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#1 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-29
Which country will you be representing? - Teachers Discussion

Doubting Thomas,

Amid all the noise, some of us are indeed trying to warn others about what they possibly (and likely) face when coming to China for ESL teaching work, and how by listening to posters such as DB/KJ, and recruiter Fish (of course!) they could fall into a very unfortunate trap.

I have addressed your woefully uninformed notions regarding China in a reply to your post in the Recruiter Review forum.

So tell me, which country will you be representing in the Olympic competition you describe?

Doubting Thomas - 2007-05-28
Upcoming Olympics - Teachers Discussion

Has the discussion forum become some sort of place to practice for the Olympic Jerk Competition? Is any of your clever repartee meant to be beneficial to other teachers, or do you all just seem to be content with your junior high school internet bantering?

It's too bad a moderator can't put an end to it by just deleting so many of these ridiculous messages.

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