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#1 Parent KJ - 2007-06-14
lol+lol = lol - Teachers Discussion

Thanks for the offer Fish but, although I was about to contact you regarding a new position, I've just been offered some additional perks that make this job even more lucrative. So, I guess I'll be hangin' out here for another year or so. However, I do know of a few teachers looking to relocate to a bigger city - can't for the life of me figure out why they'd want to leave this tropical paradise, so I'll send them your contact info. Please say hello to our mutual friends at the agency.

At any rate, wish I had more time to comment on this last well written post of yours, but I've got to be off to pick up the new laptop they've offered me as an additional perk to stay here. Actually, the laptop is just gravy anyway; I would have stayed due to the offer of a maid for my penthouse apartment.

As for poppycock - that's out of respect for my long departed grandmother. She really knew how to call a spade a spade. She could also ferret out the BS easily. I learned a lot from her, but perhaps the most valuable thing I learned was to avoid judgements until I had all the facts. I would consider this a lesson definitely in need of learning by some of the more recent posters here. Here we are in a country of 1.3 billion people, multiple cultures and vastly diverse opinions, and yet there are those who still choose to make sweeping statements and vast generalizations that they are seemingly happy to post in this forum.

Human nature I guess............Oh well............

Take care, and don't let the naysayers get you down.

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