Return to Index › Dog Meat - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent black serpent - 2007-05-24
whew, atta person - Teachers Discussion

Life among other things,is a parade of people who weave in and out of our consciousness. From the stream of humanity, we choose who will be our friends and who will not be.
You fall under the second choice CALLMEFRED because you are one of those Im-never-wrong type of person in existence. You are an expert under the sun and whose vocabulary never includes "I'm sorry". Whatever goes wrong, trust your type to put the finger of blame on anyone and everyone except yourself. You are a great inventor of excuses.You can make a fortune writing out excuse slips.

And if you are a teacher, you must know that one of the basic purposes of teaching is to EFFECT CHANGED BEHAVIOR. To help a youngster grow and mature,to help him put service to mankind above personal gain, to help him learn how to live successfully with others, to help him gain the skills and knowledge to earn a living,and to help him find his own place in society are some of the goals of teachers. Teachers who are personally successful in attaining these goals use VALUES as the core of their teaching....

#2 Parent callmefred - 2007-05-22
Dog Meat - Teachers Discussion

Eating dog eh ?. Be careful old boy, Canine Distemper can be very nasty when contracted by charlatans, it can bring on severe bouts of verbal diarrehoa, or am I too late ?.

Your 'special' friend ?, no thanks.

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