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#1 Parent Not Sure - 2007-08-18
Visa - Teachers Discussion

The teacher had the appropriate documentation from the previous post; visa and expert certificate. The documents were given to the new employers who coming from the same province, fell under the same bureau. The problem arose when the bureau allegedly misplaced the old certificate which meant that the new school had to fill in a completely new form (this is how it was explained to me). This was time consuming and become of secondary importance to other matters. The teacher thought everything was fine and dandy (public school) and didnt ask any questions. Then when the teacher asked about the visa the problem surfaced.
Eventually the matter was resolved but the teacher paid the fine. Willingly but bitterly.

#2 Parent lingujisticus - 2007-08-15
who has to pay? - Teachers Discussion

Some elements in your query need clarification: What kind of visa did you have? How could you change jobs without getting a new work visa or, as is now common, a Resident's Permit Sticker?

In the absence of these clarific ations I venture to opine you are at least partially to blame.
You may have allowed them to hire you informally, i.e. without getting greenlighted by the PSB and the Labour Bureau. Surely your previous employment visa - if it was a work visa - does not permit you to work for a different employer than the one who sponsored you?"

Not Sure - 2007-07-09
Who is responsible? Who should pay? - Teachers Discussion


1. 8 months left on a 12 month visa when teacher arrived at public school and signed a six month contract.

2. Part way through the first semester the teacher agreed to a second semester and extended the contract.

3. Into the second semester (May) the teacher remembers about the visa which is now one month overdue. The teacher had genuinely forgotten but thought that the school had an expert certificate.

4. They had not obtained an expert certificate since the teacher had been there because they said the bureau lost the old one and so they had to start from the beginning.

5.They bought a return ticket for the teacher. Teacher had agreed to a third semester.

6.They got an expert certificate and go to the immigration office to get the visa. This is the day before departure (July). The office says that they can't fix the visa in time and that the only choice is to go to the airport, pay the fine (5000rmb for more than 10 day late visa) and get an exit visa.

7. The school principal thinks that the coordinator in charge of the teacher should pay the fine. The teacher thinks the school should probably pay but accepts the responsibility for the VISA (one month late before notifying school), but not the expert certificate, and therefore probably should pay the fine so that the co-ordinator won't have to pay.

8. They give the teacher 2000 extra travel allowance which was never expected. Maybe they think it is to off-set the fine a little.

9. The teacher arrives at the airport goes straight to the immigration office and they inform the teacher that flying without a visa is impossible. They said that the visa is too late (more than 2 months) and that the teacher will have to go and get a new visa from an outside office (not the airport).

10. Flight has to be cancelled and ticket refunded (partially).


Who do you think is responsible for the fine for the late visa and the loss on the ticket refund?

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