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#1 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-09
Re: Re Xiamen-on-sea?

Anyway, 'men' means women as well in that construction- ot didnt we know?

That was aimed at Arfer because on this occasion he was the disturber of the peace. He's normally a peaceful bloke I am bound to say.

#2 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-09
Re: Re Xiamen-on-sea?

"...and businessmen..."


The PC brigade is lurking

"businesspeople", maybe?

Sorry, Arthur. I stand corrected.

No, no, Arfer, there probably weren't enough women there doing business to even mention! If she's said 'business-people' it would have given the reader a false reading of who was there on the auspicious occasion--whatever the auspicious occasion was. No NO No the reader would have had a restless night last night puzzling whether Trumpsey meant that the business types were half female and half male. Would it matter what sex they were?- well, we must give others the chance to decide that for themselves, we is not fascist is we? Well done , Trumpsey! Anyway, 'men' means women as well in that construction- ot didnt we know? Hahaha!

#3 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-07-09
Re: Re Xiamen-on-sea?

"...and businessmen..."
The PC brigade is lurking
"businesspeople", maybe?

Sorry, Arthur. I stand corrected.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-09
Re Xiamen-on-sea?

I have not been there, but I lived in Fuzhou and met people who lived and worked in Xiamen.

From what I was told the environment is not bad, it's good there in summer, but Fujian is expensive and it's very cold in winter, even coastal areas like Fuzhou and Xiamen. Then there are the hordes of young ex-pat fuckwits there that I was also told about. Maybe they are not there now.

There are much better places in Asia, warm tropical weather, friendly people, cheaper and better food and beer.

SE-Asia is the place to be, Pattaya or Bali.

Most people who have lived in China or Korea won't go back after they have experienced Pattaya or Bali.

If Pattaya is a bit too much, and some people don't like the intensity of the place, Hua Hin not far away is an alternative. Still a fairly laid back place, the nightlife is nothing like in Pattaya, but there are still enough bars and restaurants to keep most ex-pats happy.

I'd be checking that out, even Jomtien a bit away central Pattaya is ok, a lot of families living there. Hua Hin is a good place for families also IMO.

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-09
Re Xiamen-on-sea?

No, I would not pick Xiamen as a first choice. SE-Asia is heaps better. Fujian is not a good place, very snobby and unfriendly people and very cold in winter like I've said in another post. Fujian cuisine is awful also.

The only good thing is that as you can speak Chinese like myself it is easy to communicate.

I have thought about living in Taiwan before, but that is a few years off right now.

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-08
Re: Re Xiamen-on-sea?

But why leave again?

#7 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-08
Re Xiamen-on-sea?


Xiamen is a wonderful city. The air is clean. The city central is developed but not too large. Transportation by hi-speed train is convenient. Hong Kong and Guangzhou are two or three hours by train. As the portal to Taiwan, there is a mix of tourists and businessmen. Xiamen University is considered China's most beautiful campus.

It is not an inexpensive city, but it is cheaper than Shanghai or Shenzhen or Beijing. Winter is wet but not too cold.

Foreigners do not illicit stares or random "hello"s. Fujian people have traveled the world for over a century.

Splendid, that's music to my ears. I have heard 'from them' something like what you say but it's really nice hearing it on this site, and from somebody I can trust , although SB has also given a bit of a thumbs up. I feel the two girls will be happy when they get used to the idea. But no refusal has been received at this stage.

Be easier on me there since all I will need to do is speak- here I am humping up and down from the loft and stuff, and still eying a washing machine incongruously left in the lounge as i was only able to maroon it. I need to remove its counterweights to get it down the stairs. Ta very much.

#8 Parent Arthur - 2017-07-08
Re: Re Xiamen-on-sea?

"...and businessmen..."
The PC brigade is lurking
"businesspeople", maybe?

#9 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-07-08
Re Xiamen-on-sea?


Xiamen is a wonderful city. The air is clean. The city central is developed but not too large. Transportation by hi-speed train is convenient. Hong Kong and Guangzhou are two or three hours by train. As the portal to Taiwan, there is a mix of tourists and businessmen. Xiamen University is considered China's most beautiful campus.

It is not an inexpensive city, but it is cheaper than Shanghai or Shenzhen or Beijing. Winter is wet but not too cold.

Foreigners do not illicit stares or random "hello"s. Fujian people have traveled the world for over a century.

#10 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-08
Re: Xiamen-on-sea?

Oh Taffy......

#11 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-08
Re: Xiamen-on-sea?

Taffy, please don't think about such things. Just stay at home and take care of yourself

Probably banana plants by the sea there too- and romantic sunsets- will you be in China next year?

#12 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-08
Re Xiamen-on-sea?

I've lived in Fuzhou before, it's a shit hole. I heard Xiamen was ok, but full of young pretentious pretend professional Western ex-pat wankers. They look down on us older blokes even though many of us can out spend them by a ratio of ten to one. Xiamen may have less of these knobs now as there has been an exodus of ex-pats out of China recently. Pattaya, Bali, Cebu, they have been recipients of this to some extent. I hope the young fuckwits from China do not move to Pattaya. A Thai beach resort area is better than Xiamen. Sunny, tropical weather, better food, friendly people, hot sexy and open women everywhere.

Oh yes, I'd sooner relax in Thailand if I could afford not to work at all- but with two greedy girls two of us need to do a bit to keep things ticking over in UK also. Mind, it was only the day before yesterday when a chance remark to the bank manager revealed that the year in China still made a healthy profit even after my hospital bill, hotel bills and expensive watches. I've always believed as you do, kids, wives, extended holidays, working or otherwise cannot come out of savings.

So, you seem to give Xiamen a guarded approval?

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-07
Re Xiamen-on-sea?

I've lived in Fuzhou before, it's a shit hole. I heard Xiamen was ok, but full of young pretentious pretend professional Western ex-pat wankers. They look down on us older blokes even though many of us can out spend them by a ratio of ten to one. Xiamen may have less of these knobs now as there has been an exodus of ex-pats out of China recently. Pattaya, Bali, Cebu, they have been recipients of this to some extent. I hope the young fuckwits from China do not move to Pattaya. A Thai beach resort area is better than Xiamen. Sunny, tropical weather, better food, friendly people, hot sexy and open women everywhere.

#14 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-07
Re: Xiamen-on-sea?

Taffy, please don't think about such things. Just stay at home and take care of yourself.

Taffy - 2017-07-07

Finking of changing my mind again as is my wont and doing a year in 'Xiamen' to arrive for the coming semester. I don't know anything about the place- does anybody? I have heard that the pollution is low? I do need a bit of a break as it happens.


My statin has just been double-strengthed and that change has been the only real change the specialist in UK has made since the Chinese prescribed them.

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