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#1 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-29
credibility - Teachers Discussion

KJ, DB, BS, etc.,

You are, as sone say "a real piece of work!"

First, after being exposed, you own up to the fact that you are using two different monikers (in the same thread) in order to artifically boost positions that you and Fish assume with others.

Now you tell us that we are basically fools to believe anything you in say in your posts!

You make any claim you like and then expect readers to decipher truth from fiction. Yeah, Sbil, that's a great way to develop and sustain credibility in cyberland!

Look, you said you friend Fish is a recruiter, and I believe you. This latest message of yours is nothing more than a bunch of back-peddling. You could have a promising future with the Bush administration, perhaps as assistant to Dick Cheney.

#2 Parent KJ/DB - 2007-05-28
salary - Teachers Discussion

Ok, Old and Tired, here's the website:

My post regarding salary was meant to be humorous and to highlight the absurdity of the post that suggested that Fish is a recruiter just because he has the forthrightness to speak out on what he believes. Actually, I didn't think anyone would be so gullible as to believe it.

On the other hand, I am quite comfortable with the salary that I do make and the living conditions that I am provided. Furthermore, I have certain standards that I insist on before accepting employment in China. I learned the hard way, just like the rest of you. I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to being lied to or cheated in any way. Therefore, I've walked away from more than a few unsavory positions; however, the university where I work now and have worked for nearly a year has been extremely honest in all ways. They respect me, I respect them.

If you'll read carefully through my prior posts, you'll discover that I've never stated that there arent'serious problems to contend with in the EFL game in China. But speaking of tolerance, I also have little tolerance for whiners and bashers that haven't the ability to see the big picture nor the farsightedness to recognize that the corrupt in this business are not in total control. I also have little tolerance for those who deem it wise to focus on one group or country or race to vent their vindictiveness and/or bitterness simply because they have not been treated as fairly as they had hoped.

But as for you Old and Tired; I'll take your future posts with a grain of salt and move on to more important and less frivolous things. Your rantings and ravings are no longer of any concern to me.

#3 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-28
Still waiting, and watching... - Teachers Discussion

KJ / DB et al,

You urge the readers: In short, I couldn't have found such an excellent job without the help of Fish. You would be well advised to seek his services.

OK! We (the collective we of the ESL community) eagerly await contact information for how to seek the first-class, red carpet services of the fabulous Fish. You shout from on high that ESL teachers would be well-advised to enjoy the fruits of Fishs labor (as well as his obvious guangxi), so come out with it How do we get in touch with Fish?

You (both you and your other half, DB, or are you DB now, and KJ later?) and Fish tell the readers time and time again how we should live, cope, negotiate in China.

OK Put your money where your mouth is: give us the real recruiter information regarding the phenomenal Fish. You will look quite foolish (or continue to appear foolish) if you withhold this information because you insist on telling so many of us how to live and behave and be flexible in China and then you flaunt your VIP living standards, super-inflated salary, and limited working hours as some sort of billboard advertisement for Fish, and imply that if we dont turn to him for next gig, we would again, only have our complaining selves to blame for wallowing in the mud we call the Chinese education system.

Please tell us where unsuspecting ESL teachers can suck up, oops, I mean, sign up Were waiting and watching with great anticipation for you to bring Fish into the light.

#4 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-27
Where, o where, is this blue chip service? - Teachers Discussion

KJ, I realize that I've been blacklisted for life by Fish's Double-Happiness Fat Cat Recruiting Agency, Ltd., but PLEASE tell those other, less-uppity teacher-workers where they might apply to receive Fish's special brand of Red Carpet/Blue Chip service?
And with FREE cultural training lectures offered, as well!

Is there a website? Can we actually see a photo of Fearless Leader Fish? Is there actually a Fish by any other name? Pray tell!

If he was able to have you "rolling in Chinese Clover," so to speak, why not make it openly available for other, obedient Laowei to apply?

I'm awaiting the web address, fax info, etc., so that I can urge others to send all the necessary documents to both of you, ASAP!

#5 Parent KJ - 2007-05-27
truth be known - Teachers Discussion

Yep, you found him out. Fish is indeed a recruiter. I know because he's the one who found me this great job I am undertaking right now: 12 hours a week...overtime paid at the rate of 250RMB per hour....monthly salary of 19,500RMB; a little less if I don't turn in my weekly report, and of course for that kind of pay I have to be available to do some PR work when they need it, but usually I get a week or so advanced notice and have even been flown to other cities where I've been given the red-carpet treatment.......highly motivated students (of course their parents are quite well to do, so that's a little surprising because they aren't the usual spoiled ones)......... a great staff that includes a director well versed in EFL methodology and whose English language skills are excellent.........an 11th floor apartment with two bathrooms and three bedrooms, a roomy kitchen and free cleaning service. And oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention the 18 speed bicycle they bought for me to commute with. Great bike - a Giant, and great exercise too. The only downside to the job is that I have to pay my own electricity and computer connection, and yeah I did have to sign a two year contract, but oh well.......

In short, I couldn't have found such an excellent job without the help of Fish. You would be well advised to seek his services.

Thanks again Fish for all your help. And by the way our director, Mr. Li, asked me to give you his best regards to you and yours.

#6 Parent Jiayu - 2007-05-26
Business interests - Teachers Discussion

Reading the posts of Fish, I cannot but conclude that FISH is a recruiter. Recruiters in business cannot tolerate anything said against them as it may harm their business. Quite natural then that he starts fighting when anything is said against him and his likes.
He may pinch his nose whenever and wherever he wants; why should anybody care? He is not all that important. People like him only value people (foreign teachers) according to the amount of money they can make with or on them. That is his only interest. He does not live up to the words he preaches in all his posts here.
Recruiters are highly unpopular for obvious and good reasons. There are good and bad ones but someone like Fish cannot be trusted and his words not being taken seriously. He seems to stand for everything in China and its system while pretending to be soooo understanding many problems that FTs in China face. Mr Fish, you should know that someone standing for everything in reality stands for nothing. And it is high time that ESL community rids itself of unpleasant people like you! This is not a place for people like you to open their big mouth!

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