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#1 Parent kaz - 2007-07-03
What are your answers? - Teachers Discussion

I've been following this thread for a while and it seems to me eng teacher has a point. It also seems that your integrity and credibility are on the line mate. Why not just answer the questions he has asked you? What are you afraid of? Surely not "negative facts" or are you "denying certain events?"
Answer him and be done with it. Then move on.

#2 Parent eng. teacher - 2007-07-03
Do you admit you were WRONG ? - Teachers Discussion

Hi KJ nice to hear from you directly at last. I am sorry that you don't appreciate my tone, had I realised that you were such a delicate person I might have been a little " nicer " about your INCORRECT beliefs and opinions.
So to answer your question " What is your point?" my point is the same as it always has been. FACT :- 70% OF STUDENTS, THAT LEAVE CHINA TO STUDY ABROARD, DO NOT RETURN. Is that clear enough for you?
Now here I will quote from one of your posts again.

28 June 2007. Your post titled take your pick...
"...Moreover, logic would dictate that the Chinese Government would take firm steps to halt the practice of students studying abroad if it were indeed true that 70% of them didn't return home. On the other hand, I could be completely wrong about this. I am willing to admit that, but while the jury's out I still reserve the right to call it a silly notion..."

After the evidence I have presented to you via the articles in The China Daily and The Peoples Daily about The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences blue paper on skilled individuals. Do you believe that the Jury is still out? Is it still a "silly notion?" Or do you deny that the blue paper is accurate?
In your latest post dated 2nd July 2007 and titled " because ", you say " Basically, you are so hung up on the supposed relevance of the statistics you haven't shown an ability to look beyond said "relevance"
SUPPOSED relevance? Surely even you would not claim that the 70% figure is IRRELEVANT. Would you? Or do you consider this to be negative fact that you choose to ignore and omit from your postings and beliefs?
Now I ask you the same questions that I asked you in my last post and hope that, like I have had here, to the question you posed to me ( What is your point? ) you have the decency to answer them. If you do not, then I for one ( and maybe others that read and/or contribute to this forum ), will draw my own conclusions.
Here is a reminder of the questions you have so far REFUSED to answer.

Do you now accept that the 70% figure I quoted is CORRECT?
Do you accept that your OPINION was WRONG?
Do you accept that ALL (?) of the students that you have taught and ( claim to have )asked about their plans for the future are completely unrepresentative of the vast majority of Chinese students who go to study abroad?

I look forward to your reply.
Have a nice day.

#3 Parent KJ - 2007-07-02
because - Teachers Discussion

Actually, I haven't responded to you because I don't appreciate your tone. Furthermore, I stated elsewhere that I don't consider the 70% figure of any relevance to the overall question of Chinese wanting to leave the country.

In regards to not entering the entire Wilkipedia definition into my post, I was trying to avoid confrontation by leaving out the pejorative aspect of the definition, but of course since you are a confrontational sort you had to include that. And besides I didn't think the rest of the definition was necessary in terms of my own response to being labeled an apologist.

Finally, you act as though I've broken some great commandment by not responding to your post. Interesting assertion in that I've yet to see your response to what USMC wrote regarding brain drain, nor have you responded to what I replied to his well written post and his meaningful research. Basically, you're so hung up on the supposed relevance of the statistics you haven't shown an ability to look beyond said "relevance." Such statistics are not the where all and end all of any discussion - they are a starting point; therefore, to answer, as you request, your simple yes/no questions would be a waste of my time. This isn't a high school debate class, it's a forum wherein ideas are exchanged.

So, I ask again: "What is your point?"

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