Return to Index › "Tsk, Tsk," indeed! - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Crass SOB - 2007-06-13
"Tsk, Tsk," indeed! - Teachers Discussion

Fish retorts: "My God! AC in the administrator's office?! And not in the classrooms? And playing video games while at work. Tsk tsk. What has the world come to?"

Ok, Fish,

I doubt any FT feels happy or gratified to know some "leader" is lounging happily and lazily in the comfort of their air-conditioned office playing compuer games, while they are teaching large groups of students in messy, very hot and/or very cold classrooms 16-22 times a week; and while the "leader" pockets most of the tuition, they earn around $6000-9000 a year. Yeah, show me the FT that feels that situation is acceptable, and part of why they come to China!

You and USMC (whom I'm beginning to think are one and the same) seem to feel whatever unfair/unethical situations are at hand in the China ESL world is perfectly OK; and those of us who call attention to them are "whiners" and "ignorant pricks."

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