Return to Index › realities - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent KJ - 2007-06-14
realities - Teachers Discussion

Not that I really want to get involved with this argument that seemingly has no end, but what exactly are the realities? Do you think you can clearly state them for pea brains like myself without resorting to generalities?

Something like this:

Many, if not most, recruiters will take you to the cleaners.

There are a few honest recruiters.

EFL is a business and EFL schools are often run by businessmen not educators; therefore, please be cautious.

Private schools are the worst culprits. (Beware the words, "Western owned and operated.")

Some students have no real desire and/or ability to learn English.

Some "teachers" have no real desire and/or ability to teach English.

Some students cheat the system.

Some teachers cheat the system.

Some administrators of legitimately licensed schools and universities place profit above the needs of the students.

Some teachers place their own needs above the needs of their students.

Some administrators of legitimately licensed schools and universities place profit above the needs of the teachers.

Some teachers thought they could get rich in China.

Some administrators of legitimately licensed schools and universities have heard enough whining from foreign teachers and witnessed enough cultural insensitivity from them that they no longer give much credence to their complaints and grievances - be they warranted or not.

Some teachers are sick of hearing their fellow teachers whine about inconsequential and trivial matters.

Sometimes, especially if you go to work for a private school, you will get stuck in a dump of an apartment. Sometimes even in a dangerous neighborhood.

Sometimes, even if you don't deserve it, you will be given a great apartment with all the amenities.

There is crime and corruption in China.

There is crime and corruption in FTs home countries.

Some Chinese people want to emigrate to Western countries.

Some Westerners want to emigrate to China or other Asian countries.

Rice is boring food.

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