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#1 Parent Topknot - 2007-04-15
examples - Teachers Discussion

I've had little time to think about your examples and am not able to adequately articulate specific responses to each. However, a cursory inventory of my memory banks dislodged the following.

It seems to me that the doctor and the institution are the ones with the "deep pockets", education and authority to make life and death decisions and therefore, rightfully inherit the responsibility to see that the patient receives professional health care. Nurses mostly carry out the orders of their superiors (doctors {administrators}) who have a degree of maneuverability within the system to diagnosis and treat the individual, therefore, again, their decisions often carry the weight of life and death.

The ESL World is hardly rife with such drama. We are dealing with situations, for the most part, that can be corrected by removing an unqualified teacher and, perhaps, if we adopt the ESL malpractice suits against the transgressors - applying punishment and compension/redress to the student,parent, instutition.

I believe I know where you are going with this, however, in its infancy, I don't consider it necessary or desirable to include the recruiters, schools, headmasters, instutions or local governments in the apllication of punishment for the malpractice of a teacher. That being said, we both know that by the time the lawyers have completed serving their instruments, and involved everyone with the possible exception of the janitor, and wrung every yuan from all involved......?? Sometimes, I think "Well" than other times, "I just don't know."

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