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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

He has an entitlement mentality. I'll bet his wife milks him dry financially ( not in the
bedroom, that's for sure! )

:b When I was a middle schooler, one of my classmates remarked how older men really do have milk come out of them once they run out of....ummm "man milk" if you know what I mean :b

Perhaps this can be scientifically proven with observation on such men that you had mentioned :D

#2 Parent Parody Parrot - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

The most annoying thing about most married foreigners in China is that they think they are special or important because they have a Chinese wife.

Nothing could be further from the truth. If they truly wanted a "trophy wife" they would have gone to Japan, Taiwan, or Korea, that is where the really high class
girls are. Most China ex-pats could not attract one however. The Japanese and Korean gals are way out of their league They must settle for a mainland Chinese. It is quite pathetic.

These idiots who marry Chinese gals usually can't speak Chinese either but they are the biggest know it all types.

There is one poster on here with a Chinese wife who thinks he deserves special and preferential treatment because he has a Chinese wife. Also pathetic.

He has an entitlement mentality. I'll bet his wife milks him dry financially ( not in the bedroom, that's for sure! )

Race mixing is fine but choose a race that is equal to your own. If you are a Westerner choose a woman from Korea, Taiwan or Japan ( for equal status ) or for gals from an open and welcoming culture choose a Thai or Philippine gal.

Remember though, NEVER MARRY any of these women!

What the fuck is wrong with men who want to marry these girls?

Short term, keep it simple, no serious commitment.

#3 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Great post and there's indeed far too many posters here that do treat Chinese wives as trophies!

I thought we only had five or six posters and just two of us have Chinese wives. At the moment mine is yelling and cursing as she doesn't like it when I pin her to a card and tie a Latin category to her big toe......UNTOOTH MY FINGER YOU BRAZEN HUSSY!!

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Great post and there's indeed far too many posters here that do treat Chinese wives as trophies!

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

I certainly think that mixing different cultures can bring out the best in people. If both parents are stable mentally, they will instill the best values from each of their respective cultures.

The problem is, race mixing often comes with hidden agendas such as getting a visa out of the country from where the poorer side is from, treating the spouse like a trophy if one side assumes his/her culture is superior, and passing on values which are not great but are assumed to be by a less than intelligent parent.

In the USA for example, it is easy to live in a bubble of your own culture for years. The 1st generation of immigrants usually choose to live life like this. The 2nd generation generally start emigrating out of their 1st gen communities and start assimilating. But the USA is a bit weird or exceptional depending on who you ask about this.

#6 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Wristwatch handcuffs

"I mean, are there some good looking young gay guys with no money who expect wealthier
older gay men to provide for them?"

YES!!!!! All the time.

I spent several summers on Fire Island in the 80s and would stroll the beach to Cherry Grove and the Pines. On beach chairs in bathing suits it was easy to distinguish the boytoys and their older patrons who owned the beach houses.

I've often wondered whether a single man is lonelier if he is old poor and straight or old poor and gay.

#7 Parent Arthur - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Wristwatch handcuffs

"I mean, are there some good looking young gay guys with no money who expect wealthier older gay men to provide for them?"

YES!!!!! All the time.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Wristwatch handcuffs

Being gay you would have an interesting perspective and insight into the entitlement mentality of modern day Western women as an observer and not a participant.

Must be refreshing for you, you are free from having to go through all that Princess Mentality and entitlement crap.

I'm interested to know however, have you come across a "Prince" mentality in some gay communities?

I mean, are there some good looking young gay guys with no money who expect wealthier older gay men to provide for them?

I'm curious about that.

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

I've in fact only become interested in luxury watches since 2015. I was walking around Carindale Shopping Centre in Brisbane one day and walked past a jewelry shop. I stopped to have a look.

I've always liked nice leather shoes and Birkenstocks however.

As for MGTOW, some people adopt bits and pieces of it rather than becoming radical MGTOW types. To me, MGTOW is a good option in 2017.

These beta male types who grovel to women and buy them meals and gifts and who become sub-servient to women are just pathetic.

You are right, rejecting and ignoring women, especially, in my case, Western and Chinese women, is a good thing.

One thing I like about luxury watches and jewelry is that when a woman says "nice watch", "nice chains", I can say, "Yep, too bad for you, you'll never be able to afford it". Or when though annoying touts in Pattaya try to sell me a watch I just say, "I don't want it, I've got the real thing".

MGTOW is basically about men rejecting the social expectations of women and society.

No, you don't have to marry women. You don't need to have kids. You don't owe women a living.

You don't have any responsibility to buy women houses and cars.

Beta male wimps who are nice to women and take them on dates and buy them gifts are in fact, in a way, abusers.

These women will never have any self-worth or independence whilst these fools continue to exist.

#10 Parent Arthur - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Wristwatch handcuffs

"I'll tell all the beta male soyboys here, being in a position to actually reject or ignore most women that are interested in you, is a very empowering thing! "


#11 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

He's actually right. Maybe you won't become a multi-millionaire (it's not quite as simple as that these days, I think), but you'll at least have a much better life. Hell, I'm a little older, but applying certain MGTOW/conservative principles has improved my life a little.

Rather than wasting time chasing sluts, I often find that I'm networking a lot more than I used to; without having to go to all those awful 'networking' events. In fact, I often find myself meeting better people than before. Also, by not giving a shit about women, you tend to strangely be able to pick them up much easier.

I'll tell all the beta male soyboys here, being in a position to actually reject or ignore most women that are interested in you, is a very empowering thing! Remember that feminism doesn't have your best interests in mind. Or even those of society either. Just be an arsehole, women appreciate the authenticity far more than you trying to gently persuade them to give you a friendzone hug.

As for me, I'm not a luxury watch fan. In fact, although I do like many luxurious things; I'm more of a fan of functional simplicity these days. Which ironically is a quality that some of the better luxury wristwatches do have, but I'd rather just use my phone (Sorry, Silverboy!).

#12 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

That's why I deliberately misinform people very slightly, try to come across as mysterious etc. As for people that I know are probably going to try to cause me trouble, I love f**king with them.

#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

Even Daddy Xi has recently hinted at such issues to an extent. For all that financial growth, there's still more to do.

#14 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

China's population exceeds 1.3 billion individuals.
There is no psychological illness or diagnosis identified as 'infantile mindset syndrome'.
Categorizing Chinese 'by and large' based on personal experience is, at worst, racist, at
best, infantile.

Hello, have you realised that this is a forum for c**ts yet? Maybe, you'd better suited at Dave's ESL café or something.

#15 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

To tell the truth, they're going to avoid all the mistakes that the West made; for example, they'll conquer Africa and its huge natural resources via investment and geopolitics rather than genocide and the slave trade; we've already proved that the former wasn't so good for PR. But then, China will make its own mistakes, another nation will eventually challenge them; yet next time it will be different. Due to a lack of larger nations ready to take the crown that China seems to be recently be declaring to now be its own, it won't be external challengers that will cause the most problems. Whoever steps up next, will not need to fight a war. They will just avoid repeating the mistakes that they made internally.

#16 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

To be honest, I like some of the well educated and washed middle-class ones. Maybe they should do nightclub style 'face control' at airports. If you look like Uncle Ganbei or some other farmer, then they're not going to let you board that plane.

Indicators of passengers being dangerous could include a tendency to carry a man purse, chain smoke Chungwa cigarettes, buy the most expensive tasteless blingy mobile phone possible rather than the much cheaper yet most technologically advanced one, half of their teeth falling out, those cheap fake leather shoes/Hermes belt, polo shirts tied up to cover up the nipples, yet expose a baijiu belly and that smell that most likely comes from not showering for three days...

Feel free to add to that non-exhaustive list.

#17 Parent Arthur - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

" I personally found it would show up the most consistently when kindness and curiosity was shown."
You are fucked up, man

#18 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

I personally found it would show up the most consistently when kindness and curiosity was shown.

Damn, you make them sound like Islamic terrorists. Maybe there's a loose connection there.

#19 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Personally I've come across many people in China, especially women who are/were
seriously fucked in the head.

Nah mate, that's just because they're women, lol.

Foreigners in China will also notice that other laowai start to go insane after two years or
so. I even felt at times that China was a giant lunatic asylum.

Of course, how do you think that we all ended up posting shit on here? Once you're surrounded by those f**kers (other laowai), you end up being affected in some way or another. I secretly envy those that do midnight runs and get out of there.

I've heard Chinese people say the most idiotic and illogical things. One guy at an English
Corner told me that Chinese bodies are "constructed differently" to other

Japan and Korea does this too. There's some truth in it, look at average IQ counts from that part of the world, they are actually the highest (although one could doubt the Mainland, that rural poverty/incest f**ks everything up). Yet, some of these supposedly intelligent people do end up becoming ill in some way or another and I often wonder if it is that which can make them so damn dangerous.

#20 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Of course, you have been known on this forum to give a link, often to nytimes and use that to
further your polyanna views. I think you know what the truth is, as does the rest of the
apologists and polly's. It is why you double down and promote nonsense even more.

You know exactly what those SJWs are like.

I actually find that the Chinese communists to be far more tolerable that these SJW people which we will also often call 'Commies' here in the West. The Chinese communists use a not entirely perfect system, but might actually mean well and do try to develop upon it in order to improve, to the extent that they even gave a capitalism a bit of a try. What's more, they actually want to win.

Western SJW 'Commies' on the other hand, are just whiny little bitches that want to call everything superior to them 'sexist,' 'racist,' 'capitalist' etc... Hell, I'm actually surprised that they haven't tried to label you as a white supremacist yet despite not even being white. I don't ever see them propose any real solution to problems. 'F**k Trump' and 'Kill the white people/CIS genders' doesn't count as a solution, but they like to think that it does. They also don't like winning; in their eyes, winning makes you the weird odd one that got something better than a participation trophy, and therefore you must destroyed due to your winner privilege.

#21 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

I think you are right: China is the only place where these dysfunctional and unbalanced
psychotic individuals can survive.

That's probably why I'm there, lol.

Seriously though, one can do very well in China, but there's much easier and more pleasant ways to enjoy a good and exciting life.

The Philippines despite being poorer, is a far more pleasant place to live, the people are pretty cool and as long as you avoid the gold-diggers and exercise common sense, you'll be good.

Thailand... I'm not so sure. If you like your chemicals, it is probably best avoided. Sticking in one place like Pattaya is probably all good though, as its more about beers and hookers there than the beach parties or the cokehead expats that you can often find in Bangkok.

#22 Parent Arthur - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Including the Neanderthal

#23 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

I often wonder about the negative aspects of race mixing, but I'm not totally against it. Remember, that all of our most distant ancestors have probably conquered at least one nation comprising mainly of people of a different race.

#24 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re In this forum, 4 in 5

You see? We're less mongy than the Yanks!

Any figures for 'Straya by any chance?

#25 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

And NEVER marry an Asian woman and take her back to USA, Australia, UK, wherever.

I'd have to disagree with you very slightly.

It has been known for some Chinese women to refuse to go abroad as they are more likely to get a favourable deal when later applying for that divorce through the Chinese courts once they've had enough of you. Also, staying locally allows their rural family members to manipulate you more.

#26 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

The only Japanese women that I've hooked up with were not classy, lol. However, they were damn sight cleaner and nicer smelling than most mainland Chinese women.

#27 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

If you really want to find a really decent Chinese woman, you're actually better off targeting the postgrads at Western universities than actually going to China, lol.

#28 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Wristwatch handcuffs

A few days ago when the site went down for maintenance, Ed posted a notice at the top of the Forum about it. He also added a note about some dissatisfied comments he had just read on the Forum (he does not normally read the Forum): He wrote that if the site users find the Forum useful, he will maintain it as a service; if they don't find it useful, he will just close it. I know Ed from my time as a Mod on this site and my interpretation of his note is that he doesn't give a shit about the contents of the Forum (the relies on his Mods to remove the most extreme stuff). Ed is basically a good guy, a little laid back, can be impulsive at times (delete posts); his attitude is "laissez-faire" until it's no longer "laissez-faire" and he starts deleting.

#29 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

I also suspect mods are having troubles with the freedom and I guess they are scratching their heads over the approach to the board. Since I began posting a year or two ago, users have been dull and highly questionable. You could easily draw parallels when reading the absurd responses but hardly ever see real teachers posting on. Anyhow, I hope my message gets to the board here.

Several of my posts got lost as well due to server problems. Or they were censored and deleted out by the mods as they contained a heavy critique of the current state of a teachers board with all the nonsense drivel posted here. Contrary to its name, it seems this is not a board for teachers but one of sociopaths
#30 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

Forums like this are an outdated service. They can't be refreshed. All they can probably do is set up a Facebook group and post ads there.

#31 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

You are correct, I am only interested in short-term relationships. Not just for sexual gratification but also because of possible legal ramifications.

Two to three months maximum. In some places if you have been living with a woman for six months that is considered a de-facto relationship and a woman is entitled to half your assets even if she contributed NOTHING financially toward the relationship.

Why the hell any man wants to marry in 2017 is a mystery to me. You can lose everything in the West if you have a kid with a woman these days.

Not worth the stress and risks involved.

#32 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In this forum, 4 in 5

She is OK even though she is not a real teacher. She also worked at the appalling Guangxi University like "Mr Here to Talk Shit" who is also not a real teacher.

Incredible that three people posting on the same board had the misfortune to be previously employed at the "prestigious" ( laugh so much, LOL )
Guangxi University in crappy ol Nanning City.

#33 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

I find myself with more respect for you than any of these people who do to the women what you have mentioned. You have cleanly stated that you only seek short term relationships for physical and biological drives only. These men we are talking about on the other hand will purposefully go into women who are not the same as them and make kids. These kids will then grow up and spread positive propaganda about places that didn't necessarily treat them well and confuse local people.

These mixed race individuals are often not in the best state mentally throughout their lives. For example, I worked with a mixed race man at one of my recent jobs and he displayed his unstability. He would often accost me for ideas, and try to take them as if he thought of them himself. However, the one white dude whom we shared an office with would never recieve this kind of treatment from him. He asked me to keep the door closed once, rather adamantly due to his fear of the cold. Yet when the white dude left it open he couldn't even bring himself to speak up.

:D That you would expect civility and self restraint from folks who are not the same ethnic background as yours makes you a better person than almost anyone who writes on this forum.

#34 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

The only use they are serving is as an anti-role model of sorts. The developing worlds hopefully will look at them and avoid the mistakes the chinese have made.

#35 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

It is often the case that laowai in China marry young women with no money, no skills, no education and no future.

In the OP's case it's seems his wife has a good worth ethic but this is extremely rare with Chinese women.

I've always wondered why Western men in China want to or need to scrape the bottom of the barrel as far as women are concerned. If you were looking for a wife ( I'm not ) wouldn't you look for the best of the best?

I mean, can't they do any better? Maybe they can't.

#36 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

All I can say is well done to those police. Nobody has the right to turn up at a hospital in a foreign country and assault a nurse there.

He is lucky all he got was a broken arm and deportation. He should have been charged with attempted murder and been jailed for at least 10 years.

Typical attitude from a Chinese wife also, they think paying someone off is showing remorse and hope the victim will just forget about the whole thing.

The type of incident you mentioned is happening all over the world. In Thailand and Korea in particular there are huge problems with Chinese tourists,
and to a lesser extent, Japan. I often see the rude and disgusting behavior of Chinese tourists in Pattaya.

If they are just there to cause trouble and they want everything for free then what the fuck are they doing there? They are of no use to anyone.

Really, these people need to be banned from going abroad, they are a total disaster for those unlucky enough to have to put up with their bullshit.

#37 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Of course, that is all true what you have said.

There was a recent article written in a mandarin blog that showed snapshots of a wechat conversation about a chinese man who got deported in the USA.

Apparently, he decided that it was china and he could physically assault and choke a nurse at the hospital. Well, the cops came and promptly broke his arm with a tap of a gun stock. He was given 2 choices, either be deported and banned from entering the country for 20 years, or face 2nd degree attempted murder charges in court. His wife was arrested shortly thereafter when she accosted the victim and attempted a private cash settlement.

The mental illness in the chinese will show up in its full ugliness whenever possible. I personally found it would show up the most consistently when kindness and curiosity was shown.

#38 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

The real individual with a chip on his shoulder is someone who pretends that he doesn't have one, in this case that would be you, am I right or am I right?

It is common knowledge that a Racist in the modern world practices racism in a more refined manner. For example, when a white person marries a non-white person there is a significant gap in the access to resources between the two. This is only exasperated by an age gap. One who openly brags in a forum about marrying a non-white female young enough to be your granddaughter in some countries would be practicing racism in the purest form. You know also, that I am not white myself. Yet you continue to talk about other countries as if they are par excellence with the west, and you patronize me on this. Anyone with a brain sees what you are trying to do here.

#39 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In this forum, 4 in 5

SB: Take it easy on her, she is a good poster, and she was replying to MY post and I am glad she did (what she wrote is good info).

#40 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re In this forum, 4 in 5

You are off topic my dear. The topic is about the large mentally ill population in China who are a threat to themselves and others.

Stick to the correct topic in future as we are not talking about the USA in this instance.

#41 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

I'd have to agree that an eccentric person is often not mentally ill. It is just normal for some people to be eccentric and the world would be extremely boring without them.

#42 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Let's ask Taffy and Turnoi: I am sure they have something interesting to say about this high proportion of the population being afflicted with mental illness.

Mental illness rarely visits those that are a tad skew-whiff at the offset - eccentricities, slight abnormalities act to protect, like a flu jab. It is always the way of the moron to cast aspersions that somebody you don't like has mental illness. I'm not over-fond of Turnoi but he's really quite sane. Was that interesting enough, my dear?

#43 Parent Expat - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

Several of my posts got lost as well due to server problems. Or they were censored and deleted out by the mods as they contained a heavy critique of the current state of a teachers board with all the nonsense drivel posted here. Contrary to its name, it seems this is not a board for teachers but one of sociopaths.

#44 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Let's ask Taffy and Turnoi: I am sure they have something interesting to say about this high proportion of the population being afflicted with mental illness.

Now, the above written by our resident wordsmithess managed to draw out the following response from the bloke with the chip on his shoulder- Just exactly how?

8) Typical response by women of Asian descent. White people are your gods. You are just as culpable for the continuation of racism as the white men who marry you.
#45 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

I've read the Telegraph article before but not the NY Times one. I've heard of figures anywhere between 8 to 15 per cent of the Chinese population suffering some type of more severe form of mental illness.

I feel this "saving face" nonsense has a lot to do with driving people in China crazy. Personally I've come across many people in China, especially women who are/were seriously fucked in the head.

Foreigners in China will also notice that other laowai start to go insane after two years or so. I even felt at times that China was a giant lunatic asylum.

Even if only five per cent of China's population was mentally ill that would be 75 million people who are possibly a danger to themselves and others.

It would explain the high number of stabbings in China that occur for no apparent reason or little reason ( no motive ) or for very trivial reasons.

It could also explain the shocking behavior and even violence that occurs when Chinese people travel abroad.

I've heard Chinese people say the most idiotic and illogical things. One guy at an English Corner told me that Chinese bodies are "constructed differently" to other races.

Others who told me there are no gays or lesbians or prostitutes in China. A woman who told me she wanted to jump of the balcony of her level 31 apartment in Nanning.

Another idiot who told me he enjoys listening to washing machines. Women with no jobs, no prospects and no money who want to have a mixed baby with a foreigner ( they talk about this as if they will buy a puppy at the pet store )

This is the sort of stupidity and alarming thing you come across on a daily basis in China. And some people think this is a "society of the future", WTF!

#46 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: In this forum, 4 in 5


#47 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
In this forum, 4 in 5

Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.8 million, or 18.5%—experiences mental illness in a given year.
In Britain, 1 in 6 - http://digital.nhs.uk/catalogue/PUB21748

#48 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Lol...continue being the example of what kinds of foreigners work in china

#49 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

8) Typical response by women of Asian descent. White people are your gods. You are just as culpable for the continuation of racism as the white men who marry you.

#50 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

Dear mods, my post's not here! Put the handcuffs on offenders that abuse the free speech, not me!

#51 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Let's ask Taffy and Turnoi: I am sure they have something interesting to say about this high proportion of the population being afflicted with mental illness.

#52 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness

Great reply, SB, well documented!

One reason for such a high % (100 million is almost 10% of the population), a Chinese doctor says in the Telegraph article "China has 100 million people with mental illness" is: "The government did not pay much attention to the public's mental health over the past 50 years, and did not invest much in treatment or care,"

And " China suffers from a serious lack of qualified psychiatrists, since the profession was outlawed during the Cultural Revolution. "

And it seems the situation is even better than it was decades ago: "As a society develops, it is only natural for government and people to pay more attention to the mental health, but it is not necessarily related to our rising social problems. People nowadays are less crazy than they were during the Cultural Revolution, that's for sure. People are definitely happier now than in that special period," she said."

It all makes sense, but what is the real reason for such a high % according to you. I have one but I would rather not mention it right now. Would like to read yours first.

#53 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re: mental illness



Just so people won't accuse me and others of being biased, here are 2 articles by two completely difference media sources. The Telegraph is notorious for being conservative, while the New York Times are often criticized for being too bleeding heart liberal.


This article, going way back in 2012, talks about the treatment of folks with mental illnesses. What's interesting is that five years ago there was already a three hundred percent increase in the amount of patients going in to these facilities. How many more are being covered up due to "cultural values" such as saving face, neglect, and flat out oppression?


For all the talk of development and expansion, the government in said country obviously does not do anything for its people with their state of mental health.

On a personal note, my immediate family talked to me about life growing up in china and I made inferences on what would happen if there was a known individual with a mental illness. If it was non-criminal in nature, society would simply neglect him/her and let them be. A "non of my business" approach. If the person was in a position useful to the government, the Communist propaganda brainwashing would be applied.

Of course, you have been known on this forum to give a link, often to nytimes and use that to further your polyanna views. I think you know what the truth is, as does the rest of the apologists and polly's. It is why you double down and promote nonsense even more.

#54 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Wristwatch handcuffs

The amount of seriously mentally ill individuals in China could be as high as 15 per cent of the population.

Seems a bit high. Any source?
#55 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

The amount of seriously mentally ill individuals in China could be as high as 15 per cent of the population.

As for the foreigners who live there and the fools who support them, all I can say is that most of them are just scum.

I want to know why China attracts the worst ex-pats. I've never had a problem with ex-pats in Thailand or the Philippines.

I think you are right: China is the only place where these dysfunctional and unbalanced psychotic individuals can survive.

Over the years on this forum alone we have seen many examples of this.

#56 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

China has some serious problems to address regarding its general population. The people have "developed" to the point where they can use their wits to ruin your life over some time. But tangible solutions to address the mental issues that afflict many people in this country have not come up.

Of course, we musn't forget the foreigners who go there to feel better about their own miserable selves. Being in dysfunctional societies obviously makes some people feel better, as shown on this forum.

#57 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

In fact, it's over 1.5 billion now. Various research and studies indicates that up to 10 per cent of China's population suffers some sort of serious mental illness. Many of these individuals are not diagnosed.

It's easy to tell by observing these people over a period of months of years.

1) A lack of logical thought patterns and no common sense.

Chinese people ( in China ) are illogical and don't think well.

2) A lack of empathy, for other Chinese, for foreigners, and especially for animals.

3) A sense of entitlement, mostly on the part of women but many men are also like this.

Ask a Chinese woman, "what qualities do you look for in a man" ??

Answer: "He must have a sense of responsibility".

Standard, superficial bullshit reply. I've heard it thousands of times.

"And what about your responsibilities" ?? They never respond because they don't have any ( according to them )

4) Complete lack of respect for others and the environment.

I could give dozens of examples of this. It will take too long so I won't bother.

#58 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

China's people by and large suffer from an infantile mindset syndrome.

China's population exceeds 1.3 billion individuals.
There is no psychological illness or diagnosis identified as 'infantile mindset syndrome'.
Categorizing Chinese 'by and large' based on personal experience is, at worst, racist, at best, infantile.

#59 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

Japanese women are the only way to go far as Asian women are concerned. They are out of the league of most Western men however, especially the sort of individuals who post on boards like this and others. I'd say a Japanese is even out of my league, they are really like expensive high quality diamonds.

These men of this board and many others had to go to China and marry Chinese women, it's all they could get. Any Western man can attract a Chinese but why would you want to?

They are bottom of the barrel, no doubt about it!

#60 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

Solid advice all around for foreign men who want a mate. I know you had mentioned Japanese women as generally being more civil than the aformentioned countries to the post I am responding to. I did hear it was hard to get a mate there due to them having better and more classy values. But what is worth doing is never easy.

For some of the foreign men I have met in china though, I think they and their respective wives deserve each other with the dysfunction they bring to the table. At least they both are discharging it off each other instead of on other people. Better for all of us that way.

#61 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

Well, obviously people make their own decisions. However, I agree that Western people must be very careful when socializing with Chinese people, especially Western men.

This is even more so if these men have any sort or romantic ambitions toward Chinese women. If they can't speak or understand any Chinese there is even more danger.

You are right that the Chinese have no empathy, are generally immoral, and don't believe in fairness. You don't want to show empathy to people who have no concept of it and sharing resources and knowledge with those who don't appreciate it is also never a good idea.

It applies to Thailand and the Philippines also to a certain extent.

I think the way to go is to learn the language ( or try to ) and live with the woman you like, GF, whatever, in China, Thailand, Philippines, etc.

The biggest mistake men make is marrying these women. If they really want to marry them they need to sign a pre-nuptial agreement.

And NEVER marry an Asian woman and take her back to USA, Australia, UK, wherever.

That's just asking for big trouble.

#62 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

China's people by and large suffer from an infantile mindset syndrome. Be careful how you socialize with these types of folks. Showing empathy by giving away your knowledge and resources puts you at a distinct disadvantage. I had learned the hard way. Silverboy tries to make things easier for people. I just pray that the unjust get their punishment.

#63 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Wristwatch handcuffs

I assume you are referring to myself. What I write on here is common sense and will save people ( especially young men ) from potential disaster.

You have in fact yourself posted a lot of waffle and rubbish on here in the past.

You being a feminist and also having extreme left-wing views and are intolerant of others views.

Also, if you don't like luxury watches that's your problem.

Men will become multi-millionaires in their early 30's if they follow my advice and that in the You Tube links I've posted.

That can only be a good thing.

If they listen to the likes of yourself and the beta male type wimps and cowards on here ( eg, caring ) they will end up in a lot of trouble.

I try to lead people on a path that will improve their life.

FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Wristwatch handcuffs

What can moderators do to rejuvenate a forum when one contributor floods the site with inane comments and pummels readers with diatribe that, in its tedious adolescent repetition, loses even the power to incite debate?

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