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#1 Parent BeenThere - 2017-07-07
Panda Solar Stations - Youth Engagement and Innovation to Promote Sustainable Development

Here is my weekly (that's my maximum so far) pride post in favor of china.

The [below] image is an artist’s rendering of what a finished panda solar field might look like. China seems to be having fun as it pushes to become a world leader in renewable energy. http://www.cn.undp.org/content/china/en/home/ourwork/our_campaigns/panda-solar-stations---youth-engagement-and-innovation-to-promot.html

Panda Green Energy Group Limited, an energy solutions company, announced last week that the first-ever Panda Power Plant in Datong Shanxi was officially connected to the grid. Construction on the field began in November 2016, and the group said it plans to roll out many similar fields around the world over the next five years.

The project is a youth-focused effort created in partnership with China and the United Nations Development Program. “As the future of development, the youth have the opportunity to contribute to world-wide sustainable development,” the UNDP said when the program launched in September 2016.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-03
Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

The worst STD is probably unwanted fatherhood. Especially when you're not quite sure if it's really yours or belongs to the last tourist that pumped her.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-03
Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

I have done a lot of research into the work of Peter Duesberg and Kary Mullis. They certainly are not stupid people and Mullis won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in the early 1990's. Mullis is an expert in his field of molecular biology.

There are in fact hundreds of medical researchers who are extremely skeptical of the whole HIV/AIDS hypothesis. What I don't like is people just believing that HIV is real when there is plenty of conflicting evidence to prove it is not real. Even many experts who think HIV is real believe the virus is harmless and does not cause AIDS.

Many viruses can cause an immune response. What worries me is that many people could be seriously ill and be falsely diagnosed with HIV if they were tested for it.

I think that that condoms are useful for stopping unwanted pregnancy and also to prevent STD's that really do exist. Even then, some people don't care if they get STD's as they can all be treated fairly easily these days.

In my my opinion, there are much more important things to worry about about living in Asia than STD's.

I know that in SE-Asia most ex-pats are much more worried about being killed or injured in a traffic accident than any STD. The risk of catching anything from a woman through unprotected sex is low., it is not something to be seriously concerned about.

#4 Parent caring - 2017-07-02
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

Arthur, everyone's noticed your fine contribution, so don't you worry boy!

the very recent Pew poll that I mentioned in my post http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?read=133604:
#5 Parent Arthur - 2017-07-02
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

I lost many friends to HIV. I know it's real.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-02
Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

I do feel reluctant to accept the idea that HIV is not real; besides even if you don't get that, getting the clap or god knows what else isn't exactly pleasant either. But it is said in the gay community where people consider HIV/AIDS to be far more prevalent than in other part of society, that it has been long been accepted that it's not AIDS that is killing gay men anymore, crystal meth is.

When I heard about that, it does make you wonder if AIDS is a real threat or not; deaths do tend to occur after treatment and I've not heard of single HIV/AIDS patient ever refusing to take medication either.

Still, there's some girls out there that look so rough, that I actually worry about catching something even worse than HIV hasn't even got a name yet. Such as that awkward feeling of shame that results after all your mates have just found out that you shagged such an ugly bird. Even the best scientists in the world haven''t found a cure for that one yet.

As for pollution being a real problem, anybody who denies that is welcome to visit certain parts of China to discuss their theory.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

We will have to agree to disagree on that. I think to contain China by use of military threat is a better way to go.

#8 Parent BeenThere - 2017-07-01
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

You still don't understand that the TPP was a leverage against China to keep the US strong in Asia.

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

There are some people who have very right wing views but do not show it in public. Remember that most people thought Trump was unelectable. When people go to vote you find out what they really think. It does not matter what non-Western people think of Trump. The Western world needs a strong leader, not someone like Obama who would damage the US economy with TPP and foolish climate change agreements. A strong USA is good for SE-Asia and also Australia. I see the large Talisman Sabre military exercise is underway off the coast of Australia. The US military is welcome in Australia. When you see international polls about Trump you need to remember that many Asian and European people don't like him as he does not serve their interests. Unlike an Obama presidency there is "nothing in it" for them. I would remind people on here that most Asians (especially Chinese ) are self-serving. Same with Africans and Arabs. Obviously they don't like Trump. Trump in power is of no benefit to them.

#10 Parent Arthur - 2017-07-01
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

SB: What do you think of the very recent Pew poll that I mentioned in my post http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?read=133604: In the world, just 22% have confidence in Trump (compared with 64% for Obama)?

Do you think you belong to a rather small minority, man? I respect your opinions, but you realize how "fringy" they might sound?

#11 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

China a "progressive nation", LOL, ROTFL! You really take stupidity to a new level. China is a barbaric, uncivilized and disgusting nation. Chinese people are disgusting and evil.

Hahaha! Nice to see you haven't mellowed. I think you are right but I don't feel they should try and advance- I feel they have a government which suits their temperament.

#12 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

China a "progressive nation", LOL, ROTFL! You really take stupidity to a new level. China is a barbaric, uncivilized and disgusting nation. Chinese people are disgusting and evil.

"Climate change" is a global scam engineered by the Chinese to destroy Western economies. It is not a threat, never was a threat, "global warming" is a hoax just like HIV, designed by virulent libtards to ruin Western societies and economies. It is just luck that Trump was elected to put a stop to this nonsense and scuttle idiotic treaties like this Paris accord.

Smart people in countries like Australia and Canada are also waking up to the climate change/global warming hoax. You libtards are gonna lose, people like myself on the right side of history will destroy you.

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

It is sad that you have been brainwashed by this global money making hoax/fraud/scam known as climate change/global warming.

"Climate change" has been around for millions of years. The sun has the biggest effect on the Earth and it's climate. Humans have virtually zero effect on carbon dioxide emissions.

Even if we did it is harmless. Carbon dioxide is good for plant growth. We need more CO2 in the atmosphere. Pollution is a real problem, "global warming" is not.

I can't think which scam is worse. "Global warming" or "HIV". Billions of dollars has been wasted on HIV research, billions wasted on pathology/blood tests, billions more wasted on "anti-viral" drugs to treat a virus which does not exist and never did exist. Is is likely that these "AIDS drugs" have resulted in the deaths of many people.

It is astounding that millions of people still believe that HIV is real even after this scam was fully exposed in the early 90's.

"Climate change" will be consigned to the dustbin of history in ten years time or so. All these "threats" dreamed up by left-wing and also sometimes right-wing governments to scare people for nothing and make money. It is an outrage!

The USA joining TPP would have made no difference to Chinese hegemony and imperialist ambitions in Asia. The only way to contain the evil Chinese regime is by use of military force. The USA must step up it's presence in Asia-Pacific. New US military bases in SE-Asia and Australia will go a long way toward containing the Chinese barbarian.

#14 Parent caring - 2017-06-30
Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

People's love for nature or money often depends on their politicians. The Chinese environment has belonged to the authorities for decades while the American one to the few large corporations out of which some are currently well represented in the White House. Not all Americans are "stupid" but misled; however, many of the ones that voted for Trump are vicious. Not all Chinese are smart but strictly guided, and their leaders are in the business and a race TO BE NUMBER ONE.

And now the protection of the environment belongs to China.

Frankly, I can't stop wondering how stupid the Americans are

#15 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-29
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

What a great idea!!!!!!

Isn't it? Imagine a project like that in America. By the time the project made it past all the talking heads and naysayers, China and other progressive nations will have walked the walk instead of talking the talk. Although, as you mentioned in another post, states such as California will go it on their own if and when necessary.

And yes, unable to remove the blinders, the naysayers will continue to find the worst of China to complain about as if their complaints will change anything. Call me crazy, but spitting on the sidewalk (not as big of a problem as it used to be) somehow just does not stack up against other more pressing planetary problems.

Another fascinating article in todays news is that scientists are now estimating that we only have three years to address the problem of climate change before it's too late. Were Nero alive today, he'd have a lot to fiddle about.

I hope that you also will continue providing such relevant information. The negativity of so many posters here does very little in the way of providing me a reason to visit this site. Thankfully, there are those such as yourself and FTinPRC that provide meaning and erudition to counter the inane posts of others who can only focus on...........well, you get my meaning.

Have a great day!

#16 Parent BeenThere - 2017-06-29
Re: Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

I am reading your article about the Forest City: What a great idea!!!!!!
Suddenly, China raised in my appreciation scale. We are used to stories of Chinese people spitting on the sidewalk (at home or while traveling abroad). We need more articles like yours. Please keep posting them.

I took the liberty of adding a screen capture of the concept so more people can have an idea of the project.

#17 Parent heretosay - 2017-06-29
Re Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

"Chinese Province Larger Than Texas Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

Great post, been there. Seems we're on the same page, as just minutes ago I wrote a post regarding the new "Forest City" being built in Lizhou.

BeenThere - 2017-06-29
Wonderful News for the Environment: Chinese Province Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

"Chinese Province Larger Than Texas Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy

Qinghai province used only wind, solar and hydroelectric power to supply its population of 5.8 million."

It is sad that the US won't be the country doing such a thing. Very sad.

Equally sad was trump scrapping the Trans Pacific Partnership TPP agreement that would have created a leverage for 12 countries of Asia, plus the US, in their resistance against China's hegemony in the region, by being active trade partners of the US and not of China. This trade agreement would have been the largest trade block in the world and would have protected human rights in all the 12 countries involved; it would also have increased the American GNP. Now all of Asia belongs to China.


And now the protection of the environment belongs to China.

Frankly, I can't stop wondering how stupid the Americans are. I wonder about this day after day as I watch on http://www.gallup.com/poll/201617/gallup-daily-trump-job-approval.aspx a consistent 36 to 39% of voters maintaining their support to trump no matter what he does or says. Of course there is a consistent 54 to 59% of voters who disapprove but they don't seem to be able to do much, mostly with the new Supreme Court appointee and those to come soon. Like Bill Maher says, the only solution for the center and the left is to win elections.

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