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#1 Parent callmefred - 2007-06-04
Be a Man? - Teachers Discussion

Act like a real man eh snakey?, OK, what do you suggest;

Stand up to pee? (I already do that)
Beat up women? (that's an idea)
Pimp for a string of of prostitutes? (nah)
Get elected President and bomb kids in their beds? (no thanks)
Run off with my secretary? (done that)
Join the Klan? (don't like the pointy hood)
Sit on a sofa watching silly ball games while swilling beer from the can? (not for me)
Become a serial killer? (too American for my taste)
Lie about the size of my d**k? (don't need to)
Buy copies of 'Big'Uns'? (too expensive)
Lust after schoolgirls? (illegal)
Speak with forked tongue? (against my principles)

C'mon, hiss me a clue. To meet your exacting standard some guidance is needed. Get your nose out from the vent in Turnips raincoat, shed that old skin and begin anew.

#2 Parent black serpent - 2007-06-03
A MAN?....... - Teachers Discussion

" Read my post to Ginger. I congratulate him. I wish more would speak plainly instead of wrapping their waffle up in platitudes and know it all pseudo wisdom. Feel free to critisize me anytime. I'm a man. I can take it."

You claim to be a "MAN", then act as one, a real one my man!

Oopppppssssssss......the snake is hissing its way to the bushes har har har.......

#3 Parent callmefred - 2007-06-01
A-Ha ? Snakey - Teachers Discussion

Read my post to Ginger. I congratulate him. I wish more would speak plainly instead of wrapping their waffle up in platitudes and know it all pseudo wisdom. Feel free to critisize me any time. I'm a man, I can take it.

I very much welcome healthy comment, but I also call a spade a spade. (that's the gardening spade type, no offence to any person dead or alive intended.)
I don't whinge about what is said about my comments. Unlike some.

#4 Parent black serpent - 2007-05-31
aha!!!!! - Teachers Discussion

Getting a dose of your own medicine now callmefred?

Just another proof of the saying "you reap what you sow".

#5 Parent Cream Soda - 2007-05-31
Empty brains - Teachers Discussion

Born with empty brains? Um, let's see.....

#6 Parent callmefred - 2007-05-31
Plain speaking - Teachers Discussion

Wow, Ginger, you don't mince your words. GOOD for you. I'm happy to see another plain speaker entering the fray.
It makes such a pleasant change from the usual wafflers and whilst I don't agree with your analysis, I defend your right to express it.

More power to you.

#7 Parent GingerAle - 2007-05-30
Brains - Teachers Discussion

Callmefred is a fool and has nothing substantial to contribute!
He is a complete idiot, and he was born with an empty brain!

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