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#1 Parent Opal - 2008-06-25
Re: Says he is from Chile - Teachers Discussion

Very interesting and I have also received this offer, as well as one from a surgeon from Sweden and with exactly the same offers. I answered saying I was presently under contract and was not available and suggesting for them to get in line:-) All has been quiet since.

#2 Parent Mark Dozier - 2008-06-13
Re: novas oil - Teachers Discussion

I just got offered a contract. Here it is (copied and pasted)






Date: 12/06/2008


This EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is made as of this JUNE 12th, 2008
by and between DR AND MRS SULTAN ALI, (hereinafter referred to as the
Employer) and Mr. Mark Hudson Dozier (hereinafter referred to as the

WHEREAS, the Employer desires to employ the Employee as ESL Teachers of
Alis Family.
WHEREAS, the parties wish to memorialize these terms and conditions in this

Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Employer agrees to
employ the Employees, Mr. Mark Hudson Dozier, and the Employees agrees
to perform professional services on behalf of the Employer as set forth herein.

The Employees shall devote their best efforts to the performance of their duties
hereunder. They shall devote their full time as is in accordance with normal
professional practices of a school teacher.

The employees shall be employed by the Employer under the terms and
conditions of this Agreement for a one-year term commencing July 30th, 2008 to
July 30th, 2009.
If both parties have the desire to continue the contract after its expiration, they
have to sign another contract 30 days before the termination of the original
In case of termination of the contract in advance both parties agreed for:
The employee must give 2 weeks notice of termination in writing.
The employer must give the employee 4 weeks notice if the service is no longer
be required.
Should the employer terminate the agreement, employer agrees to pay all
wages up to and including employees last day of work.

The total monthly salary to be paid is US$5500, either by cash or cheque to any
bank designated to the employee, every 30th day of the month.
Other benefits
--- US$ 500 for Health insurance
--- US$ 950 Vacation Pay. But the employee needs to give the employer a one
week notice of any upcoming vacation.
--- Free accommodations, private room, sitting room and sit out. Free landline
telephone Internet ready computers and vehicle for mobility.
--- One way air ticket from Employees foreign principal of living to Nigeria at the
beginning of the contract.

Working hours - 6 hours (including meal time)
Working time - 10 AM - 4 PM
Working days - Monday - Friday

Repatriation of employees remains and proper disposition thereof upon
previous arrangement with the employees next-of-kin or in letters absence,
nearest Embassy or Consulate at the worksite, at the employers expense.

Please Proceed to Contact the Designated/Recommended Immigrations
Agent to furnish you with details regarding your travel documents to Nigeria.
They would also arrange airport pick up from the airport to our Residence
is your Duty Location. Contact Details are included herewith viz: NIGERIA
STATE NIGERIA. nigerian.immigrationagent@gmail.com

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
as of the day and year first written.

Signed in the Presence of:



Mr. Mark Hudson Dozier ESL TEACHER

#3 Parent Martin Samuel - 2007-12-07
Re: novas oil - Teachers Discussion

I got caught by this scam too. Some guy named Albin Berta from Poland and his buddy Dr. Mike Adenuga of the Nigerian Immigration Service got me. I spent a LOT of money on this scam. I ended up having to sell my 5 month old HP Laptop to pay for my wife's plane ticket. I really got burned but since the Nigerian Embassy is just around the corner (literally) from where I live they will be hearing from me Tuesday of next week. May these scheissers burn in hell!!!

#4 Parent clodet - 2007-09-19
Re: novas oil - Teachers Discussion

my cousin is one of his victim, the same letter content and he always calling her until now..its too bad to know that this black soul wants to ruin innocent people.she actually sent $500 last sept.17,2007 then we just read this scam letter last 9/18/07...just today she recieved the package from engr.chen containing the tracking No., Pictures of his family and his 2kids even the accomodities.right now my cousin is still hopeful.
we are so frustrated and disgusted of this kind of scam..the hard thing on my cousin's part is that she already quit her job as a teacher in an exclusive school...whew! so gullible, indeed...
thank you for all concern people who post this kind of scam letter...
and to those black hearted soul who ruins innocent one, better watch out because God is not sleeping, it will be a karma 100x fold. :(

#5 Parent Kevin Hinshaw - 2007-08-06
novas oil - Teachers Discussion

thanks for the post. I just got one today. It's really funny:

Dear Respected Teacher,
Me is Engr. Chen Lan and Me and My wife Yan are from Malyasia. I work for Novas Oil Inc, Nigeria Branch, Me is in need of an ESL Teacher who is to take me two children Wang and Lang and my Wife Yan in English. they can speak english small but not too much, Generally their english is poor this is make me children is not go to school here in Nigeria and me wife is Not associate with people too much too.
Me family speak english well if i employ you , it is very important to me is is offer you salary as $4000.00 USD. on the end of month for one year and you services is good i extend.
if it is you choice to live in the same house with us you let me know but me prefer rent you apartment to live, me will furnish it and it is in my compnay staff quarters where me live too. i put in you room internet connection, cable Tv, and telephone line.
here we have two cars one company car i drive and my leisure car, if you too can drive me is give you my liesure car to use and me use myt company car.
Security is very okay here in Nigeria for we foreigners we have mobile police men that escort us and me is make compulsory i get one for you as you come.
you take them inb english classes from 10 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon and weekend is off for you.
in you travelling to Nigeria in getting you visa me is promise to pay you flight ticket and you get you visa and work permit by youself or i can recommend an immigration agent here in nigeria help you get work permit.
my contact phone is 2348032939603.
you call me anytime we also talk on phone or you give me you number i call you okay.
Have a nice day
Engr. Chen Lan and Family

#6 Parent E - 2007-07-07
The Scam - Teachers Discussion

A good rule of thumb:

Anytime NIGERIA is mentioned, it's more than likely a scam. Just avoid it!!

#7 Parent Hori Kingi - 2007-06-27
Email scam - Teachers Discussion

I have already sent my Resume not realising that the email was a scam. This really annoys me. Here is the so call letter.

Dear applicant
My name is Hernan Andres Blanco and I am married to Kelly. We are from
Santiago Chile working and residing in Nigeria on contract for Nova Gas Incorporated
a Multinational Oil and Gas Company with headquarters in the USA.
My wife and son are not really good when it comes to speaking English
hence we require an ESL Teacher to come and spend One year with us. You
would teach my wife and my 2(Two)Children Autumn and Gabe who are 5 and 3 years how to speak English and some writing too. This is very important to me hence I would be offering to pay you US$4500 every month.
You would have a Private Live-Out or Live-InAccomdation depending on
your preference with Private Bathroom, sitting room and Bedroom. Your room
would also be furnished with a television set, an Internet Ready
Computer System and a Fixed Land line telephone. If you can drive, you can let
us know so that we can arrange a vehicle that you would use.
You would take them in English Classes every evening. You would also
have the weekends off .Weekends with us is very fun as we visit fun
spots, go sightseeing and amusement parks. Do not worry about your travel
arrangements as we would assist you in that regards when the time comes.
Please write me on my personal e mail address
Contact Via Phone: 234 805 901 0234.
Engr and Mrs Hernan Andres Blanco.
I hope to hear from you in soonest.

Interested applicant should sent their cv for evaluation.

#8 Parent Gingermeggs - 2007-06-23
Scam - Teachers Discussion

Keep replying enthusiastically to his emails.....soon he will ask for money for something that sounds reasonable. Then you'll have your answer.

#9 Parent Debbie - 2007-06-23
No Doubt But Why Is It? - Teachers Discussion

There's no doubt that this Novas Oil and Gas Company in Nigeria is a scam. However, unless 'they' ask for money or someone knows of someone else who had gone to Nigeria and the terms of the agreement were not met, how can this be considered a scam? Sure, the conditions absolutely seem outlandish, e.g. $6500 US/ month for teaching English?!? - but if this is truly a scam, where's the proof?
I hope this makes sense.
Respectfully yours,

#10 Parent Debbie - 2007-06-22
Says he is from Chile - Teachers Discussion


Quickly said, I received a very similiar invitation. The pay was for 6500 US/ month. I reponded to his offer with questions such as, 'What English level were the children at? Can you send me pictures of your town, house and family?' etc. Sounding excited- I ended this email to him with something along the lines of, ' I'm anxiously awaiting your response and in the meantime because I'm so interested in the position, I will learn more about the company you work for and visit the Nigeria High Commision that is a five minute walk away.'

If that email doesn't scare him away, I'd be willing to play a little more, asking him to send over an advance on my salary to buy English teaching materials so I could adequately teach his children over the year.


#11 Parent BlueOrion37 - 2007-05-15
ESL Teacher Needed Urgently - Teachers Discussion

I received a similar email from a gentleman telling me he needed an ESL Teacher immediately to educate his 2 small children and wife in English. He claimed he was working for the international oil and gas company GEOMAXX and that they were originally from Southern Australia, residing in Nigeria. He offered to pay me $4500/month and that I could either be a live-in or live-out teacher. He said on the weekends he and his family went to amusement and water parks.

The first thing that tipped me off aside from recognizing that Nigeria is near the top of the list for scams, is that they are a poor country and offered to pay me that kind of money. Granted he said his family was originally from Australia, but I have been doing a lot of research on teaching abroad and that is even higher than what Japan or South Korea pays for college instructors. He also added that their original language is Kaurna, which is an ancient Aboriginal language that was thought to have died out, along with the tribe in the 1860s. I asked him what his role was at GEOMAXX for which he never answered. He did state that he would pay for my visa and ticket and that I could start very soon.

After all this research was said and done, I thought I should pass on the position as I would be residing in a country of political and civil unrest. No thanks. I stated this in a candid email and a few days later received a formal letter from "The Nigerian Goverment" stating that I am mandated to come to the country and teach per my contract (never received nor signed anything) and that my cooperation is appreciated. I should also mention the incredible amount of typos and grammatical errors I found in the government document. What can I say, I can't help myself - I wanted to proofread it, but I certainly do not recommend anyone travel there. Too bad - since I have always wanted to travel to Nigeria.

Teachers Beware! Always look to be sponsored by a school and/or organization BEFORE you get there and ALWAYS ask to review a formal contract! Also, always know where your country's embassy is - you never know when you might need their help!

Erik Van den Broeck - 2006-10-08
Nigerian Scam Targets Tutors

I would like to report a scam from Nigeria that goes through "eslteachersboard"

Some "French" expats in Nigeria are looking for private tutors to teach their wives and kids English during evening hours. They offer a lot of money and housing. I've received exactly the same email (word for word the same), only the people's names have changed..I am sending the examples here:


My name is Bernard Ellis and I am married to Juanita. We are from France working and residing in Nigeria on contract for Nova Gas Incorporated a Multinational Oil and Gas Company with headquaters in the USA.

My wife and son are not really good when it comes to speaking English hence we require an ESL Teacher to come and spend One year with us. You would teach my wife and my son who is 5 years how to speak English and some writing too. This is very important to me hence I would be offering to pay you $5000 every month.

You would have a Private Live-Out or Live-InAccomdation depending on your preference with Private Bathroom, SittingRoom and Bedroom. Your room would also be furnished with a TelevisionSet, an Internet Ready Computer System and a Fixed Landline telephone. If you can drive, you can let us know so that we can arrange a vehiclethat you would use.

You would take them in English Classes every evening. You would also have the weekends off .Weekends with us is very fun as we visit fun spots, go sightseeing and amusement parks. Do not worry about your travel arrangements as we would assist you in that regards when the time comes. I have attached our family picture for you.

Please write me on my personal e mail address


I hope to hear from you in earnest.

2)Application for your service.
Dear ELS Teacher,
My name is Mandos Kenethy and I am married to Liasya. We are from France working and residing in Nigeria on contract for Nova Gas Incorporated a Multinational Oil and Gas Company with headquarters in the USA.
We sure your profile at www.eslteachersboard.com and know that can be capable to teach my Family how to speak English language.
Meanwhile my wife and 3 Children are not really good when it comes to speaking English hence we require an ESL Teacher to come and spend One year with us. You would teach my wife and my 3 Children who is 16 months, 26 months and 4 years old how to speak English and some writing too. This is very important to me hence I would be offering to pay you $5000 every month. You would have a Private Live-Out or Live-In Accommodation depending on your preference with Private Bathroom, Sitting Room and Bedroom. Your room would also be furnished with a Television Set, an Internet Ready Computer System and a Fixed Landline telephone. If you can drive, you can let us know so that we can arrange a vehicle that you would use. You would take them in English Classes every evening. You would also have the weekends off .Weekends with us is very fun as we visit fun spots, go sightseeing and amusement parks. Do not worry about your travel arrangements as we would assist you in that regards when the time comes. I will have attached our family picture and our Residential for you. Please write me on my personal e mail address mandoskenethy@yahoo.com
Hope to hear from you in earnest.

Our Residential Address below
Housing Estate Block 207 Flat B
City: Porthacourt
State: Rivers
Country: Nigeria.
Name: Mandos Kenethy
Mobile: 234-803-7761-070

3)Dear Teacher,

My name is Davids Pearls and I am married to Michelle. We are from
France working and residing in Nigeria on contract for Nova Gas Incorporated
a Multinational Oil and Gas Company with headquaters in the USA.

My wife and son are not really good when it comes to speaking English
hence we require an ESL Teacher to come and spend One year with us. You
would teach my wife and my son who is 8 years how to speak English and
some writing too. This is very important to me hence I would be
offering to pay you Pound 2500 every month.

You would have a Private Live-Out or Live-In Accomdation depending on
your preference with Private Bathroom, SittingRoom and Bedroom. Your room
would also be furnished with a Television Set, an Internet Ready
Computer System and a Fixed Landline telephone. If you can drive, you can let
us know so that we can arrange a vehicle vthat you would use.

You would take them in English Classes every evening. You would also
have the weekends off .Weekends with us is very fun as we visit fun
spots, go sightseeing and amusement parks. Do not worry about your travel
arrangements as we would assist you in that regards when the time comes.
I have attached our family picture for you.

Please write me on my personal e mail address

I hope to hear from you in earnest.

Mr & Mrs Pearls

Please be careful!!!

Teacher Erik

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