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#1 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

so no pic no balls :) that's a lot of evidence :LOL

#2 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

That's a hell lot of credible info you've got for the so reliable board. You must've seen a lot. Now, how "mixed" of a user are you?

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

A gift for you, lol!

#4 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29
Re: Re more feminist bullshit

you wish

#5 Parent A mixed Aussie/Kiwi in the know. - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

You may end up with egg on your face in regard to that no degree statement.

I'm not sure about Applied Linguistics but he definitely studied at UQ when I was there in 1994 to 1997.
So he was studying something. He also married an Asian girl who was studying there at the time. I saw them together
around St Lucia many times.

He is also part of the alumni of University of Queensland. The linguistics degree thing may be a fib. The engineering
degree is more likely in my book. His exact degree is not listed on LinkedIn and other sites.

#6 Parent A mixed Aussie/Kiwi in the know. - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

Feminists have no place these days. Thy are dinosaurs in 2017. Maybe in the 1950's they had some value.

The MeToo movement will slowly crumble into oblivion as it is not based upon real facts. Innuendo and gossip or
rumor and speculation is not a foundation for any serious political or social movement.

MeToo will be forgotten in a few months time and that is a good thing.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

The opinion of a PC grub like you is irrelevant. You are an ignorant fool who cen"t do anything except teach English
You don't even have the balls to post your pic on here. You have NEVER produced any evidence to demonstrate you are qualified to teach anything. You are also a beta male wimp who would be flattened with a single punch.

#8 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

I too see him as a total fake but believe he may have purchased the credentials he boasts with. What's sad is that such a website as this one cannnot cope with posters like him and that some real readers/users are discouraged from participating because of him here. Teachers have so much related to their term and conditions to discuss.

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

For sure, accuse someone of rape if you can prove it in a legitimate court of law. Mainstream American and Australian TV is not a court of law however. Morning TV is not the place to make serious allegations against people without proof.

#10 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

You English is such shit I'm surprised you could get a job anywhere.

Unlike me, degree in Applied Linguistics, BA in Fashion Management, carpenter and qualified
structural engineer.

Repeating a lie over and over does not make it true for you anymore than Trump's lies, more than a hundred this year, make his true.

You do not have a degree in Applied Linguistics. You are a blatant liar.

As for shit English, I know plenty of people whose second language is English, and their English abilities eclipse yours. Your writing is only worthwhile as an indication of your idiocy and immaturity.

#11 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

I agree that neither such shows should be so incriminating nor lawyers pockets filled under such circumstances; however, I see no reason why a poster on the board should be so bold and overgeneralizing about females.

#12 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

I think the accusations are well-founded and not made up. Such things happen far too often.
Unlike the Fifi poster, I disagree that MeeToo is a real movement and that it will makle some sense.
Feminists are extremists like Islamic Jihadists. The world does not need them.

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re more feminist bullshit

You need to have evidence to accuse someone of a crime Fifi. Going on national TV and saying "Mr so and so did this to me" is not evidence.

I have been on jury trials for rape where there was no solid evidence. We had to find the accused not guilty, the judge directed us to find the accused rapist not guilty.
We had planned to anyway as the only "evidence" was a photograph of a patch of grass between two logs where a 15 year old girl said she was raped by her brother.

A photograph of a section of grass and two logs just proves that two logs and a section of grass exist. The girl did not go to the police or a doctor for six months after this alleged crime.

Way too late to collect any forensic/physical evidence. The judge slammed the police prosecutor in front of everyone and told him, "I am sick and tired of you bringing rubbish like this into my courtroom". "You are wasting my time, clogging up the courts, and wasting taxpayers money".

The judge said you can't convict someone because they "might have done it" or "could have done it". I really remember what he said.

It's 2017 Fifi, the days of the "kangaroo court" are over.

#14 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re more feminist bullshit

Shaun, it's not a ridiculous campaign. Please take it easy.

#15 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

I suppose you support this ridiculous "MeToo" campaign which has become nothing but a smear campaign, a witchunt and trial by media.

A prominent woman goes on the Today show in the USA or Australia or "Sunrise" on 7 and accuses a man of rape and assault and all of a sudden he is guilty.

All I can see coming out of this "MeToo" movement is an avalanche of litigation and defamation proceedings. As usual the only people who will benefit are the lawyers.

They are just laughing at all this, soon they will be literally laughing all the way to the bank!

#16 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re more feminist bullshit

"qualified structural engineer"
this is new, SB.

#17 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

You English is such shit I'm surprised you could get a job anywhere.

Unlike me, degree in Applied Linguistics, BA in Fashion Management, carpenter and qualified structural engineer.

#18 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re more feminist bullshit

And I see ur endless verbal attacks on ALL women out of whom some have actually been RAPED and ABUSED. Keep 6 so that ur well educated tranny doen'st turn out to a Thai kick boxer in hiding.

Seriously, I've honestly noticed your point that you've brought into the board a few times. There're females who deserve no attention, and there're some of them who should be prosecuted for how they've taken advantage of situations. However, coming to the teachers' board with blanket statements, rudeness and overkill makes you the one who rapes ...the forums that ought to serve people unlike you.

Anyhow, people such as Mike Tyson or the Crazy English fat Chinese guy have truly abused their women and you the forums, so take a step back and put the OJ shoes on before you come back as Silverboy, Pigdog or Sideshowbob or whatever else you've got up yar sleeve there.

Silverboy - 2018-03-29
more feminist bullshit

I notice that the Australian NRL star and former San Francisco NFL player Jarrod Hayne has had a civil lawsuit filed against him in the USA for rape. From what I've been reading there is little to no evidence that this man even verbally harassed let alone raped anybody! So how can a civil lawsuit be filed against someone on the basis of just an allegation and accusation?

I guess Jarrod will join the long line of falsely accused men, like his Aussie brother Geoffrey Rush who is taking legal action for defamation after unsubstantiated abuse allegations were made against him.



Men are getting sick and tired of your cry wolf bullshit!

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