Return to Index › My dream of teaching in japan or south korea - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent sam - 2007-07-09
u need a degree to teach english in both countries - Teachers Discussion

do not worry to much about honing your teaching skiils. a degree is compulsory to obtain the teaching visa in either country (korea japan).

kizzy - 2007-07-09
My dream of teaching in japan or south korea - Teachers Discussion

first I would like to say. I and willing to get teaching skills . how do you join esl program. I heard you need a degree to teach in south korea or japan. but I know a girl who is teaching in korea she doesn't have degree.
but if I need a degree does esl help to get a degree ? I really like the asian culture. I would like to teach in one of these countries. because I know alittle about their country. I am actually studying japanese on my free time. I only know very little korean.

I hope you can help me to follow my dreams. at the moment I work at kiddie academy learning center . I am teacher assiantant not a teacher. I will send you my resume soon. I just have questions for you first.

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