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#1 Parent Curious - 2017-07-06
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Madeleine Albright came from a war-torn family: She knew the price of war.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-06
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

I remember Madeline Albright was one of the worst appeasers. In contrast, President Bush despised the North Korean regime but he still did nothing about it.

Shame on him!

#3 Parent Curious - 2017-07-06
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

There has been a lot of appeasement on the part of the US in the last decades: Each president first tried to negotiate, and when it failed, they just put some sanctions in place because they did not know what else to do. Sanctions, obviously, do not work.

Meanwhile, the threat keeps growing.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-06
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

That is true, I have seen this information before and know about all the rockets and artillery.

The South Korean's should be preparing defensive measures to defend the northern sections of Seoul or have an evacuation plan.

The US military officials are not stupid and should also get advice from the British and Australian military chiefs.

They can devise a special strategy of how to go about this. We can't let this madman have ICBM's which could possibly be modified
with nuclear warheads to threaten Asia. These missiles could also hit targets in the USA or even northern Australia.

A threat needs to eventually be dealt with. It is about more than just South Korea.

No more pacifism and appeasement. Trump MUST take action is regard to North Korea.

#5 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-06
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Good post!

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

The idea is to rapidly destroy North Korea's military forces. Yes, there will be some civilian casualties ( collateral damage ) on both sides.

The very fact that NK has an ICBM capability is reason just by itself to go to war.

A "do nothing" option is no option at all.

I wonder if Western ( and some Asian ) leaders have the stomach for a fight.

We shall see.

#7 Parent Curious - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

The standoff over North Korea’s nuclear program has long been shaped by the view that the United States has no viable military option to destroy it. Any attempt to do so, many say, would provoke a brutal counterattack against South Korea too bloody and damaging to risk.

Even the most limited strike risks staggering casualties, because North Korea could retaliate with the thousands of artillery pieces it has positioned along its border with the South. Though the arsenal is of limited range and could be destroyed in days, the United States defense secretary, Jim Mattis, recently warned that if North Korea used it, it “would be probably the worst kind of fighting in most people’s lifetimes.”

Beyond that, there is no historical precedent for a military attack aimed at destroying a country’s nuclear arsenal.

The stakes are even higher now. American officials believe North Korea has built as many as a dozen nuclear bombs — perhaps many more — and can mount them on missiles capable of hitting much of Japan and South Korea.

After all, a pre-emptive American attack would very likely fail to wipe out North Korea’s arsenal, because some of the North’s facilities are deep in mountain caves or underground and many of its missiles are hidden on mobile launchers.

The problem, Mr. Cordesman said, is that there are many ways and reasons for each side to escalate the fighting once it begins.
Stopping it would be much more difficult.

North and South Korea, separated by the world’s most heavily armed border, have had more than half a century to prepare for a resumption of the war that was suspended in 1953. While the North’s weaponry is less advanced, the South suffers a distinct geographical disadvantage: Nearly half its population lives within 50 miles of the Demilitarized Zone, including the 10 million people in Seoul, its capital. “You have this massive agglomeration of everything that is important in South Korea — government, business and the huge population — and all of it is in this gigantic megalopolis that starts 30 miles from the border and ends 70 miles from the border,”

North Korea has positioned as many as 8,000 artillery cannons and rocket launchers on its side of the Demilitarized Zone, analysts say, an arsenal capable of raining up to 300,000 rounds on the South in the first hour of a counterattack. That means it can inflict tremendous damage without resorting to weapons of mass destruction.
The North has deployed at least three systems, though, that can reach the Seoul metropolitan area: Koksan 170-millimeter guns and 240-millimeter multiple-rocket launchers capable of hitting the northern suburbs and parts of the city, and 300-millimeter multiple-rocket launchers, which may be able to hit targets beyond Seoul. There are perhaps 1,000 such weapons near the Demilitarized Zone, many hidden in caves, tunnels and bunkers.

The Nautilus Institute study projects 60,000 fatalities in the first full day of a surprise artillery attack on military targets around Seoul, the majority in the first three hours. Casualty estimates for an attack on the civilian population are much higher, with some studies projecting more than 300,000 dead in the opening days.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Yes, attack without warning with a massive amount of firepower, only way to go.

#9 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

China and Russia have been cornered and can no longer bluff.

S Korea should reverse its policy to a sunshine policy. A lie, of course!

USA should attack without warning.

N Korea would then have no excuse to attack S Korea as America had acted alone.

#10 Parent Arthur - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Hey?! Nowhere in your post you talk about what would happen to Seoul. The little piece of shit (I agree with you that he has to be dealt with somehow, the sooner the better) has a million soldiers massed along the border, 35 miles away from Seoul. And now he has DRONES that can easily drop bombs on Seoul. You can be sure that the first thing he would do to stop the attacks on North Korea would be to hit Seoul: "You stop bombing us and we stop bombing Seoul".

#11 Parent Arthur - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

" it is common knowledge that many illegals voted, machines were hacked by the Democrats and some people double voted"
Take it easy, man, you are propagating fake news

#12 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Yes, a good post. Trump will look weak if he does not do something about that little goon soon.

I agree, have a large group of US warships stationed off the coast. Use rapid airstrike capability to destroy the NK artillery batteries
on the border. Wipe out all their missile sites, destroy any air force NK has. A coalition might get involved in this, if not the USA must act alone.

The US Navy can launch hundreds of cruise missiles at selected targets in North Korea, as well as using other weapons.

Hit the North Korean military forces and the regime with dozens of MOABS, bunker buster bombs, hit the fuckers with everything we have.
Then a separate multi-national force can liberate the North Koreans and expose all the concentration camps in North Korea, there are many of them.

Time to stop fucking around, that little fucker up there needs to be put out of business NOW! Trump will be a world hero if he liberates North Korea.

#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

You knew that you were competing in an election where results are decided according to the electoral college system. You were made fully aware of the terms and conditions. At the end of the day, you lost. As for the popular vote, being able to vote without presenting ID isn't exactly reassuring; it is common knowledge that many illegals voted, machines were hacked by the Democrats and some people double voted. Maybe Trump won that too.


#14 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

If it was all about approval rates, we'd have national phone-in votes rather than a parliament.

#15 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Gay marriage need not be encouraged, but probably legalised as there are certain parts of a person's life that a government just shouldn't interfere with. The responsibility should lie with the gays themselves. If they stay monogamous and contribute to society better as a married couple, then so be it.

Most working people would probably be disappointed about not getting grandchildren but would only want their children to be happy, if they were gay.

As for refugees, the cat is out of the bag. In Europe, the Kalergi plan is being carried out in full swing, the new bastard lovechild mocha master race is coming. Let me make it clear that I have love people of all races but do not wish to see my own getting replaced. I have less hate for the refugees themselves than the governments and left elite that let this happen, for the nicer refugees are merely pawns in a sick and twisted game. Of course, we know that many a rapefugee is not so nice (or as young as they say they are), fick, fick, fick...

#16 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

A lot of wot u say is correct.

However, now he has a great opportunity to get rid of the N Korea problem. Send American destroyers off the coast. Launch a missile to disable the launch site that was used the other day to test an inter-continental rocket.

Insist on Kim to surrender. If not, blast their leaders to buggery.

Let Trump be seen to have helped the citizens of that country get freedom and nourishment.

You can be sure China won't defend N Korea.

A lot of collateral damage among dead N Korean civilians, but the end justifies the means.

#17 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

But SB, trump was not elected by the majority. He had 3 million votes less than Hillary.
And now he can hardly reach 40% of approval ratings.
He does not represent the country.
He represents a minority only. He should govern accordingly. He does not have the mandate to obliterate everything that the Obama administration has put in place and that the majority of Americans are using and consider good.
And his approval ratings among the countries of the world is dismal. He is a joke: Everybody makes fun of him.
Frankly, he is an embarrassment.

#18 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Plenty of politicians have low approval ratings Fifi. For example, the Prime Minister of Australia would get his arse kicked if an election were to be held tomorrow.

#19 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Approval below 40%
Disapproval 55-57%

#20 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-05
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Yes, rich and privileged Hillary Clinton supporters sipping cafe lattes in New York and LA and San Francisco thanks to their inherited wealth may be concerned about Trump and "global warming" and other nonsense but average people have more pressing concerns to worry about.

News for libtards, old people in some countries are living in the dark and switching off their heating in winter and air-con in summer as they are worried they can't afford their electricity bills ( in some parts of Australia this is a big problem )

This is because stupid left and also right-wing politicians privatized the power networks and also listened to stupid Green politicians who wanted power supplied only by gas, wind and solar, which is stupid, impractical and totally unrealistic. We need coal fired power stations to provide a cheap, reliable and constant flow of electricity.

Global warming, gay marriage, "rights" for illegal immigrants and refugees are of no concern to ordinary working people, although gay marriage should just be legalized in Western countries, get it over and done with.

People want economic and social policies that are going to make a real difference to their lives, not the namby pamby pie in the sky nonsense libtard types go on about.

#21 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-04
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

One example of destruction

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-04
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

"he is destroying America", a bit of an exaggeration don't you think Fifi? Have you taken a close look at some other "world leaders" recently?

Yes, Trump has his faults and some skeletons in the closet, but so do most politicians.

#23 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-04
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

You may very well find that the normal rules don't apply when you push white, heterosexual working people into a corner.

#24 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-04
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

The River Tay that flows through the city of Perth in Scotland used to be a popular fishing venue for coarse anglers after specimen roach, fish in excess of 2 lbs. Some were caught up to 4 lbs, so I woz informed by a local angler. Perth 'Town Water' was free fishing, though a permit had to be applied for. Shoals of roach there were large.

However, the roach population is thought to have been decimated by ferilizers/estrogens in the river's effluent, and drainage run-off from surrounding agricultural land.

Bit of a state of Denmark post? Just hope this is not a forum image-changing fisherman's-tale-type-post designed to muddy waters for the more enlightened who like to discuss 'cardiology, sudden massive coronaries after a fag and a bowl of spicy hotpot, and the price of processed cheese slices in Walmart's'

#25 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-04
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

We are not crying, John. We want him impeached. He is destroying America from within and from without. This is no normal presidency. The normal rules do not apply.

#26 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-04
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Last time I checked, Trump was still the president. I guess that you haven't got used to that yet.

After all, you was so adamant that Hillary would win and that we'd have to accept that.

I couldn't give a toss either way, I adapt to whatever I can't change. Crying rarely works.

#27 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-04
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

The River Tay that flows through the city of Perth in Scotland used to be a popular fishing venue for coarse anglers after specimen roach, fish in excess of 2 lbs. Some were caught up to 4 lbs, so I woz informed by a local angler. Perth 'Town Water' was free fishing, though a permit had to be applied for. Shoals of roach there were large.

However, the roach population is thought to have been decimated by ferilizers/estrogens in the river's effluent, and drainage run-off from surrounding agricultural land.

#28 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-04
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Eating shark is not a good idea either, mercury, cadmium and other dangerous substances.

#29 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-03
Re: Watch the fish u eat!


#30 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-03
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

It's only advice! National unity can't be bad in most countries.

In which country do u live? Do you eat fish there? What kinda fish is safe 2 eat there?

Wot is your advice, re fish and politics there?

#31 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-03
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

" Follow your leaders, national unity is the ticket" says someone who does not even live in his country.

#32 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-03
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Oh, and avoid tuna. Mercury and heavy metals ain't good for humans.

I don't eat fish in China. We can choose wot to eat and wot not to, wherever we are.

Trump is elected, that's different. As is May in the yukky UK! Follow your leaders, national unity is the ticket.


#33 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-03
Re: Watch the fish u eat!

Like you tell the anti-trump resistance in the US: get used to it!

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