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#1 Parent Camerilla - 2018-03-29
Re Greedy Chinese women cause baby formula shortages.

No, he certainly won't have milk there. He will have beer, Sherry and Whisky to feed the beach monkeys that will steal his drinks. :D

So, you're going to Pattaya to deliver the milk that you're frustrated about, aren't you?
#2 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Greedy Chinese women cause baby formula shortages.

So, you're going to Pattaya to deliver the milk that you're frustrated about, aren't you?

#3 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Greedy Chinese women cause baby formula shortages.

Who's "WE"? We're sure you're "Brock The Badger" :)

SB, we will follow you with interest
#4 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re Greedy Chinese women cause baby formula shortages.

Seems yor Thai peelers're knockin at yor door to fullfil yor responsibilities. U should've kept yor fly in. Now, grab that baby milk from Chinese and kick'er arses!

Don't know so much, he is talking crap but the English is not bad if you realise he's contracting, snipping, clipping. Like 'peelers're' is okay for 'peelers are/policemen are. 'you' merely has the u removed. 'should've' there's nowt wrong with that unless your country had pruned that years ago. 'kick'er is short 'for kick their' He is obviously capable of superb English. But he is talking nonsense.

Good luck in Pattaya, SB, we will follow you with interest- half of us with envy.

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Greedy Chinese women cause baby formula shortages.

Once again your English is crap. Heard you are working at an IELTS centre now. Well, you really are coming up in the world, what a great career move by you, LOL As for "responsibilities" I don't have any and don't want any. I m an MGTOW and I'm proud of it. I spend all my money on myself. I have plenty of free time also unlike you. I m going to Pattaya tomorrow. You never will though. You are stuck in China. A "stuck in China" teacher, LOL!

#6 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Greedy Chinese women cause baby formula shortages.

Seems yor Thai peelers're knockin at yor door to fullfil yor responsibilities. U should've kept yor fly in. Now, grab that baby milk from Chinese and kick'er arses!

Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Greedy Chinese women cause baby formula shortages.

I 've noticed recently that Australian women are complaining about the Chinese bulk buying and stockpiling Australian baby formula in Sydney and some parts of Brisbane. This has been featured on several current affairs programs numerous time. One woman compared them to a "plaque of locusts " which is ironically what the Chinese in Hong Kong call mainlanders. One woman complained that it was almost impossible for her to find baby formula unless she drives across ten or twelve suburbs ( a hassle in crazy Sydney and Brisbane traffic ) When she finds a place that has it there is hardly any left. One Chinese women was caught with ten tins in one shop when there was supposed to be a limit of two. When she was confronted she just shrugged her shoulders and said "no, no". I have seen them stockpiling myself at "Chemist Warehouse". Really, I feel like punching them in the face sometimes. Greedy, selfish, self-serving. These filthy parasites have no respect for others. They are just scum.

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