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#1 Parent Duane Flanigan - 2011-03-16
Re Almayca Languages Centre - Teachers Discussion

April Beer is a [edited][edited] who knows nothing about the school's operations or mis-management of it's teachers and students.

#2 Parent Jason K - 2007-09-17
Re: Warning-Almayca Languages Centre - Teachers Discussion

I couldn't believe the response of the school. I'm glad to know that Duane is safe at home and doing well. Its always nice for a teacher to know that he has support back at home. Way to go Duane. :)


#3 Parent April Beer - 2007-08-03
Almayca Languages Centre - Teachers Discussion

My name is April Beer and I am a teacher at Almayca Languages Centre in Huadu, China. I started working at Almayca on March 15, 2007, shortly after Duane Flannigan was hired. The accusations he has made against the school are entirely unfounded. Duane had a hard time adjusting to life in China. This was further complicated by some problems he brought with him from America. Without going into a lot of detail, it should suffice to say that being consistently late and/or not showing up for classes due to hang-overs and an inability to embrace the Chinese culture were some of the factors leading to his dismissal. The owners and managers of Almayca have been nothing but obliging and helpful in resolving any issues I have had living here. In fact, they assisted Duane in getting back to California to find the help he needed to address his psychological problems - something most schools would not have done. Sam, Nicki and Byron are great people with integrity, who work hard to ensure their teachers are happy and healthy. Anyone considering employment with Almayca can feel free to contact me should they have any questions or hesitations regarding the opportunities the school offers. Living abroad is not easy, so the people you work with and for are very important. I hope Duane finds what he's looking for - unfortunately, it wasn't here at Almayca.

#4 Parent Duane Flanigan - 2007-04-21
Retraction Memo - Teachers Discussion

I am Duane Flanigan, the teacher for Almayca that wrote the distress email to friends, family, and organizations. This is a complex response to write, as pointing blame to some aspects to my experience with Almayca are murky. My passport wasn't stolen, but I was warned that the contractual landlord couldn't be trusted, and when I misplaced it amongst many hiding places, I panicked. I was promised a schedule, etc. that would provide for a greater income, but that managerial partner left 2 days after I arrived. The new managers, Byron and Nicki have integrity; I state for the record that they are young and bright and seasoned with China, that they were bound in my case to contracts and promises they didn't make, and that they are growing into their positions. They assisted me with getting a cheap flight out, and paid me before I left. Duane Flanigan

Duane Flanigan - 2007-04-11
Warning-Almayca Languages Centre - Teachers Discussion

Your Country is partner to a corrupt operation here in China, an English Language School in Huadu, Guangzhou Province, China. My name is Duane Flanigan. I am a US citizen, and other foreign teachers, perhaps among hundreds, have been tricked by an operation named 'Almacka;' posed as a professional Canadian language school. I have already informed my American Embassy about the details, and will hopefully meet with you also about the owners and managers of this corrupt operation. Please contact me as to how I can get safe passage out of Huadu, and out of China. This is your responsibility, since it is a Canadian operation that has stolen my wages, my passport, and made it impossible to live here. They have made many threats against me. All I want is safe passage back to America. Thank you.

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