Return to Index › Foreign Teachers incident at Gannan Normal College Ganzhou - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Bill Jacot - 2007-04-27
Reaction - Teachers Discussion

I couldn't have said it better myself!

#2 Parent AMonk - 2007-04-27
Rely to Emily - Teachers Discussion

Thank you for your response. I believe, though, that my point was validated by later posters, especially by Carlito.

I have a great respect for Non-Native teachers of English. Teaching a language that is not your own, cannot always be an easy task. Speaking in that unfamiliar tongue one can make some mistakes, which a person who is a Native would not generally make.

However, my issue was with the content (and presentation) of "Doctor" Cross's written posting. May I suggest that all posters would find the Preview option a good one, so that they do not leave such glaring errors as some have displayed.

It is not professional nor is it seemly for an English Language teacher to have so many mistakes within his/her posts as we have seen displayed all too often.

#3 Parent Em - 2007-04-26
Bad English - Teachers Discussion

Hi AMonk. Just a couple of quick comments of your comments about the OP's English. It is a very common bit of knowledge that with the every increasing use of computers/internet that the quality or our written English has declined. This poor use of English has slowly creped into our oral English too. This has been noted many by many educators and I too am guilty of this crime plus I am an English teacher to! Maybe the OP is a non native English speaker but please give the OP the doubt or make your comments in a more positive manner. Thanks for your consideration.

#4 Parent carlito bragante - 2007-04-25
Re: Gannan Normal College - Teachers Discussion

Jim Cross is a 60 year old male who told a 19 year old student that he loved her, he will marry her and take her to America. He told her she must live with him,however, and this is against the College policy and procedures. Jim Cross told students and teachers that he was the owner of a multi-million dollar international company and he often asked male students to go to bars with him "looking for fun and girls". He was in fact dating one of the girls from the bar when he seized upon his opportunity to take advantage of the 19 year old student. What happened next between he and the University Administration was the result of his unacceptable behavior toward female students.

Many of us were outraged at Jim Cross' behavior and he only lasted 3 months teaching in Ganzhou, Jiangxi. We don't need teachers like Jim Cross in China, as he does not represent Americans nor any nationality very well.

In 1999-2000, an elderly teacher died of natural causes while teaching at Gannan. It was not a young American female teacher who died under unusual circumstances.

I gladly set the facts straight, not by rumor but by truth and documented facts. I have been in China many years as an English Teacher.

Carlito Bragante

#5 Parent AMonk - 2006-07-30
I stand by my posting - Teachers Discussion

"To be effective....you need to be on your professional mettle"

Anyone who claims to be an expert English speaker/teacher should be able to demonstrate a better quality of writing than "Doctor" Cross showed.

I have been put off, even repulsed, by the low standards exhibited in some of the postings which have appeared in the past. "Doctor" Cross's is simply one of the most glaringly bad. As others have noted, there are some gaps and questions raised by the "doctor's" testament. But my major issue is/was that in order to be taken seriously, one should use a decent English format (which we all purport to be able to teach our students).

I have accepted badly written passages full of English errors which were rich with Ideas and Creativity. However, the writers were neophytes, not self-proclaimed "experts" whose job it is/was to teach their native tongue to others.

I repeat, "if you want (to be taken seriously and) to be effective, be on your professional mettle" when you report your experiences to your peers.

#6 Parent wally - 2006-07-30
AMONK - Teachers Discussion

A sensitive yet well meaniless reply.
Perhaps you were trying to make a person you have never met look bad through his grammatical inperfections or is that imperfections?
Really this place seems like a "Pesimists Dream"
And stuff the spelling I am sure you know what I means.What about IDEAS

#7 Parent John - 2006-07-28
Thank-you, Frank! - Teachers Discussion

Thanks for your reply, Frank. As you (and others) can now see, I meant you no malice or insult in picking on your use of that word.

I doubt that Dr Cross will have anything further to say. I am quite satisfied that his situation was largely brought about by his own actions and subsequent attitude to the college's response. I believe he has been comprehensively debunked and like he appears to have done at Gannan Normal College, he has now run away yet again.


#8 Parent Frank - 2006-07-27
My mistake - Teachers Discussion

John, I understand your point exactly. When I referred to Dr. Cross's "horrific" episode, it was based entire on various elements his vague claim, and not from clarification of facts and details. My mistake. I often err on the side of knee-jerk empathy.

With regards to various some folk's unpleasant encounters with Raoul Duke, of course, he will speak for himself, and I cannot justify. All I know, as I said before, is that many of his previous postings resonate with me, and often articulate my own feelings and experiences. I do think he is a wise, sensitive, and compassionate guy. Obviously, not everyone agrees with me.(And I only "know" him from this forum. We have no previous personal history together.)

Again, I think it's quite unfortunate that James Cross's posting set in motion such a domino effect of bitter exchanges. I think somewhere in all of this madness, everyone has a point, but Dr. Cross has (to date) walked away from it all, "fiddling as Rome burns..."

#9 Parent John - 2006-07-27
How can you know, Frank? How can you know? - Teachers Discussion

Your "Paging Dr.Cross" posting states that his "episode" with Gannan Normal College was "horrific" How can you say that, Frank? All the signs in Dr Cross's own complaint suggest that it was not "horrific" at all. Indeed he was not even there after the College refused to stop "disrespecting his privacy" and confirmed their agreement to him breaking his contract.

Indeed it is quite clear that he did break not only his employment contract, but the law too. Thus, whatever "horror" Dr Cross may have experienced may well have been entirely his own fault.

We all have only the one posting from Dr Cross and nowhere does even he suggest it was horrific - merely that it was inconvenient and expensive for he and his girlfriend to live in a succession of hotels after HE ran away.

Dr Cross posted what everyone agrees was one-sided, vague, cryptic, confusing, etc etc. But there was enough clarity there for me to draw my distinctions but there is none whtsoever that entitles you to state that his experience was "horrific"

As you say yourself, Frank,"It's All In The Details"

As for the vicious, mud-slinging nature of the discussions herein, let me point out that I never mud-sling anyone. It's the likes of Mr Duke who; when their argument is defeated; lack the control necessary to resist calling names and making personally insulting remarks and telling lies against some of us who simply have the temerity to state our own opinions even though they differ from his. Mr Duke - in this case at least - has not shown himself to be "wise" - "sensitive" and imbued with "wit" as you said in an earlier posting in this thread. It only shows up the fact that he has a narrow mind, a bullying attitude and a big mouth - as was also volunteered by "Earthling" in his posting.


#10 Parent wally - 2006-07-27
Gannan Normal Uni - Teachers Discussion

Well This University rings a bell,

A young American woman died there in 2000, under suspicious circumstances...I was teaching across the road at another university and in 1999 -2000. The students were always renting hotel rooms to liase with their beaus...it was obvious as hec.
Wow John must have ESP to be able to recreate such a senario without knowing anything about the place , people or time.

#11 Parent Frank - 2006-07-27
Paging Dr. Cross... Paging Dr. Cross... - Teachers Discussion

I guess Im lucky because I see things I agree with in some or all of the posting in this thread from Raoul, John, Ginger Grant, and Yingwen Laoshi. But in all of this heated and now vicious debate, something quite central to all this shouting and mud-slinging has been lost: Where is Dr. Cross? It is his vague and rambling posting that provoked this personal and rhetorical warfare. As I said before, I want to be sympathetic to James Crosss plight, but without clarification it is difficult.

Dr. Cross, as you can see, a firestorm has erupted as a result of your rather cryptic outcry.

I hope you will return and remove much of the mystery surrounding your horrific episode at Gannan.

#12 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-07-26
All in how ya see it... - Teachers Discussion

John, John, John...and you complain that Hemingway's review was long and boring? Please.

I certainly haven't gone through and made a thorough research of your posts because frankly I have better things to do. I did a quick scan...but the only places I saw your name were posts where you took to task some teacher who was posting complaints about a school. If I've missed something and maligned your posts, unfairly, then I apologize...but it certainly an easy mistake to make.

Maybe it's the ways you launch into these guys that gets me. The way I see it, you often take really minor or tangential points and use them to "debunk" the complaint, completely missing the main points. Let's look at some, shall we?

Dr. Cross and Gannan: I agree with you that he seems to have stepped out of bounds by moving his girlfriend in. You may notice that I, too, asked him to post more info about this. However, you also assert that Dr. Cross "quite plainly stuffed Gannan Normal College from start to finish" and that he "evidently threw a tantrum or two and then did a runner." I don't know these things for sure, John...and neither do you. You simply don't have this information, at least not from this site; these are the words of a smear campaign. I readily acknowledge that I failed to make an immediate connection on some of the ramifications of his case. But at least I'm making such assumptions for the sole purpose of tearing someone down. So you might want to back off on the "wild accusations" and "pot calling the kettle black" stuff.

Oh, yes...it's claimed that this school confiscated Dr. Cross's belongings for some months, make a lot of pretty dire threats, and so on. And you don't think this is draconian? Wouldn't it have been enough just to fire him or something? If Dr. Cross is telling the truth, then the school's reaction seems way out of line.

And even with Dr. Cross's mistakes: what's it to YOU?

Yi/Nanhai NeuSoft: I had a lot of problems to your treatment of this one. I actually wrote a review at the time, but my computer hiccupped and I lost it before I could post.

First of all, you responded to a pretty nasty situation by throwing the rulebook at the victim. You know as well as I do that most newbies don't bone up on the mysteries of Chinese visa laws before coming here. They don't know the environment and don't even realize that they need to do such defensive research. They tend to do what I did when I first came here long ago, and what I suspect you probably did as a newbie as well: they trust their schools to steer them right on these matters. Yeah, it may be a mistake, but it's a naive and forgiveable one. Their going to trust a year of their lives to these schools, so why shouldn't they tend to believe that the school is at least giving them good advice on these routine adminisrative matters?

You also know as well as I do that coming here on an L or F visa and then converting is extremely common practice. You can find tons of online advice saying that it's OK to do this. And it usually is.

Secondly, you're using this failure to get information to distract the argument away from what it's claimed the school did, which was to lure over a bunch of teachers with contracts signed by both parties and then tell them "No work for you. Sod off." This is weasel behavior in its lowest form, and no amount of after-the-fact armchair quarterbacking is going to alter that. And a failure to independently research the visa laws does not in any way justify or excuse what the school did.

And we still have that same question here: What's it to YOU? Why all this work to try and adjudicate a situation where you had no knowledge and no involvement?

Barry Donnelly/Ruwi: I didn't read much of that series and I certainly didn't know there would be a test. So I'll leave it at saying that I'm surprised to learn that writing badly or being long-winded and boring mean that one is dishonest or has no right to lodge a complaint.

Oh, and yes, What's it to YOU? Why jump in to muddle up a situation that even you admit has some grounds for complaint?

Hemingway: Here's where it all started. Yes, Hemingway is my friend. Yes, I did have considerable knowledge of this situation. No, I am not the one who stirred his review up again; that was done for us by someone with a personal grudge against Hemingway. Yes, I know why this guy felt he had to try and tear Hemingway down. My friend was being slandered and hell, yes, I did jump in to defend him.

So we've looped back to the burning question: What's it to YOU? Why, when this guy was already under serious attack from an envious little a-hole, did you feel compelled to jump in and rip him simply because you felt his account was long, and full of details that YOU didn't think were relevant even though you knew nothing of the incidents and had no apparent involvement with any of the characters in the story?

I do jump in with a lot of opinions, usually based on my own experiences or those of people I know. But if you'll look at my postings you might notice that many of them are, supported or not, justified or not, an attempt to help someone or at least supply an opinion as part of a discussion. This is, as I understand it, kind of what happens on an internet forum, yes? So at least I'm not jumping in to cross-examine other teachers for my own mysterious reasons. Personally, I'd much rather be seen as "foolish" than as "thriving on the misery of others."

And no, I don't think all schools in China are the enemy. Only MOST of them...the longer I'm here the more certain I become that you can count the upright jobs in China on your fingers. But even at that I have no history of jumping in and attacking specific schools about which I have absolutely no knowledge or no connection.

I'm not the only one easy to overturn, John, and all the other foreign teachers in China and myself are not the only ones who can be seen through.

Earthling, you're merely a troll; at least John actually has an opinion about something. All I have for you (Earthling) is the same obscene hand gesture I had for you last time you popped up in here. Not real intellectual, perhaps, but it gets the point across and it's better than you deserve. You're still a punk and I can still take you.

But oh, trolling is such a dazzling display of intellect. :b

#13 Parent John - 2006-07-26
Response to 'The Earthling' - Teachers Discussion

Yes, I do indeed agree with your impressions of Mr Duke. However, he does seem to be rather hollow in the face of a well-presented case. He didn't even address what I said about Dr Cross but simply ranted away at me for having dared to challenge his complaint. Some argument, Huh?

Then he descended into the refuge of small children - that being throwing around insulting remarks and name-calling. Always a sure admittance of defeat and indeed, in his case, a public acknowledgement thereof.

I shall ignore Mr Duke of course. A man like him, who thinks he is important, will always experience greater frustration when the one he presumes to throw insults at, simply ignores him in the way one ignores a child throwing a tantrum.

Finally, thank you for your support. A few others have been in touch privately with their support too.


#14 Parent Ginger Grant - 2006-07-26
Your Biased Discourse - Teachers Discussion

You know, John, after reading your responses to the reviews here for some time now; I have something to state here and youll most likely either give me a long response or a short retort; let me also add that Raoul Duke may have a point.

You obviously devote a great deal of time and effort dissecting from all angles, as you put it, these school reviews, but it's also very noticeable to me that your efforts tend to ignore very crucial details in some of the reviews, and maybe you see those ignored details as irrelevant especially if they dont coincide with your argumentative strategy. You tend to make a particular attempt to either discredit the poster's review altogether or certain aspects of that review, and if another poster doesn't agree with your views, you do get a little snippity, and long winded yourself. The later observation certainly is applicable to Raoul Duke's posting, but also to other posters here as well.

As intelligent as you seem in your postings, surely you can see that such omittance of details and other poster's viewpoints has to be addressed; moreover, you cannot expect anyone with experience teaching in China to simply accept your responses to these reviews as valid because you haven't experienced those schools but write in such an insightful, critical, and even sometimes, a convincing manner?

Are those negative reviews possibly a catalyst that provokes and eventually inhibits your own efforts of making a profit in China, either as a recruiter or ties to a recruiter?

If I am wrong for such a guess, then I cant phantom what would provoke you to spend such an exorbitant effort playing a verbal dissecting game with the reviews, making some pretty far out leaps in assumptons about the poster, and not fully realizing either the contextual expression of the review or even the posters point of view. I can understand if the poster missed including certain points, but I dont think that qualifies as wholesale condemnation of the review or the posters experience at a school.

You have revealed more than your opinions on these certain school reviews; you've revealed something a little too driven, too argumentative, and a little too sanctimonious, so dont expect me to buy into your misdirected agenda as enlightened discourse.

The truth in China is an arbitrary commodity for the Chinese, and it would seem also for your purposes altogether, a terrible revelation on an already direly troubled educational industry where moral cowardice seems to be valued and promoted by Chinese and some foreigners.

Finally, I want to stress that you do have some points to the reviews, but consider me silly and foolish for thinking that your attitude and rhetoric to the reviews and other posters here are less than admirable; however, since I've been teaching here in China for five years, I've become less surprised at the lengths some foreigners will go to discredit other foreigner's experiences to further their own agendas.

And I find the later, the saddest part of my experience of living and teaching in China.

#15 Parent Frank - 2006-07-27
Don't Dismiss The Duke - Teachers Discussion

Fellow FTs and Earthlings,

First of all, I support peoples right to disagree and engage in spirited debate. For several months, I visited and occasionally posted thoughts and experiences at Daves ESL Caf (and still do from time-to-time). I find Daves to be an often hostile and unsupportive forum. Theres too much Kill The Messenger going on over there.

In the beginning, I was coming to ESLTeachersBoard.com for job postings and school reviews only. After growing weary of so many inhospitable and morally-superior posters on Daves forum, I decided to read a couple of months worth of threads on ESLTB.

What I quickly discovered was that many of the posts from Raoul Duke often articulated my own experiences and theories about the pleasures and pitfalls of living and teaching in China. More often than not, I find that Raoul Duke brings tremendous wisdom and insight and wit to his posts, and I also feel he is quite open and generous in offering guidance and support to others who often feel confused or victimized.

Raoul Duke has tremendous connection to and understanding of the common and down-trodden people of China. (Read his postings regarding the "Rose Children," for example.)

I have a tremendous respect for many of the FTs that post on this forum. I have learned much and from many of them, whether through experiential testimony or terse debate. But were it not for Raoul Duke, I DOUBT I WOULD BE HERE AT ALL!

Love him, like him, or hate him; of course I cant do anything about your feelings regarding The Duke (or me, for that matter!), but to dismiss him outright will surely deprive one of insight and understanding and quite a few laughs along the way.

Sure, hes a wise guy, but also a wise and sensitive man.

Hail to The Duke!

#16 Parent The Earthling - 2006-07-26
Raoul Duke - Teachers Discussion

Surely if you have been reading these pages, you must know by now that Mr. Duke has set himself up as God Almighty, The Big Boss. I chided him about not having a life other than these pages and he came back with how he "could take me", I was a "punk" and how I must have "crawled out from under a rock". A real intellectual, wouldn't you say? Shouldn't waste any more of your time on him.

#17 Parent John - 2006-07-25
For Mr Duke - Teachers Discussion

Don't be silly, Mr Duke. You make it sound as if I am always posting anti-teacher complaints in here. I have in fact taken issue with only three in the last seven months and every one of them deserved it. Since the beginning of 2005 (Repeat:2005 - not 2006) I have taken issue with the following people and schools (Yes, Mr Duke! I do schools too!). The following postings are all matters of record and there are no others of mine to report on.

1) Mr Barry Donnelly for his complaint about Ruwi School that was so badly written that I had to tell him about it - as did several other people. Also, I knew Mr Donnelly personally and I can assure you that whilst his complaint about Ruwi was true to some extent, he chose to ignore a number of major contributing factors on his part. Ruwi may have acted wrongly - but so did Mr Donnelly who chose not to refer to his own involvement in his being fired.

2) I exposed a scam in Nigeria, purporting to be from "Brightstar Academy" conning people out of money for "advance expenses" connected to a job offer. You didn't see fit to offer me any compliments there, Mr Duke.

3) Along with several other teachers, I challenged Mr Hemingway's long and boring account of his treatment by a College in Huabei. My own complaint was confined only to the un-necessary length and irrelevant content of his posting, which went on for thousands of words. I didn't comment about the causes of his problem - only the manner in which he presented it. The Hemingway issue went on for a very long time - fuelled by yourself in no small measure, Mr Duke. You even tried to un-necessarily raise it again quite recently, well after it had all died down and gone away. You, however, are a personal friend of Mr Hemingway so you can be counted on to defend him no matter what the causes may have been.

4) I also challenged Mr Davis's equally long, personally insulting and boring diatribe about Ruwi School and its management. That went on for a long time too. I have since been privately informed of many other aspects of Mr Davis's behaviour at Ruwi School that point the finger right back at him.

5) Da Yang English Training Centre in Jingdezhen - specifically its owner, Ms Litta. I twice warned about this school and on each occasion was supported by several people who had worked there.

6) Recently I busted another scam, this time in Ghana - it was identical in nature to the one in Nigeria and my research indicated that both scams originated from the same people. You missed that too, Mr Duke!

7) Someone named "Yi" who with a number of others flew to China to take up a job in a summer school without securing Letters of Invitation and therefore had no 'Z'Visas. School may have been in the wrong (but may actually have acted correctly - their conduct was not fully explained by Yi) Yi & Co obviously did not check on the procedure for entering China and found themselves destitute on arrival. If they couldn't be bothered to do some quick and simple research then they should not have been surprised when they found themselves in trouble.

So, in the past nineteen months, I have taken issue with only four other Foreign Teachers - namely Messrs Donnelly, Yi, Davis and Hemingway - My challenge to Dr Cross counts as Teacher No.5. In the same period, however, I have also taken issue with three so-called schools - Da Yang I took to account on two separate occasions so I can probably claim four in all.

Thus I think my posting history on here is nothing like you untruthfully accuse me of. Moreover what little I have done is pretty evenly balanced between other teachers who have been at fault and schools who have been at fault. So, before throwing your wild accusations around, Mr Duke - I suggest you get up off your asshole and do some research! Those like you who jump to accusations face the risk of making themselves appear silly - as you have done.

Moreover the teachers I have challenged have all been cases where it has been QUITE obvious that the teacher concerned has been at fault to some significant degree and/or has been guilty of lying and/or using insulting language. If those complaints were so objective - where were you then, Mr Duke? You didn't see fit to challenge me back then did you? No, Sir! You kept your head down and tacitly accepted the validity of my arguments. Even when I challenged your personal friend, Mr Hemingway, you remained silent. So why do you now jump up and bleat so belatedly?

Moreover in my postings I merely turned the plaintiffs' own whining back on themselves - I did not "invent" situations. I took what they had said, considered it all very carefully indeed - from all angles, (something you need to learn yourself) and I looked on it in a different way from that which they expected. Which is a nice way of saying that I saw through them.

You are quite right in saying that there are many schools that are every bit as bad as they are claimed to be. My postings show that I will challenge them too. I have challenged a very small number of teachers who chose to falsify their complaints by means of exaggeration, lies and selective reporting of facts. So don't exaggerate your claim against me in the same way that they exaggerate theirs. I ask you to be big enough to publicly retract the following claim that even you know is untrue. I quote your own words:

a) "If you look at John's posting history, mostly over on the Reviews side, it's hard not to notice that John seems to exist for one thing and one thing only: to try and shoot down any complaint that any foreign teacher makes about any school. He puts a lot of work into making it look as if any problem that happens in China is entirely the fault of the foreign teacher"

Do you seriously wish to apply the foregoing to a mere handful of instances in the last year and a half? Don't you think you are being ridiculous?

You are a far more frequent visitor here than I am and I see you jumping in with your brand of subjective opinion quite often. I think a lot of what you have said in the past has been uninvited, uncalled for and in large part a load of utter crap -don't see any need to make personal innuendo against you where your opinion has differed from mine. It does seem from what you say now, that you reserve unto yourself the right to spout your unsupported opinions, whilst others - in this case, me - should be denied a similar right. Who do you think you are?

I make a point of never resorting to personal attacks or innuendo, Mr Duke. You however are happy to descend into the practice of trying to discredit me by puffing away with your own innuendo. Isn't that what you accuse me of doing, Mr Duke? Are you not the pot calling the kettle black?

What I will NOT ignore are cases like that of Dr Cross who has quite plainly stuffed Gannan Normal College from start to finish and is now justly reaping his whirlwind. I don't need to know much about the college nor about Dr Cross to deduce what has happened. It is his kind of behaviour that adversely affects all of us who act properly and reasonably, I think I have every right to comment upon it.

If Dr Cross's case is so virtuous then why has he not come back and clarified the behaviour that caused the college to deal with him in the way they did? Indeed I don't see you addressing the content of my challenge to Dr Cross's complaint - merely the fact that I challenged it at all. This suggests you have no argument to mount about his complaint. You even admit that you were so unobservant as to not notice what I did - namely that it is probable that Dr Cross moved his girl friend in with him. How can you claim however that the colleges's response was "draconian" when all Dr Cross said was that they were not respecting his privacy. If it was a rule that Dr Cross chose to ignore, then the College have every right to invoke that rule - but what was Dr Cross's reaction? He evidently threw a tantrum or two and then did a runner.

You leave your views on ALL schools very clear when you accuse me of "Sleeping with the Enemy" Who is "the enemy", Mr Duke? Is this how you view all schools in China? As "The Enemy"? and all because of my very small handful of challenges to teachers who were being unprofessional and one-sided?

My God! You are so easy to overturn! Go away, Mr Duke and READ Dr Cross's complaint a few more times and try looking at it for what it is. You already missed the very core of it and have probably missed a lot more too. In future you would do well to research your responses and take more care with them so that you don't make yourself look foolish.


#18 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-07-24
John vs Every Foreign Teacher in China - Teachers Discussion *Link*

John did do one thing here...he made a connection that I hadn't made from the first reading of James' account of his experiences.

If you moved your girlfriend into on-campus housing at a university, without the university's permission to do so, then you did indeed violate a rule that universities take very seriously. Melodrama aside it probably isn't going to land you in prison, but it IS going to draw the ire of the university. Not to say that the uni's draconian overreaction was justified, but I can understand that they would freak out over this.

James, before any further criticism takes place, can we assume you were in on-campus housing? If so, did you have the university's permission to bring her in?

This incident is noteworthy because it marks the first argument John has posted that holds any water whatsoever.

If you look at John's posting history, mostly over on the Reviews side, it's hard not to notice that John seems to exist for one thing and one thing only: to try and shoot down any complaint that any foreign teacher makes about any school. He puts a lot of work into making it look as if any problem that happens in China is entirely the fault of the foreign teacher.

He jumps readily into situations where even he admits he has no knowledge and no connection. He posits a bunch of rather condescending and cowardly after-the-fact hindsight. He uses small and often irrelevant details to try and cover over tales of the most blatant thievery and malfeasance on the part of the schools.

The one thing he DOESN'T tell us is why he expends so much effort on this campaign to exonerate the schools and make all of us look bad. I can think of only 2 possibilities:

1) He's trying to ingratiate himself, at the expense of all of us, with some group of school owners or aducation administrators. Boo, hiss!

2, and my money's on this one) He's ego-fluffing. By making all of us look stupid and superficial and a bit dodgy, he must be better than all of us, right?

Wrong! I ain't buying it and I don't intend to endure it in silence. There ARE cases where the teacher is clearly in the wrong; when this happens I'm happy to call that spade a spade.

However, the history of EFL education in China is rife with cases of lying, cheating, thievery, abuse and intimidation on the part of the schools. For every teacher who's been a perpetrator there are at least a thousand who have been victims. I for one will not put up with an attempt to wallpaper over this with technicalities just so some bozo can please his friends or tell himself what a great fellow he is.

It's a bad thing to treat an employee in an abusive and dishonest manner. It's an even worse thing to help excuse, and thus help perpetuate, this behavior. It's becoming very clear that John is, for whatever reason, sleeping with the enemy.

#19 Parent John - 2006-07-23
Dr Cross vs Gannan Normal College - Teachers Discussion

I know nothing about Gannan Normal College, so for all I know they may be the worst bunch of charlatans on Earth. However, reading between the lines of Dr Cross's complaint, it can easily be argued that they are not so bad either.

In reading Dr Cross's complaint, several things jumped out of it.

1) For some reason, best known to Dr Cross, he did not enlighten us with regard to what was so private that Gannan College felt obliged to disrespect it repeatedly. The fact he made this the opening shot of his complaint puts it in pride of place in his complaint yet he keeps it a secret. That in itself suggests that Dr Cross is himself embarrassed to disclose it and if he is thus embarrassed, then perhaps it WAS something the college had good reason to intervene in.

2) Gannan Normal College then told him he could leave - evidently he did but did not have his visa cancelled. As you know - that is a major offence in China, as Dr Cross was enjoying the hospitality and protection of the Country under illegal conditions of his own making. Don't pick me up on this issue, the law is the law and he had broken it hands down.

3) The college then complained to the Foreign Affairs Department but Dr Cross has no idea why. This is because he was no longer around to find out. It seems he had already run away and instead of complaining about the college reporting him to the authorities, he should know that under the law, when an employee does a runner - the employer is required to report this to them. Thus the college were not acting unreasonably - they were acting in accordance with the law - unlike Dr Cross who seemingly had already broken it.

4) Now he has been caught by the police - and quite rightly so - yet he still complains about this - and implies that they are being unfair on his girl friend for leaving her homeless. Dr Cross really does need to consider himself fortunate he is not languishing in prison over this.

It seems fairly clear to me that no matter how badly Gannan Normal College may have treated Dr Cross, his own (undisclosed) behavior evidently contributed to theirs in the first place. It seems obvious that he then followed this up with yet more inappropriate and indeed illegal behaviour that has simply made his position worse and reduced his credibility and standing to somewhere just above zero.

My point in "attacking" certain complaints made in the Review Board is to impress on those who make those complaints and others who choose to read them - that there is such a thing as fair play. I see complaints made by people who in some cases have plainly acted far worse than the schools they're complaining about.

Dr Cross's complaint is a typical example of this. It seems he thought he could do what he wanted and because he was stopped by his employer, he took great exception to it and ran away. Therefore it can be cogently argued that the behaviour of Gannan Normal College was possibly something of a reaction to the behaviour of Dr Cross himself that started it all off. Indeed, nowhere in his text does he manage to quote any instance at all where the college has broken the law - quite the reverse in fact. Dr Cross has clearly got only himself to blame for his present predicament and as far as I am concerned he deserves all of it. It is his kind of behaviour that makes life for all of us more difficult because it gives schools in general greater leverage to apply more stringent conditions on the rest of us.

In response to someone else's implication in this thread - Are we foreign teachers seriously being expected by some of you, to 'side' with those among us who complain unfairly in one way or another? This appears to be based only on the flimsiest of reasons, namely that because we are all foreign teachers we should therefore "stick together" God help whoever seriously believes that!

If those complaining cannot or will not make a clean breast of their own contributions to the apparent bad behaviour of their employer, then they're being unfair and are just as bad as they accuse the employers of being. Please don't bother making a complaint at all unless it is a real itemised and objective complaint and not a one-sided whinge.


#20 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2006-07-23
Trouble at Gannan - Teachers Discussion

As a foreign teacher who has just completed a year teaching at Gannan college in Jiangxi I feel almost obliged to add something to this thread. I was present at the college during the whole of Doctor James Cross' time there, and got to know him on a personal basis.

I fully support Doctor James Cross' claim that he was harrassed. His privacy was GROSSLY invaded at Gannnan college! They did keep his belongings at the school for three months. I believe that action was totally unwarranted, if not illegal! James did not owe any money to the school. I don't feel obliged to give any more details about the matter than have already been given by James himself. I do feel, though, that the school was guilty of double standards. There was, apparently one rule for Chinese people/staff, but another for foreigners.

I don't know any details of his issues with the Nanchang authorities, as those affairs took place after he left Gannan college.

I understand other teachers being confused and perhaps a little bit frustrated at the lack of details in the letter, but of course James will, if at all, reveal those at his own discretion.

#21 Parent John - 2006-07-22
Dr James Cross vs Gannan Normal College - Teachers Discussion

Having read Dr Cross's posting a number of times, I feel there is rather more to the matter than meets the eye.

1) Dr Cross pointedly fails to say anything about how and why the College were "not respecting his privacy". Maybe he was doing something that they felt they had every right to stop him doing. He starts off by saying "we were being harassed" and immediately changes to the first person singular "they did not respect MY privacy" Who were "we"? Almost certainly he and his girlfriend I think.

If he had arrived at the college and moved his girl-friend in with him, then that could be construed by the employer as an action unbecoming a foreign teacher and not in keeping with Chinese customs. Moreover, the employer is under no obligation to provide a home for foreign teachers' girlfriends. This may not meet with the approval of the employee but we are all working and living in a foreign country and in all employment contracts I have ever seen there has always been one or more clauses that refer to local laws, and customs. These clauses in effect give the employer more or less carte-blanche to invoke them to get rid of their employee if they wish. Of course I have no idea what it was that Dr Cross was said to be doing that caused the college to "harass" him, because he has chosen to keep us in the dark about it. Why is that, I wonder?

2) He refers to "these activities" and claims that when he asked the college to stop doing whatever they were doing that did not respect his privacy, they told him they could not.

3) He then received a letter from the college telling him he could break his contract - this suggests that he may have told them he wanted to leave and their letter was agreement to him doing so.

4) Then the college reported him to the Foreign Affairs Department and Dr Cross implies that he has no idea why? Did he not address their complaint with the Foreign Affairs Department? Did they refuse to tell him what the complaint was about? Or did he not bother to go and see them and instead quietly faded away one night hoping that his absence would defuse the matter? Indeed, come to think of it - maybe he had already faded away and that would legally require them to inform the Authorities.

5) Why did the college keep his personal belongings? Of what use were they to the college? Could Dr Cross have had a penalty to pay for breaking his contract and the college decided to hang on to his things as security pending payment of whatever he may have owed them? Also, Dr Cross must have left his belongings behind or the college could not have got hold of them. Perhaps Dr Cross left in a hurry?

6) He admits that the college got him the proper paperwork and says that these "would have expired on August 24th 2006" - about a month from now. But evidently his visa was not cancelled as it should have been when he left the college. He says that he asked his new employer to "get the proper permits" yet he should have known that in order for them to do this the existing visa needed to be properly cancelled by Gannan Normal College and a letter of recommendation obtained from them. Do I smell a moonlight departure here?

7) It seems he is now in the position where the Nanchang Police Department have found him and told him he is in the country illegally. This would be the case if he has left Gannan Normal College without having his visa cancelled and is hawking himself around trying to get another employer to dig him out of his own trouble.

8 I think he is very fortunate not to be in far more serious trouble. He would be well advised to use the balance of his 9 days grace period to make arrangements to leave China and then get his girlfriend a new place to live instead of seemingly imlying that the Nanchang Police are being unreasonable in throwing him out leaving her homeless. Dr Cross's girlfriend is his own responsibility.

9) It is quite probable that there is no "way around" this situation as China is not always so corrupt as he may believe.

Perhaps Dr Cross should accept that somewhere along the line he has done something wrong or at least wrong enough to arouse the hackles on his employer's neck. Whether or not he could have avoided this or rectified it at the time is now beside the point. He has to leave or face the real risk of imprisonment. Moreover, he may not be allowed to return either - as he did not ask (or allow?) Gannan Normal College to cancel his visa and they will have informed the police accordingly - as indeed the law requires them to do in such cases. This may well have blacklisted him for future entry into China.

It all points to Dr Cross taking great umbrage at being told to stop doing something that he felt was his right and then doing a runner to try to evade the consequences. He has definitely not told us the background to this situation and as such that throws a huge amount of suspicion on his complaint.


#22 Parent Frank - 2006-07-22
"The Devil is in the details," as they say... - Teachers Discussion

Dr. Cross,

It always bothers me when FTs take the time to express and document unprofessional (and sometimes horrendous) experiences in China, and then some fellow FT takes the poster to task for lack of details, or worse, blaming the FT almost entirely for the problem. It short, these responding posters often make someone who already feels victimized, feel victimized again and by someone who is supposedly some sort of colleague, or at the very least, a fellow foreigner!

If you peruse some of the recent postings on this forum and on the school reviews page, you will find that I have habit of calling attention to strange and/or humorous and/or troubling job ads from various schools, organizations, and agents in China.

The school (and city) where your serious episodes took place, Gannan in Jiangxi is a school I have also questioned due to some strange elements in their recent position posting. Namely, requesting that new, arriving teachers are already holding a Z visa.

Another poster Valerie recently shared her terrible story in great detail also on the school reviews page. She was sending a loud warning regarding agent Frank Zhang, who you also mention quite unfavorably in your post.

What I am saying Dr. Cross is that based on the previous testimony of Valerie, and the odd nature of Gannans job posting, I want very much to believe you, and not blame you or re-victimize you as others have been known to do (especially at Daves ESL Caf).

That being said -- and as someone who has had my share of unprofessional and unethical situations and experiences in China I find your story quite confusing. For example, we know that in Chinese culture the notion of privacy is not quite as sacred here as it can be to Westerners. However, I am mystified as to the dire level of they did not respect my privacy you elude to What brought about this high level of tension and the resulting nightmarish aftermath?

When I first came to China, I was living on a university campus. I had a terrible problem with people not respecting my privacy. I had to lay down some tough rules (as politely as possible) to get some reasonable changes in habit and behavior, but it never came near anything like what you describe.

The first half of your posting (especially), while it might be quite sincere, is tremendously vague and confusing to me (and probably most others reading it). It reads:

What happened was we were being harassed , meaning they did not respect my privacy , I had ask them several times to put an end to these activities and they said they could not. After some time I received and email that stated I could break the contract. I received the letter from the Gannan foreign affairs office indirecly from the school President of Gannan Normal College in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. Shortly after the incident , they reported me to the Departmnet of Foreign Affairs In Nanchang City , what they said I would really like to find out. Also they kept my personal belongings for three months on top of all these happenings. After being homeless though the winter break , Spring festival and New Year we exhausted all our money on eating and hotels and again we did not have our personal things all this time

Please clarify each of these incidents: the harassment; the email message; the letter from the foreign affairs office (received indirectly from the school President); the Nanchang City Department of Foreign Affairs; and why they kept your belongings, etc.

Also, the local officials telling you to leave China within "nine days," implies perhaps you had no residence permit. According to Chinese law, for each day your residence permit is expired (if it ever existed in the first place) there is a fine of 500RMB per day. Does this describe that element of your situation with some level of accuracy? If they determine you have no means of payment of this penalty (i.e. unemployed), then it is likely they would have demanded that you leave China ASAP.

You paint a very dramatic picture, but with so many justifying details omitted, its hard for me to empathize or sympathize. Posters at this forum are, in my opinion, a generally wise and caring lot, but without more documentation its impossible for me (and most others, I think) to offer solace, or guidance.

Good luck to you, and I hope you respond with a much more clarity about your plight.

#23 Parent AMonk - 2006-07-22
My reaction to your dilemma - Teachers Discussion

Dear J. Cross,

I am very sympathetic to your plight. However, I am also taken aback by your badly written testament.

I presume that you make claim to be a Native Speaker (judging from your UK e-mail address), yet you wrote such a poor sample of English, that I have to wonder whether the original University let you go "with cause"? Apart from NO paragraphing, and endless, convoluted sentence "structure", I found at least 7 (seven) errors in your submission. You further sign your posting as "Doctor". Of what, may I ask? Surely not English.

Your warning would be better received if you had proof-read your caveat, and had explained exactly what you meant by the Uni "not respecting privacy". Did someone rummage through your belongings, rearrange your papers, walk in and out of your home, go through your mail or continuously interrupt your lessons? Or was it something(s) else?

Please do not think that I do not feel sad that you have had such a lousy experience. I do. But to be effective when reporting on it, you do need to be on your professional mettle.

Good luck for the future.


#24 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-07-22
First place to call... - Teachers Discussion *Link*

Wow, Frank,
it sounds like you've been through the mill...

Just curious...did they ever detail HOW you were breaking the law? May not really matter...police the world over are good at finding an infraction if they really want to.

The first thing you need to do is to call your nearest Consulate. I think you're in the Shanghai Consular District although it may be Guangzhou...easy to find out. Explain the situation to them and see what they can do to help you. When it comes down to a police matter they're you're best place to turn.

Do you still have your passport? Has your residence permit been revoked? If the worst happens you may be able to exit to Hong Kong and re-enter on a tourist visa. Come back in and avoid Jiangxi Province (and Anhui Province) like the plague they are.

When you get out of this mess be sure and spread the word across the EFL internet. Here was a good place to start.

I think Frank Zhang is one of the many pseudonyms of Allen Zhang, aka Alin Buuer aka many other names. This is one of the most hated and reviled names in the world of EFL and he has to keep changing his name to evade the long track record of abuse and malfeasance he has racked up. Hooking up with this character was a definite piece of bad luck.

Please keep us informed on how this turns out...


James Cross - 2006-07-22
Foreign Teachers incident at Gannan Normal College Ganzhou - Teachers Discussion

What happened was we were being harassed , meaning they did not respect my privacy , I had ask them several times to put an end to these activities and they said they could not. After some time I received and email that stated I could break the contract. I received the letter from the Gannan foreign affairs office indirecly from the school President of Gannan Normal College in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. Shortly after the incident , they reported me to the Departmnet of Foreign Affairs In Nanchang City , what they said I would really like to find out. Also they kept my personal belongings for three months on top of all these happenings. After being homeless though the winter break , Spring festival and New Year we exhausted all our money on eating and hotels and again we did not have our personal things all this time. We did have the proper permits at Gannan , that would of expired August 24, 2006. After the holiday we found a job at Dayu College in Nanchang though Frank Zhang agency ( be aware of this person ) , at the beginning of our relation we told them of the incident and that we should get the proper permits for my job and after many suggestions to take care of this matter , nothing happened. Recently we were called in to the police department in Nanchang, Wanli district were we lived and then the said I was breaking the law and it turns out they told me I had to leave China in nine days from the 21st July 2006 and leave my girlfriend homeless on top of it. There must be a way I can get around this incident beings I was a victim of deceit and was not told the truth. These schools need to take there responsibilities more serious instead of putting the heat on the foreign teachers. This is a very bad way to treat foreign teachers in China. I would appreciate any help I can get .

Dr James Cross

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