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#1 Parent Gary - 2007-05-24
Would/used to - Teachers Discussion

I used to use fairly common patterns in developing my lesson plans. It made it easier and efficient for me, and fairly predictable for the students. I don't think the students got bored from any predictability, but more likely appreciated it. If the lessons were interesting it was because they were active and engaging. (Unfortunately, I would let them down sometimes!)

I'd ask a question or make a statement about something to see if anybody already knows the pattern. "I used to ....."

Write it on the board (question and statement form.)


Comp check.

Pairs work, to ask each other what they used to do.

Report back, what they learned about each other.

Use the form at least twice more in the rest of the lesson. Hearing it again soon reinforces it.

Include it in the next two homework asignments.

Review it in the next lesson.

This would usually take about a half hour to do, and generally had it toward the start of the class.

KJ - 2007-05-23
would/used to - Teachers Discussion

I would appreciate it if those of you with experience in an EFL classroom would give me some ideas regarding how to adequately teach would/used to.
I would also appreciate it if those of you who are given to lengthy explanations of grammar points only so that you can blow your own horn would refrain from commenting. In other words, I know the grammar; I'm seeking practical application in the EFL classroom - I don't need an essay.

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