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#1 Parent Rheno747 - 2007-02-08
I, too, have wondered that, Fishy - Teachers Discussion

I, too, have wondered what this cat Fish really does for a living. When he's not pestering us posters with his ad-hominem attacks, what is he doing?

Sleeping at his keyboard, I would assume.

Maybe this guy has a little bell on his computer that rings when someone posts here.

Uncle Sam and the CIA - 2007-02-01
Beware of Cyberstalking & employment discussion boards

Beware of Cyberstalking & employment discussion boards. Many of these boards will attract the unsuspecting by promises of good paying jobs and opportunities, so only to gain access to your E-mail account (hacking) for the purpose of identity theft and to get your credit card information, social security number, and other important private information. In this regard, be very aware of employment recruiters that do business on these boards, their E-mail, and especially the attachments these recruiters send to you. These recruiter do business on the Internet and will make their profits one way nor another. After they have access to your E-mail account they are able to change and manipulate the E-mail information sent to you and from your account. This is a part of Cyberstalking. See below website on Cyberstalking:

Cyberstalking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-
Similar to stalking off-line (physical stalking), cyberstalking can be a terrifying experience for victims, placing them at ... [1] Moreover, many physical stalkers will use cyberstalking as another method of harassing their victims. ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberstalking - 33k -

P.S.: Mr. Fish, your cyber tag seems familiar to me. I believe it use to be Fish 4ESL. But I guess that was just too obvious. I am also surprised at how immediate your response was to my last two posts on this lite and casual teacher's board. Do you stay up all night with your computer on, and monitor all that is communicated on this board?

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