Return to Index › Hi Joyce! - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent eng.teacher - 2007-07-04
Hi Joyce! - Teachers Discussion

Hi USMC. How are you? I have just read your post "Radio" and thaught it was great, so I just had to reply to say thank you. I must admit that I had never thaught of myself as Mr. Magoo and laughed out loud, as I do at all of your posts, and, as usual, I thaught Haw Haw! Very humourous.
" A wealthy , short- statured retiree..." etc.etc. is a wonderfull description, but I must warn you that flattery will get you nowhere with me. You really must try harder if you want to win my affection.
If we communicate in future would you mind if I call you Joyce? It seems such an apt name. Oh, and also, would you be so kind as to start any future postings with the words " China calling...China calling..." So that everyone reading them will realise that they are meant to be humourous and not to be taken seriously. Otherwise it might lead to some confusion and I'm sure you wouldn't want that.Thanks.
I really must go now, I have to go to the Bank to see if I have recieved my pay yet, it's late again. I bet you never have that sort of problem as I'm sure you are loved by your Chinese boss.
Sleep well sweety. Dream of me!
Kisses X X X X

..." We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender,....."

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