Return to Index › Avoid Companies Like This - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent black serpent - 2007-05-03
You are indeed lucky! - Teachers Discussion

You really must be grateful/thankful for not
being charged with fraud. As Em posted, could
you furnish us the name of the company and the
persons involved.
It is saddening that a lot of people live in

#2 Parent Em - 2007-05-03
Banking Fraud - Teachers Discussion

Would you please give us the name of this company so to warm others and keep them from wasting their time in applying to this company. I am sorry to hear that there is another scam on the go here and that honest people have to watch out for this one. We all must be very wary when accepting or even applying to any of these jobs. With the technology of the day as it is, it is easier for these scammers to come up with new ways to try to take advantage of unsuspecting people. So everyone must be more careful and warm others ASAP about what has happened to you or your friends. Banking Fraud

Darryl Youzefowich - 2007-05-02
Avoid Companies Like This - Teachers Discussion

Last year I replied to a job post at another major ESL web site that was hiring you to process cheques for them. What you were supposed to do is cash cheques from their supposed customers, because they couldn't do so themselves. The company was supposed to be centred in China and produce motorcycles engines. They had a nice website and they gave me formal documents to say I had been hired as a financial representative. I was naturally suspicious, checked with an international lawyer in Canada, we couldn't figure out how they worked their scam. I decided to process one of their cheques to see if this scam looking company actually would come through. Naturally, it was declared a fraudulent cheque by banking authorities in England where the cheque was supposedly issued. I am still wondering why they thought anyone in the banking system would cash their cheque. I guess they figured if some dumb bank in a far away country would give them the money, they had nothing to lose. I guess I shouldn't have gone and cashed the cheque, but it didn't cost me a lot and I was curious. The damage to me was minimal, but I wasted a lot of time emailing the supposed boss! It is a good thing I was not charged with trying to cash a fraudulent cheque! Just avoid too-good-to-be-true companies.

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