Return to Index › The White House is the most well-educated!
#1 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-12
Re The White House is the most well-educated!


#2 Parent Observer - 2017-07-12
Re The White House is the most well-educated!

None of them is dumb.
And the Taffy poster is the most intelligent of them as he can even count till ten!

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-10
Re The White House is the most well-educated!

Sometimes people fuck things up. As for Taiwan, the Taiwanese people certainly don't consider themselves to be part of China and they don't want to be.

That Sean Spicer press secretary bloke is quite funny, he called Malcolm Turnbull the PM of Australia "Prime Minister Trumble" last year.

I like that time he was hiding in a hedge, that's funny also.

If he had called him Prime Minister Truffle that would have been even more funny.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-10
Re: The White House is the most well-educated!

Thanks for your opinions Fifi. I also think you are good, even though I disagree with you on a lot of things. There are some people I disagree with, but I'd still buy them a cold beer anytime.

#5 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-10
Re: The White House is the most well-educated!

SB is not dumb.

He has some strong opinions that he is not afraid to mention publicly. I don't agree with some of his opinions, I even strongly disagree with some, but overall I consider him to be honest.

But the article you quoted.... Let's hope that when trump decides to send missiles to North Korea (to make the 60-64% of Americans who disapprove of him as president forget how dumb he is), that he won't hit Taiwan or Japan by mistake.

expat hubby - 2017-07-09
The White House is the most well-educated!



S'boy can't be as dumb as some of the wankers who work there!

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