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#1 Parent CrocodileHunter - 2007-04-27
Von Seldinick - Teachers Discussion

If you want to get her out and will not be succesful in that, why not consider leaving that place yourself.... Honestly, I would feel pretty bad to have a person like you included in a team of other colleagues.
I am sorry I have no sympathy whatsoever with your "problem".

#2 Parent black serpent - 2007-04-27
How kind and sympathetic were you? - Teachers Discussion

In your response to "not your friend" whom you called idiot,you mentioned
you've been kind and sympathetic, HOW?

Did you ever try discussing the matter amongst
yourselves together with the concern person?

You wrote in your post "any ideas on how I can get
this creature fired without her being aware I was
involved". This is one form of back stabbing
my friend. If you are that annoyed/pissed off/
fed up with her, doing a direct attack
would be better.

Your letter was written in an acerbic style.
Just hope you are not a nitpicker or your group
do not belong to those malcontents.

And as what "pretty teacher" said, the poor woman
has the same right to have a job as you do.

I wouldn't mind you calling me another IDIOT.

#3 Parent pretty teacher - 2007-04-27
SOMEHOW, IT'S YOUR FAULT... - Teachers Discussion

you say you had the chance to give your opinion about this fellow teacher before they hired her... somehow, you're kind of responsible about it; however, take into consideration that your boss should have made a decision of his/her own, and not just base on your opinion! a person that needs medication is very hard to manage with!... on the other hand, don't you think that the poor woman has the same right to have a job as you do? I think you have to face the facts, and wait to see...

#4 Parent Still not your friend - 2007-04-25
nor your colleague - Teachers Discussion

Oh, I see.

I think you may be a much bigger part of the problem than you are part of the solution. Anybody that doesn't agree with you seems to need medication.

Please, do us all a favor: after you sign that five year contract, let us know where you are, just so we can avoid the place.

Thanks, and have a nice day.

#5 Parent Topknot - 2007-04-25
solution - Teachers Discussion

Perhaps, your view is somewhat myopic.
My vision clear.

Solution: Resign. "Oh, Happy Days Are Here Again"

#6 Parent Von_Seldinick - 2007-04-25
Okay, idiot, let me explain. - Teachers Discussion

I think I already made it clear that I've been "kind" and "sympathetic" for the past month. She has been here that long, or did you miss that, idiot? Sounds like somebody else here may need to take some meds. If she is plotting against me, she is the only one. I'm signing a five-year contract in three weeks. They like me here, in other words.

Anyway, to those with brain cells:

I am tired of my "kindness" being returned with abuse. And so are about four other people who are plotting against her. Some won't even be seen in the same room with her. It's gotten that bad.

My head-case colleague abuses her office time as well. She is constantly on chat channels, going out on extended lunch breaks, even coming to school late a time or two.

A friend of mine is telling me to lay low and let her hang herself. Unfortunately, this is Korea, which is part of Asia. In Asia, people are "volcanic". They let things simmer for a long while, then explode in one cataclysm. Well, my friends and colleagues, I don't want to wait that long. This could take a couple of weeks.

How do I speed up the process and see that she gets terminated TODAY?

#7 Parent Not your friend - 2007-04-24
You made your bed, now sleep in it. - Teachers Discussion

I guess you'll have to put up with her BS, just like she has to put up with yours.

Would it be too much to ask of you to try to find within your soul a kernal of sympathy (and it wouldn't be empathy, because your mind is 100% perfect, isn't it?) and give her a hand?

But instead, you want to be a worm and try to find a way to ditch her without her knowing it was you that shafted her. That's nice, real nice. Why not just drop something into your sack and walk up to her and tell her you don't like her being in the same building as you, that she is not worthy of your company, and tell her to get lost?

No, really, that's too harsh. Maybe you could hide her pills from her? She could flip out and be carted off by the police to the hospital, and everybody left at work could split her pay amoungst yourselves. That would be the most gracious thing to do.

#8 Parent Not your friend - 2007-04-24
Still not your friend - Teachers Discussion

I forgot to mention that she is probably trying to figure out a way of having your dumb ass fired also.

Von_Seldinick - 2007-04-24
Need to get rid of a teacher

Hello. I'm new here, and I thought I'd drop a post by you guys. I'll get to the point and save you the details.

I need to get rid of a fellow teacher. I, an American white guy, started at my school in South Korea about two months ago. I was hired on and all was well at first. Unfortunately, the school thought adding yet another American was a "good idea", as did I. About one month ago it did just that and added an American woman to our ranks.

During the hiring process, a process that was grossly inadequate in my opinion, my boss asked me for my opinion of this lady. "Should we hire her?" he asked. "Yes, she is probably fine," I, the naive, well-intentioned bloke I am, answered. So we did. No calls to previous employers, no records checks back in the USA. Nothing. Mistake, mistake, mistake.

Come to find out, this person takes anxiety medication....because she really DOES need it. So far she's been "late" taking it, and what an experience it is putting up with her BS. I cringe to think what she'll be like if she ever runs dry of these meds.

In short, I don't want to put up with her. I want her gone. I can't see myself enduring a year with this head case. I don't have to, and I'm not.

Any ideas on how I can get this creature fired without her being aware I was involved. Help me out here, people. I know, I know. I should have called her previous employers here in Korea for references before saying "Yes" to my boss. However, that is all under the bridge now.

We have a vacation coming up and many fellow teachers here are bending over backwards to accomodate this lady. She wants to take 6 weeks vacation (she gets only 4 in her contract) and the school is giving her those 6 weeks. Meanwhile, I and another English teacher have to pull 1.5x our weight to make up for her being gone. On top of this, she in her f***-up mindset is being very abusive to us. She's biting the hand that has fed her.

Please, please give me some ideas here before I commit battery, my friends.

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