Return to Index › Chelsesa Chen - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent DB - 2007-05-25
well said - Teachers Discussion

Finally, a voice of reason. Well said Larry White.

Larrrie White - 2007-05-24
Chelsesa Chen - Teachers Discussion

so two FTs are sitting in a bar... you kind of know the rest rest they start swapping horror stories about China Chinese people etc. except I know this one person and his experience very well we work for
same school and while its not great we always get paid and she does help us out when we need it. and yet this person says they hate china and chinese people. I was stunned to hear the word hate.He kept going on about how rude and mean they were. Meanwhile a pretty chinese waiteress serves us and he practically asks her to come home with him .He then swears that he will never come back to this godless hell hole. I am dumbfounded. For me yes its diferrent and the people do seem a bit wierd but whaddya want its halfway 'round the world.Seems to me that some folks focaus alittle to much on what they don't like than on the reality. My reality is that despite some of the culutral bumps and bruises
I like it here. Of course the people are different but thats why I came.

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