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#1 Parent eng teacher - 2007-07-06
SOME validity? - Teachers Discussion

Hi KJ. Glad your work is done and you now have the time to respond, albeit not to me!
You say in your response to bkk. ( After your thinly veiled insult ) that you now admit that " your much touted statistics may have some validity to them" (MAY have SOME validity? ) and then continue accuse posters of not grasping "...what relevance to the overall question of what that has to do with the collective consciousness of the Chinese people in terms of their desire to get out of here, which after all was was the beginning point of this thread......"
The Beginning point of this thread?
MY STATEMENT was the beginning point of this thread.And I simply asked if anyone would care to discuss the FACT that 70% of Chinese students who go to study abroad DO NOT RETURN.
I ( and nobody else the I can find, after once again,searching this thread ) did NOT and have NOT, claimed at any point that this figure represents anything other than the TRUTH of the situation with regards to Chinese students who leave China to study in another country. No more. No less.
The belief that I, or anybody else, has claimed anything other than that is purely in your own mind. If I am incorrect please refer me to the post that says otherwise and I, unlike you, will admit that I am mistaken and apologise.
Until then I ask you, for the third ( and final ) time the three questions I have asked you before and you have still not answered.

Do you now accept that the 70% figure I quoted is CORRECT?
Do you accept your OPINION was WRONG?
Do you accept that ALL (?) of the students that you have taught and (claim to have ) asked about their plans for the future are completely unrepresentative of the vast majority of Chinese students who go to study abroad?
I look forward to your reply.
Have a nice day.

#2 Parent KJ - 2007-07-05
bleeding to death - Teachers Discussion

Yeah, your right rinky dinky, I'm bleeding profusely from the beating; can hardly get off the couch in my penthouse apartment provided to me by recruiter Fish.

Or, on the other hand, it could be that being an actual teacher, and therefore being quite busy with end of term finals and etc. I've just been too occupied to lower myself to your level.

But just so that you and your cohorts can put a feather in your club caps, I'll admit that your much touted statistics may have some validity to them. However, and here's the part that none of you seem to grasp, I'm still waiting for you to tell me what relevance that has to the overall question of what that has to do with the collective consciousness of the Chinese people in terms of their desire to get out of here, which is after all the beginning point of this thread. (Yes, for those of you who haven't been able to follow the thread, this all began with someone asking the question, albeit rhetorical, of why so many students choose not to return to China if China is so great.)

So, I must ask again, what is the relevance? What does it prove? Yes, WHAT IS YOUR POINT? Furthermore, I've yet to see anyone respond to USMC's very valid remarks and research regarding brain drain/circulation. No, you've only shown yourselves capable of wrapping your narrow minds around moot points that have no real value in terms of the big picture. As for you rinky dinky, a little mental effort would behoove you. Give it a try. I promise it won't hurt too much.

#3 Parent KJ - 2007-07-05
credibility - Teachers Discussion

Yes dandlylion, I'm so ashamed I can hardly look at myself in the mirror in the morning. Oh wait, that's just because of all these new grey hairs that keep sprouting.
As for my credibility; I'm not seeking any and wouldn't consider it of much value if it came from most of these posters anyway - never did buy into the opinion of the majority because in my mind the majority is usually wrong.
Do yourself a favor and form opinions based on reality, not on the opinions of the naysayers. Negativity is rampant in this forum. Some of us choose to present some form of balance. In the process we are not always as kind and considerate as we perhaps should be.
Yeah, sometimes I come off a little too harshly. I try to be patient with those who offer up inanity, but it's sometimes very difficult and I am after all human and therefore imperfect.
Do yourself one other favor. I think you're relatively new to this forum. Look back through the archives and read the never ending sob stories and negative opinions that come off as China bashing and ask yourself just how patient should one be with the narrow mindedness and cultural insensitivity of it all.
Yeah, some people have some very legitimate reasons for complaining and warning others to be careful. But unfortunately it all too often comes off as China bashing and I see no reason to accept it. So while you're looking through those archives, you'll also notice that those of us who try to provide balance are continually attacked and chastised by others. But you have a choice - align yourself with the naysayers and/or detractors or form your own opinions. The choice is yours.

#4 Parent bkk - 2007-07-04
balls - Teachers Discussion

I may be brain dead but at least I have got the balls to admit I am wrong when it's prooved to me. You haven't. You just took a beating, admit it. Hypocrite.

#5 Parent Fed Up FT - 2007-07-03
It was only a matter of time... - Teachers Discussion


Thanks so much for your post.

As you (and apparently so many others) can see, when KJ, USMC, or Fish feel they might be losing ground they always result to name calling and belittling those who might possibly be offering some SUBSTANTIATED truth.

One only has to wait a short time, and offer a few less-than-positive observations about ESL work here before one (or all) of the infamous trio attacks.

For so long they have shamed FTs for reporting problems they've encountered while teaching/working/living in China.

People are trying to get the word out about what's going on in China -- for foreigners, students, and general citizens.

Fish, USMC, and KJ habitually launch into "Kill the Messenger" mode, firing dirty bombs at anyone who dares utter anything negative about China.

This latest episode has exposed their collective, hostile hypocrisy yet again!

It's nice to know that readers are paying attention!

#6 Parent Kerry - 2007-07-03
How dare you - Teachers Discussion

After claiming you did not respond to eng teachers posts because you did not like his tone HOW DARE YOU respond to bkk's post in the manner you have?
" Brain dead contributor?"...."rinky dinky binky binky boy who quite apparently has no meaningful thaughts of his own?" HYPOCRITE !!
I admit that I was somewhat sympathetic to your cause up that point but no more kj. You just blew it for me.You should be ashamed of yourself.
I agree with bkk you are bug****d.
Kaz is right, your credibility is on the line. Answer eng teachers questions, admit you were wrong as you said you would if you were proven to be. Be a man!

#7 Parent KJ - 2007-07-03
another one - Teachers Discussion

Yeah great, yet another brain dead contributor to this forum. If you are one of those looking for a reason why happily employed FT's are not common contributors to this or other threads in this forum, therein lies your answer. They simply want to remain disassociated from the likes of rinky dinky binky boy who quite apparently has no meaningful thoughts of his own.

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