really say that I've met anybody who lived under full-on Communist rule

No nation ever achieves economic purity, be it communism, capitalism, fascism or socialism. Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, and Castro distorted their 'communism' for their own ends. The U.S. maintains an enormous welfare commitment in the form of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and public education.
Yes: economies are not a zero sum game. But ameliorating hunger, homelessness, sickness and ignorance for all members of society is the responsibility of a national economy of any stripe. Denying that societal responsibility does not qualify someone as a 'free market conservative'; it identifies him as an immoral parasite.

#17 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-29
Re blinded by the bling

Nevertheless, an argument could be raised that the latter, especially in the PRC is a work in progress.

Yes ,the latter being the communist system in China. The one that has just updated the housing department, resulting in it taking four times longer to convey my flat to the stage where I will get paid-Hahaha! Jokes aside (and that was true) I believe that the present government ideally suits China and its people. I would be afraid to live in the place if it embraced a Western-type-democracy.

I should also add that in the main China is a safer place to pad the streets at night for FT's, giving us a freedom unavailable at home. In England I live near a garrison town- if you venture out there as the pubs are emptying you stand a much better chance of getting beaten up than in China.

#18 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-29
Re blinded by the bling

Are you a fat ugly lesbian with piercings and blue hair by any chance?

I don't know about that, John, but I do know that heretosay is very seldom right about anything....but at last she was right, and wot happens?? You come along and blow her out of the water is wot appens, which is a nuisance. Listen please, the government that the Chinese have is the best they could get- and you can quote me.

#19 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-29
Re blinded by the bling

.........you're still the one clinging on the Commie dream

Nope, not clinging to anything in the way of a political solution; however, I do have a certain amount of disdain for the notion that capitalism is going to pave the way for a better tomorrow. It should be obvious that it is not. And it should be obvious that communism is not either. Nevertheless, an argument could be raised that the latter, especially in the PRC is a work in progress. What exactly it will evolve toward is anyone's guess. If you can convince me that capitalism, especially in its current form which shows no sign of addressing the needs of the people at large, will evolve into something wonderful for all of us, well, please do.

Meanwhile, well, never mind. But just so you know, I'm not a student. Unless of course you ascribe to the notion that we are all students and never really stop learning. So go ahead, teach me something. Tell me how things are going to be down the road given the trajectory we are now on. I'm all eyes.

......who still thinks of the overall size of the pie as being static and that
anybody who somehow manages to get a larger share has somehow had to steal from somebody
else in order to get it.

Not sure how you got that idea from anything I've written. Pretty typical, though, of someone who has no real argument to support a flawed system. Typical Trumpist bufoonery.

Are you a fat ugly lesbian with piercings and blue hair by any

Uh, no. It would seem, though, that yours is the kind of mind that matches up well with SB the Toddler. You and he could have quite the bromance. You should look him up in sin city.

#20 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-29
Re blinded by the bling

Can't really say that I've met anybody who lived under full-on Communist rule have a huge desire to go back to the old days; apart from Chinese farmers with black teeth and a few old and weird East Germans.

You like to refer to me as being young and immature when you're still the one clinging on the Commie dream, who still thinks of the overall size of the pie as being static and that anybody who somehow manages to get a larger share has somehow had to steal from somebody else in order to get it. Are you a fat ugly lesbian with piercings and blue hair by any chance?

I used to think like that when I was a student too. Obviously, you have never had any desire to ever work for anything in your life; have you?

There's a life beyond competing in the oppression Olympics and let me tell you, it's f**king great.

#21 Parent Curious - 2017-06-25
Re: Re blinded by the bling

I like you "corrupt religious institutions".

In my opinion, ALL religions are bad because they create a de facto "us vs. them" divide. But the slow evolution of the masses still requires religions... they will stay for a long while.

Education is extremely important and Devos, the new Secretary of Education who is also a billionaire, knows it well: She is using education to steer the thinking of the children towards the right and keep them stupid and therefore easier to manipulate with propaganda. One extreme example of using education to maintain the right in power: Turkey will soon stop teaching evolution. They will only teach religion which prevents people from thinking that each individual can evolve if they are free thinkers; religion keeps people in their place.

#22 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-25
Re blinded by the bling

Well said.
His belief in the exceptional nature of Washington Consensus capitalism is honed by the U.S.'s inadequate education system, corporate media, and a complicit network of corrupt religious institutions. The vitriolic character of his beliefs is fueled by a plummeting quality of life for most of the middle class that blames minorities, liberals, communists, socialists and anyone other than the true puppeteers and beneficiaries of the American Carnage: the .001% elites. The U.S. based global elite class are masterful in their use of media misdirection, though likely even they were shocked by their good fortune to be dealt a buffoon billionaire as POTUS.
His assertion that

The largest company in the whole of China is now a private one.
ignores the mandate for State ownership participation in all 'private corporations', the percentage of which is always opaque http://www.law.columbia.edu/node/5344/beyond-ownership-state-capitalism-and-chinese-firm-curtis-j-milhaupt-and-wentong-zheng
#23 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-25
blinded by the bling

We capitalists create shit, we bring people up and encourage them to succeed and grow.

You're delusional; however, yes, we capitalists do create shit alright. Just off the top of my head, here's some of it:
Homelessness, poverty, elitism, despair, puppet governments who in turn create "shit" in their own countries, violence, wars, weaponry, disastrous pollution, destruction of arable lands and the death of democracy replaced by CEOcracy. And of course capitalists countries are a great breeding ground for naive, child minded folks such as yourself. But, hey, that's okay, being obviously still young and immature, you still have time to grow up and observe the real world. Unless of course we destroy it before you have that opportunity.

.......you're getting in the way of the Western renaissance that's coming

Again, seriously delusional.

#24 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-25
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

We capitalists create shit, we bring people up and encourage them to succeed and grow. All you Commie c**** ever want to do is play victim to some supposed oppressor and try to knock everybody back down to the same shitty lower level.

If they're too blind to realise that they've been conned by quite possibly the greatest scam in history; they're of zero value to the human race. Younger Chinese people know that capitalism is the way forward. The largest company in the whole of China is now a private one. There's no going back now, the genie is out of the bottle!

As an 'expat hubby' presumably originating from a capitalist Western country, but has turned their back upon capitalism, you should be hanged when you get home. Or better yet, just hang yourself because you're getting in the way of the Western renaissance that's coming along.

#25 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-24
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

Pathetic lives? Not the way they see their lives!

Do not judge, lest you be judged.

#26 Parent caring - 2017-06-24
Re: Re Community Spirit in the PRC

Arthur, what a Community Spirit are you showing here? Let me enlighten you a bit!

I have read 2 of caring's posts so far this morning, and I don't understand them at all. Same in the last month. Am I the only one?
Do I need to be high on drugs or drunk to understand caring's posts?
One of my posts that was meant for FTinPRC is here
Not all Chinese cabbies but all your user names "victimize" :Wink
What can you not understand? He wrote about "cab drivers" and I replied to him about him.
Another one that was also meant for FTinPRC is here
So, you've found "peace" in you? LOLL PTSD LOLL
What is so hard to get out of my response to the poster? He suggested "peace" in his spiritual session, and I linked his character to PTSD which is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Oh, "LOLL" is LOL but I adjusted it for the sake of poetry.

Now, that I hope you have the knowledge of my last two posts which I believe you refered to, could you open the readers eyes about those many incomprehensive messages from my last month postings?

Regards to you Arthur

#27 Parent Arthur - 2017-06-24
Re: Re Community Spirit in the PRC

I have read 2 of caring's posts so far this morning, and I don't understand them at all. Same in the last month. Am I the only one?
Do I need to be high on drugs or drunk to understand caring's posts?

#28 Parent caring - 2017-06-24
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

So, you've found "peace" in you? LOLL PTSD LOLL

Finding peace requires self-examination.
#29 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-23
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

No harm to others? How about watching every move that a person makes out of fear that their
system could be overthrown?

Once again you ascribe to other individuals "fear" and a belief system.

If you feel that your "every move" is being watched, that is your emotion and belief.

Finding peace requires self-examination.

#30 Parent caring - 2017-06-22
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

The ill-educated young Chinese generation has been imposed on with choices of employment and goods and services. Jobs come with a requirement for unconditional support for employers in exchange for benefits such as accomodation, food and/or "temporary residence" (hukou) for the Chinese who don't live in the areas where companies are. Since scores of the PRC citizens seek opportunities anywhere to survive, they are left with take it or leave it uniformed options. The ones, who signed into those deals, make their living that's dependent on their employer and the system. So, the commies are Marxist capitalists who are forcing their offsprings to follow. The PRC communities are full of them.

The uneducated older people from the particular lost generation heavily bought into the Commie dream. Doing such work falsely convinces them that their pathetic lives still somehow have meaning, when their offspring have abandoned their dream to enjoy the benefits of the superior capitalist dream. You won't see such stupidity from later generations; bar perhaps the most straight laced, boring, sterile, public sector, former class monitor types.
#31 Parent caring - 2017-06-22
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

Taiwanese need to spend more on their military than police forces so that the PRC community doesn't feel too comfortable. They're a good customer of the American weapon producers that contribute to their nation's GDP.

I wonder why the Taiwanese don't feel a need to dedicate so much of their resources towards internal security?
#32 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-22
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

No harm to others? How about watching every move that a person makes out of fear that their system could be overthrown?

#33 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-22
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

In China, it may be peaceful in most place but the police are everywhere, yet do not always appear to be productive.

In Taiwan, there's a far lower level police presence, yet even lower levels of crime.

I wonder why the Taiwanese don't feel a need to dedicate so much of their resources towards internal security?

#34 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-22
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

Doing such work falsely convinces them that their pathetic lives still
somehow have meaning

What gives a human life meaning? How does an individual decide what behavior has value for himself, his family, his community and his society?
Every sentient human struggles to answer this ontological question for herself in light of her unique character, beliefs and circumstances.
What kind of person feels competent enough to be the judge of another individual's behavior which is apparently causing no harm to others?

#35 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-06-22
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

The uneducated older people from the particular lost generation heavily bought into the Commie dream. Doing such work falsely convinces them that their pathetic lives still somehow have meaning, when their offspring have abandoned their dream to enjoy the benefits of the superior capitalist dream. You won't see such stupidity from later generations; bar perhaps the most straight laced, boring, sterile, public sector, former class monitor types.

#36 Parent caring - 2017-06-22
Re Community Spirit in the PRC

Locals seem to live together better in PRC than in the US or Canada where we rely on 911 calls more often. The PRC sec guards' "police" clothes may give locals the sense of authority we can only see in our cops. Chinese have ways to form views that suit their system in people.

expat hubby - 2017-06-21
Community Spirit in the PRC

The wife told me just now that most of the older security guards controlling the two gates of my apartment compound work salary-free. They are all very proud to wear their uniforms and are much respected by the tenants for mixing with the locals and discouraging petty crime. Seemingly this passes the time as opposed to sitting at home with nowt to do.

Good for them!

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