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#1 Parent BeenThere - 2017-07-07
Re: Re Who people trust to handle foreign affairs, Trump or Merkel?

But even as a failure as you saw (I disagree of course) the members of the G-20 still consider her MUCH more reliable on the international scene than trump.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-07
Re Who people trust to handle foreign affairs, Trump or Merkel?

Merkel is a failure. She let Germany be swamped with immigrants. Same thing happened in France. They are paying the price.

The UK and Australia will end up like France and Germany in five years time. Some cities like Sydney and London are already fucked.

"Well it's too late baby, now it's too late".

#3 Parent BeenThere - 2017-07-07
Who people trust to handle foreign affairs, Trump or Merkel?

"Residents of most G-20 countries ― including the United States ― have more faith in German Chancellor Angela Merkel than in U.S. President Donald Trump to handle world affairs"

#4 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-06
Re Colorado Construction Industry Recruitment Problem

I agree

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-06
Re Colorado Construction Industry Recruitment Problem

Interesting stuff. I did not know Colorado was growing so fast. Similar to Melbourne in Victoria, Australia which is experiencing massive growth.

The eight week construction courses are a bit of a worry though, a recipe for shoddy workmanship.

The state of Colorado should offer a lot of incentives for fully skilled and experienced construction workers to move there from other states.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-04
Re Trump and Indonesia.

iview.abc.net.au and follow the links, or the Four Corners website, www.abc.net.au/4corners

#7 Parent UKIPer - 2017-07-04
Re: Colorado Construction Industry Recruitment Problem

Alex, Alex, stay on topic please

#8 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-04
Colorado Construction Industry Recruitment Problem

I've found this story to be a piece of good journalism.


#9 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-04
Re Trump and Indonesia.

Is that 'Iview' feature available online on the website in the same sense as Iplayer and France24 is? I can switch to Aussie servers on my VPN, so I might have a look.

#10 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-04
Re Trump and Indonesia.

Lots of good stuff on the ABC. It's state-run and many of the programs are impartial. 2 distinct streams, Radio Australia Intnl & ABC R National.


Click on the Programs \/ heading to view the list.

RNZI is second-best to the ABC in my opinion.

Much better than the BBC World Service - after privatisation it has become a shadow of its former self.

VOA has good radio programs at times, especially on a Sunday night from 10 pm local time for 2 hours here in China.

Despite internet blocking, you can listen live:


Click on VOA English Global, near the bottom of the list.

You'll need to have a radio player such as Foobar or Winamp Lite installed in order to listen.

#11 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-04
Re: Trump and Indonesia.

Thanks for the info, SB

Silverboy - 2017-07-04
Trump and Indonesia.

The left wingers and anti-Trump brigade on here might be interested in this.

Last night there was an exclusive report on the well respected Australian investigative journalism program "Four Corners" ( ABC-TV )
about Trump and his business dealings in Bali and Java.

The story is a bit complicated and a bit of a "join the dots" exercise so you need to watch and listen carefully. I found some parts of this story to be quite alarming.

IMO, any Western politician should not be doing business with or even socializing with some of the individuals featured in last nights report ( leftovers from the very corrupt Suharto regime and possibly some with links to Islamist terror groups ) These Indonesian connections could really damage Trump in the long term.

The report is named "The Company He Keeps", reporter, Mark Davis. This report can not be classified as fake news as Four Corners is an unbiased, professional and objective program with world class researchers and reporters. This is not CNN or Fox News.

I think Mr Trump has been treated very unfairly by many in the media, but the report last night really does not paint him in a good light. Also, the proposed developments he is involved with in Indonesia are mega-projects and look terrible and will damage the fairly pristine environments where they will be built.

Four Corners, ABC Australia, this program should be available to view for free on ABC " Iview".

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