Return to Index › Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions
#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-06
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Missed this post. I have had glandular fever, just recovering now. On doctor's advice I was advised not to travel for several weeks after first getting the infection. Had to postpone my trip and re-schedule my airfare, fucking annoying. In Pattaya a bit later now. now.

I will be in Pattaya most of the rest of this year hopefully. I'm having my 49th birthday party on August 4 at "Ruby Club" and then "Butterfly Bar" in Soi 6.

Sure it will be a great fucking night, haha! Can't wait to see all my favorite girls, "Welcome back, welcome", "I miss you honey", 'my handsome sexy Shaun", hehe!

Those beautiful smiles and warm hugs and sexy long black hair, these women certainly leave the callous bitches in China and Australia for dead.


#2 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-06
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

I think it would be useful to red flag particular Chinese cities with high levels of air pollution, and towns where heavy industry exists. Not sure that red flagging certain provinces is fair.

I have never met any expats who have had tumors in China. My experience in this regard is very different from that claimed by Taffy. However, it's likely that he has been living in different parts of China from me.

I should add that certain cities such as Linfen of Shanxi have improved the quality of their air significantly. But we should nevertheless red flag them because of their likely ground toxicity that would remain a high risk factor.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

As you have lived in China for a long time you would know that certain provinces are more well known for having "cancer clusters".

I am not in China now and have no intention of ever living there again, but places like Shanxi are for sure not good places to live.

Taiyuan is an example of a city in China that should definitely be avoided unless an FT wants to get cancer or have serious health problems in the future.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

My parents always both worked. Women must work, but need to take time off work if they have a kid. That's fine, but taxpayers should not fund this. I don't believe in government sponsored maternity leave programs.

As I have mostly been a single tradesman and professional all my life I did not want my tax dollars to go to help families I don't even know.

Yes, I am sure raising a kid is hard work, but this is a responsibility of the mother, and obviously a father, it takes two to tango. From a financial perspective it is the responsibility of both the man and woman to provide for kids.

If someone chooses to have kids, that is fine, but men should not feel under any obligation to marry and have kids.

In many societies, even some Western societies it is still considered normal that people marry and have kids.

This lifestyle is not for everyone and should not be promoted as being the ideal choice. One problem these days is that housing is so expensive people are saddled with a mortgage
for thirty years which often consumes fifty per cent of their income.

It is sad that many people will have no flexibility or mobility until they are in their 60's and 70's. Many Western men 45+ are choosing to be MGTOW and live in SE-Asia. There will be much more of this in the future.

#5 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

I think we cannot tar the whole of China with the same brush re cancer rates of locals/long-term expats.

U can specify the particular areas of China where u came across expats with tumors. U almost lost count of the numbers!

That would be useful for expats when they choose where to teach.

#6 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Yup, he has left his calling card! Good that he's still checking out the forums.

Never met that musical bloke. However, I woz told he woz a great guy.

#7 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

As for the palliative care disagreement. This man whom you know well, or certainly know about is called Ian. When he returned to UK many years ago it was all too late. I have known quite a few Ians with problems ranging from cancer to weird poisoning. As it happened with Ian if circumstance had been right he could have stayed in China- he was happier in China. I have got most of his musical recordings, he was very talented.

[photo edited]

Oh, pity about the photo but I can fully understand why it was edited; I could well have had nasty intentions, the moderators don't know me from Adam.

I just wanted to labour a point. That is, in a country as badly polluted as China we should fully expect a large percentage of long-term FT's to succumb to illnesses as a result of the pollution and it should come as no surprise. When I say 'large percentage' I mean in comparison to most other countries. My very best to long-term in China FT's.

#8 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Personal responsibility is the key here. Everyone must work hard and provide for themselves,
there are no excuses.

SB, respectfully, you have never addressed the issue of parenthood:

1) Is having and raising children 'hard work'?
2) Is having children worth the investment of time, labor and wealth?
3) Does a mother's 'labor' raising children constitute valuable labor?
4) Did your Mom hold a job and contribute 50% of your families income? If not, do you feel she lacked "personal responsibility"?

#9 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Right, no skin off my nose!

I am neither a China defender nor a China apologist.

And I am neither a Blighty defender nor a Blighty apologist.

I see that username UKIPer has posted a piece of crap very recently. Beware of him!

He hangs around every day, year in, year out. I think that was supposed to be a calling card as your name is not 'Alex' Not difficult to draw out.

Some things in China are better- like the health service; I have found that the Chinese doctors are more approachable and they seem to pull off complicated procedures. So if one has the money then for what I had done one may as well stay in China. My regret was the two weeks I wasted with all the warning signs. I could have had the stent at half the cost without having the attack.

As for the palliative care disagreement. This man whom you know well, or certainly know about is called Ian. When he returned to UK many years ago it was all too late. I have known quite a few Ians with problems ranging from cancer to weird poisoning. As it happened with Ian if circumstance had been right he could have stayed in China- he was happier in China. I have got most of his musical recordings, he was very talented.

[photo edited]

#10 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Right, no skin off my nose!

I am neither a China defender nor a China apologist.

And I am neither a Blighty defender nor a Blighty apologist.

I see that username UKIPer has posted a piece of crap very recently. Beware of him!

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Ask Western men over 45 in the USA, Australia, or the UK if they feel privileged or not and see the reaction.

By what you wrote in your post it seems that you think women deserve special treatment although I can't be sure of that.

Let men remind you that the courts in the USA and Australia and other places are automatically biased toward women in the case of divorce settlements and child custody.

Men often lose more than 50 per cent of their assets when they divorce. Is that fair or just?

Personal responsibility is the key here. Everyone must work hard and provide for themselves, there are no excuses.

#12 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Not suggested by me, mate! I'm not off my rocker!

The photo is my best guess as to the identity of the culprit, and a brand of beer I seldom drink.

Probably not but you have more in common with the bloke than you think, he always imagines he's been slighted...however, I don't think you're dangerously deranged.

Listen if you don't agree with what somebody has said on a forum- about China for example, don't lose it, don't take it to heart- no skin off your nose.

#13 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Wots the concern for my daughter, when a couple of weeks ago you suggested she was going to blow people up when she finds her feet!?

Not suggested by me, mate! I'm not off my rocker!

The photo is my best guess as to the identity of the culprit, and a brand of beer I seldom drink.

#14 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-04
Re: Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

The GOP senators who designed the last version of the Obamacare repeal and replace bill were 11 males in a room, working in secret, cutting the amount of care that pregnant women would receive under the bill.

#15 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

As long as people gain their power by
merit and not because they are women or because of their race I don't care.

The idea of meritocracy, of equal opportunity, of Rand's John Galt, of Horatio Alger is little more than a psychic balm for the wealthy and a justification for capitalism.

Hard work and intelligence often leads to short lives of poverty, illness and death. Stupidity, laziness and the accident of birth often lead to, well, the presidency.

Being born a woman is a handicap IN EVERY COUNTY. Being born a white male is still the best birthday gift anyone can receive in every Western 'democracy'.

Everyone was given life by a woman who suffered physical and mental anguish during pregnancy and birth. Once men are able to reproduce and nurture children independently they can begin talking about gender equality and what 'women deserve'. Prejudice about religion or race or nationality can be understood as a product of ignorance.

But all sexists had a mother. Hopefully their father chose to provide for their Mom during pregnancy and child rearing without regard to her resume or bank account balance.

#16 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

400 knicker a week in 2017 wouldn't entice me to return to Blighty, had I property there or not! Fish and veg as a diet without fags and beer would drive me bonkers. Rather be dead, mate!

If I had a son/daughter half-Chinese, the last thing I would do is go back to Blighty to get him/her a Brit nationality. I wouldn't want him/her to suffer in the job market there after university coz of his/her racial background.

A Brit wed couple, who are teachers who can teach well and handle ill-disciplined pupils well can earn 44,000 GBP minimum a year. Now that's relatively stress-free work with a good income, but not in London, coz the house prices are too high there.


Wots the concern for my daughter, when a couple of weeks ago you suggested she was going to blow people up when she finds her feet!?

So you say I am on fish&veg and that you would do-yourself-in on such a diet- well, that's kind encouragement for a man with a potentially talented bomb-making tiny tot! For your information she was born in UK.

Why do you always finish on 'Each to their own' We get the curious notion you don't mean it.

#17 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

400 knicker a week in 2017 wouldn't entice me to return to Blighty, had I property there or not! Fish and veg as a diet without fags and beer would drive me bonkers. Rather be dead, mate!

If I had a son/daughter half-Chinese, the last thing I would do is go back to Blighty to get him/her a Brit nationality. I wouldn't want him/her to suffer in the job market there after university coz of his/her racial background.

A Brit wed couple, who are teachers who can teach well and handle ill-disciplined pupils well can earn 44,000 GBP minimum a year. Now that's relatively stress-free work with a good income, but not in London, coz the house prices are too high there.


#18 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Women, especially Chinese women shoot themselves in the foot everyday by asking men if they have a house and a car or expecting men to provide these things for them. If you want to see how sick Chinese society is just look at the women on Chinese TV dating shows like I've said before and you will see the "values" of these women.

It's true ,some of them leave a lot to be desired. I only wish there were a few more good ones to go around around. The thing is you are not the same as quite a few blokes on this forum- heretosay, John, foxy senior, curious- all blokes eking out a pension or a pittance FT's pay. Now these blokes can't afford pink-rooms (even if they have the inclination) so they really could do with honest Chinese wives for company and sex, instead of filling their minds with Donald Trump. Quite frankly, SB, I don't think you need a wife- I mean, what for, you have independent means so a wife might be considered surplus to requirements?

My wife was telling me last night actually, now she has her trusty pedicycle and I walk everywhere we should sell the car.

How's Thailand anyway? I will be coming your way before long. Maybe we will spend a few months there before the girl has to get serious about school. I took her to school today and was told they were closed because a school trip was going on. I'd forgotten all about it.

#19 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

FYI I've never had a problem with women who have power. As long as people gain their power by merit and not because they are women or because of their race I don't care.

There are still those people who think even in 2017 that certain jobs should be given to women just because they are women or because they are black. Like that "affirmative action" nonsense you used to have in the USA.

Women, especially Chinese women shoot themselves in the foot everyday by asking men if they have a house and a car or expecting men to provide these things for them. If you want to see how sick Chinese society is just look at the women on Chinese TV dating shows like I've said before and you will see the "values" of these women.

If women want respect, don't be lazy, stop relying on men, get off your lazy arses and work hard for a living. That is how a person gains respect.

Men will choose prostitution or short-term casual relationships because it suits their lifestyle and needs. Most men divorced and over 50 don't want a serious relationship, certainly not marriage and kids. They've been there done that. It is selfish for women to expect men to re-marry, have kids again and have all the stress that entails.

Places like Pattaya and Bali provide older Western men with a stress free environment where they have everything they need and can just enjoy their life and forget about their previous hardships in the West. When we have reached a certain age we want stress free lives. Short term relationships and bar girls satisfy men's needs without all the problems and financial stress of marriage and long-term de-facto relationships.

There are some MGTOW's who don't want hardly any interaction with women apart from casual sex. I would remind you that there are many men never married over 50 who are extremely wealthy. The "family men" will never be able to compete with them.

Why you would come to the defence of the Chinese is quite astounding to me.

When I was in China a few years ago I used to meet a group of ex-pats at a bar in Nanning every Friday night. One night we tried to think of something good about Chinese people. I mean, what redeeming qualities do these people have? We tried REALLY HARD to think of something good. We just sat around drinking for an hour and nobody could think of ONE POSITIVE THING. Friendly? NO Willingness to help others? NO Any sort of social conscience or moral boundaries? NO Clean people with good personal hygiene? NO. I could only think of two good things , dumplings, and good one's are almost impossible to get in Nanning, and cold Liquan beer, that was it.

Then the negatives, there were so many we could not list them. Rude, racist, totally unfriendly, spitting/pissing in the streets, smoking anywhere, pushing in, throwing rubbish everywhere, loudmouths on mobile phones, women with an entitlement mentality and zero sense of any personal responsibility, etc, etc.

#20 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

On the entertainment level, I have been banned twice by Breithart.com for my Disqus assaults

on the their 'journalism'.

Ohhhhhhh..... Congratulations sister!!!! Ohhhhh would you mind sharing more on that topic????

I've always lived on the East coast and have never traveled in the 'heartland' of Trump America. I have a genuine curiosity about these people and how they actually think.

With disqus handles I 'do battle' with the comments on Breitbart. I didn't express my 'left wing commie' views but rather chipped at their belief system, questioning their own media and values. It seems that most 'believers' have an easy time 'opposing' other's views but are less aware of the flaws in their own value systems. For instance, our dear SB is fully equipped to point out the shortcomings of Chinese society, but is perhaps less comfortable discussing why an individual chooses prostitution as a substitute for children and relationships where women have power.

Most of the contributors to Breitbart actually welcome debate. The site, however, is not amenable to criticism of right wing media funding. My comments about Breitbart itself (their clickbait income and loss of corporate advertisers) resulted in my being banned twice. In defense of Breitbart, I have also been banned from the NY Times before for pro-China arguments, when I suggested that the Times' anti-China position was a direct result of their inability to capitalize on the Chinese market.

As a 'libtard troll' on Breitbart, I was the subject of much abuse, but some thoughtful posters seemed to be educated and sincere about their conservative values. Reading them increased my understanding of their basis for their support of Trump. In many ways they were willing to tolerate the Trump idiocy if it could possibly change the slow descent in the quality of their lives and economy.

In a country where 95% of the population believe in angels and 92% believe in an afterlife, faith is endemic.

My 3rd disqus handle continues tilting at windmills.

Well, it all makes sense to me, Trumpsey, but our Curious, bless his little cotton socks, what's he going to make of it? You do understand that you are more likely to get a sensible reply from SB, yours truly, or even on a good day, Heretosay. No, Curious (another she-he) merely collects replies. Turnoi rents him display-board space underneath the cocooned relics in Darlington Sewage Processing. Just saying like, no insults meant.

#21 Parent Curious - 2017-07-03
Re: Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Interesting! Thanks for your input.

I just went to Breitbart.com and saw all the topics I had seen earlier today on the HuffPost, LATimes, NYTimes, WaPo and CNN but written from the conservative/religious perspective, like photos negatives, with inversed colors: Topics that were white on the HuffPost were black on Breitbart. It is hard to take, like being a fish out of the water, or a mammal inside the water. You are quite courageous.

Of course most lefties come from families that one or two generations ago were living in the country side, so we each have our inner farmer that can relate to the rural areas. But still, it's hard to take.

I looked everywhere for the discussion forum but could not find it. Yes, they have a lot of click bait, it's the equivalent of a tabloid with headlines about aliens and photo-shopped celebrities. They like to believe in those things. Yes faith is endemic in America. But we have to say that in countries where faith has not been allowed for decades (like China), people still chose to believe in someone or something that will bring them happiness. Faith has been part of the human nature for millennia.

#22 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

On the entertainment level, I have been banned twice by Breithart.com for my Disqus assaults
on the their 'journalism'.

Ohhhhhhh..... Congratulations sister!!!! Ohhhhh would you mind sharing more on that topic????

I've always lived on the East coast and have never traveled in the 'heartland' of Trump America. I have a genuine curiosity about these people and how they actually think.

With disqus handles I 'do battle' with the comments on Breitbart. I didn't express my 'left wing commie' views but rather chipped at their belief system, questioning their own media and values. It seems that most 'believers' have an easy time 'opposing' other's views but are less aware of the flaws in their own value systems. For instance, our dear SB is fully equipped to point out the shortcomings of Chinese society, but is perhaps less comfortable discussing why an individual chooses prostitution as a substitute for children and relationships where women have power.

Most of the contributors to Breitbart actually welcome debate. The site, however, is not amenable to criticism of right wing media funding. My comments about Breitbart itself (their clickbait income and loss of corporate advertisers) resulted in my being banned twice. In defense of Breitbart, I have also been banned from the NY Times before for pro-China arguments, when I suggested that the Times' anti-China position was a direct result of their inability to capitalize on the Chinese market.

As a 'libtard troll' on Breitbart, I was the subject of much abuse, but some thoughtful posters seemed to be educated and sincere about their conservative values. Reading them increased my understanding of their basis for their support of Trump. In many ways they were willing to tolerate the Trump idiocy if it could possibly change the slow descent in the quality of their lives and economy.

In a country where 95% of the population believe in angels and 92% believe in an afterlife, faith is endemic.

My 3rd disqus handle continues tilting at windmills.

#23 Parent BeenThere - 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Thank you to those posters who answered my request for suggestions. I read them slowly and carefully.

This morning, I am going to do one thing to try to control/corral my intense dislike for Republicans and conservatives in general, by saying the following:

Ben Sasse is one of the most conservative US Senators (Nebraska). He says so himself: according to his votes in the Senate, he says is the 3rd most conservative senator. OK, so he falls directly into the core of the 36-40% of Americans that I strongly dislike (I know, it's a lot - it' also the approval rating of trump).

But he said today or yesterday something with which I strongly agree: We can all disagree about what to do about the facts (that's the first amendment), but the facts themselves have to be established, they have to be certain, we have to agree on the existence of the facts. If we don't have firm facts on which to agree, then we no longer - as a nation - have anything in common and this divide will sink our "American experiement" as Sasse calls our nation. To find, define, establish firm facts, we need good journalism. Journalism is essential to our freedom, it is part of our first amendment, it is the expression of our freedom of expression. Then Sasse says that trump's (like some other posters on this board, I refuse to capitalise his name) attack on the media weaponizes distrust and is the enemy of the first amendment. I add: and the enemy of our constitution, and of our country.

So, that's it for today (and maybe for the whole week), I found something positive to say about a conservative.

#24 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Here is one solution.

Calling your House Rep and your Senator also works big time. Going to their town halls.

#25 Parent Curious - 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Great post!

I have certainly found Trump's tenure to date as both disconcerting and entertaining.

Both are true for me too. The entertaining part has a small silver lining (small): A lot of people are now familiar with the constitution, the amendments, the most important role of each supreme court justice, the checks and balances, the role of the FBI in investigating the president for example which FBI reports to the AG who reports to the president and why it's like that (Ken Star's fault), etc etc. I don't remember a time when millions of people could talk about those things in detail.

On the entertainment level, I have been banned twice by Breithart.com for my Disqus assaults
on the their 'journalism'.

Ohhhhhhh..... Congratulations sister!!!! Ohhhhh would you mind sharing more on that topic???? Would be delicious to read.

They are blind to the way they have been manipulated by elites that are beyond national and party
identity, living in the world of global capital.

I think a lot of people are stating to see what you are referring to when for example they read about Jared Kuchner and his loan (without even any personal guarantees) by the Deutsche Bank whose criminal charges (for fraud, nothing less) in the US were settled right after the election. The Deutsche Bank had also been fined for having failed to report transactions with Russia. Can't wait to read the next leaks from Mueller's investigation about Kuchner (yes, this presidency IS entertaining).

They angrily believe that the reason for U.S. economic decline is Democratic 'libtard' policies and values.

Pure projection syndrome.

England, further along the down escalator of national power than the U.S. and arguably with a
superior educational system,

So, I believe what you say is that even with a superior educational system (which education secretary devos is fighting hard to prevent), the US can't be saved?

There are many Republican politicians that are younger, smarter and more devious than Trump who share his nationalistic racist views.
Fortunately they were not elected president.

An endless supply of trumps emerging in the foreseeable future? We better get used to it. An example of the young trumps is the students of Penn State U who want to bring back the statue of Joe Paterno.

Trump's presidency is an opportunity for each of us to do some 'mental housekeeping'.

trump made a lot of people think, that's for sure. One example is the fact that the EU is now "liked" by 20% more European poll respondents than 6 months ago: They see what leaders like trump can do, they don't like it, and they vote for people like Macron (bless his heart).

In the US though, the increased thinking has enlarged the gap between the left and the right: It's now wider than ever, with no signs of healing any time soon. The more people think, the more they develop defenses and find arguments in their favor. Personally, I find the US to be a toxic environment. A two minute chat with a table neighbor at a coffee shop for example spontaneously generates feelings of "I hate people like you" on both sides: the 2 customers might remain civil and stop talking or change the topic, but the hate is loudly present. According to your post, we better get used to it. I see the same phenomenon on this board: The posters on the right can be momentarily swayed when a very good point is presented by a poster on the left, but it lasts only the time of one post; right away, the poster on the right will come swinging full speed with his racist theories.

#26 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

I welcome any thoughts from other posters here as to how to remain positive as a group while
pursuing our goals

I have certainly found Trump's tenure to date as both disconcerting and entertaining.

On the entertainment level, I have been banned twice by Breithart.com for my Disqus assaults on the their 'journalism'.

As a resident of China and a U.S. citizen, I welcome the accelerated decline of U.S. soft power and economic influence brought on my Trump's persona and policies. They are blind to the way they have been manipulated by elites that are beyond national and party identity, living in the world of global capital.

During my months of online sparring with Trump supporters on Breitbart, I have recognized that they are sincere in their fear of the collapse of their 'American Dream': a white majority Christian country with real opportunity for economic growth. They angrily believe that the reason for U.S. economic decline is Democratic 'libtard' policies and values.

England, further along the down escalator of national power than the U.S. and arguably with a superior educational system, has an aged white population that shares such nationalistic conservative views. So likely the U.S. will continue down this path for decades to come.

I am heartened that Trump's incompetence is ameliorated by both the checks and balances of U.S. government (ironically created by men like Trump to minimize populist influence) and his own blatant stupidity. There are many Republican politicians that are younger, smarter and more devious than Trump who share his nationalistic racist views. Fortunately they were not elected president.

We are each responsible for the narratives that we choose about the nature of ourselves and the world. Trump's presidency is an opportunity for each of us to do some 'mental housekeeping'.

#27 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-01
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Just accept that life isn't always fair and move on with your life? There's some battles that you alone as an individual cannot win, but other opportunities will pop up, take advantage of those.

Trump isn't perfect and can be absolutely ridiculous at times, but those of you who are still crying about it need to realise that the world still hasn't ended yet. The world somehow survived both Bush and Obama, ffs. If you're still crying now, then how will you react if he wins a second term?

BeenThere - 2017-06-29
Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions

Hi everybody

I took some time off because I had to deal with my "existentialist" problem. Someone posted something similar on this board a few days ago; I guess a new awareness is painfully emerging. In my case: I can keep hating trump for 3.5 more years non stop, multiple times a day as it is impossible to open an online publication without seeing the destruction that he imposes on the world. Or I can try to find ways to bypass him and push towards my vision of a better future. I know that many US states and cities are now developing their own processes to pursue their objectives without and even despite the federal government. Of course there is the wonderful Macron, elected by the no less wonderful French electorate. Before France, there was the Netherlands and Austria. And there is the equally wonderful Trudeau whose approach to trump's government is to bypass it: The Trudeau government deals directly with US cities and states as much as possible. The whole trump thing looks like a blocked artery that other blood vessels nearby are trying to bypass and compensate for.

I welcome any thoughts from other posters here as to how to remain positive as a group while pursuing our goals for the environment, human rights, for healing the income discrepancies that threaten our future (brilliant answer from President Carter about the rise of trump and authoritarianism at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhebmG148Zo)

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