Return to Index › HOW NICE TO BE A FT IN CHINA - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent PolyAnna - 2007-06-18
How nice to be a FT in China - Teachers Discussion

What is really hard to deal with is their obvious lack of any kind of fairness even among the foreign teachers themselves. we all sign the same contract, but if you have a "good relationship" with the headmaster or leaders you can get treated like a princess, if not, treated very poorly or even fired. Part of the "good relationship" of course must come from never opening your mouth about anything unfair or unsatisfactory and from other things sometimes you can't even ascertain. It must be hard for the people themselves in this kind of environment, i mean , not every chinese is beautiful, can impress, and make good guanxi with all those around them. I'm glad to be leaving.

#2 Parent black serpent - 2007-06-17
shhhh............... - Teachers Discussion


You have a lot more to learn while you are here
in this beautiful Chiner with many deliciours

One thing I found out that shocked my entire being is
that some just do not know what this simple word means......PRIVACY.

Well this is CHINER.....beautiful place indeed!!!
Just hope you brought with you your survival kit.
Good luck >\-|

Mr. Hmmmmm! - 2007-06-17
HOW NICE TO BE A FT IN CHINA - Teachers Discussion

guys or gurls..... we always read so many complaints and grievances against schools in china. specialy when it comes to FT and the school concerned.

well, as to my observation and my experience too, china is great if only the people will treat foreigners with respect. ( i am talking about FT and school) the fact that china wants native speakers to teach in their respective schools, but still they cheat their FT's to the extent that they dont give salary.
well well well..

Ft sign contract but it is favorably to the school. NOTE: here in china the headmaster is the contract itself. WHY because if the headmaster doesnt like you then you will just be fired. they will accuse you of things you never do to validate the word "YOU ARE FIRED".

one thing more i have observe was about SANITATION. they lack sanitation, they just spit any where even inside the classroom (public schools).

wow china full of cheaters and money suckers.. if you dont know how to speak chinese they took the chance to cheat you. see! wow so great..

wonderfull experiences here in china.. I know and the chinese know that FT's are the messengers back to their homeland. BUT ONE OF MY CHINESE FRIEND SAY CHINA IS FOR CHINESE THATS WHY CHINESE..
i am just expresing my own experienced too.. gud luck to all living in this so called great china.

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