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#1 Parent eng teacher - 2007-07-13
Hello Minnow ! - Teachers Discussion

Thank you for your offering to this discussion, it was most elucidating. A brief summary of the American position on immigration was just what this discussion needed !
You say in the second line of your post " Influenced significantly by the civil rights movement in the 1960's....etc." That's a very interesting phrase. Wasn't there a CIVIL RIGHT'S movement here in China in 1989? Do you remember it? They had a little meeting in Beijing. I'm sure even you must have heard about it. Would you be so kind as to explain what happened to those brave people? Also I would be most interested to know your thaughts on what would happen to any similar movement if it were to try to re-establish itself TODAY.
Now, as you seem so keen to defend Joyce's post, would you mind if I ask you a question or two about it? Thanks.
Do you agree that ( FT's ) "...must have an agreeable attitude and work with their hosts..." and that ( FT's ) "...have to get in the trenches and fight hand to hand...."? And if you do, could you or anyone else explain to me how one fights, in a trench, hand to hand, with an AGREEABLE ATTITUDE? Do we offer milk and cookies? Beer and cigarettes? I really am intrigued to know.
Finally, and just for your information, there is a fish over in the UK. that is called a MINNOW. Would you mind if I call you by this name in future? It seems so much more suitable, Don't you think?
So until next time,
farewell MINNOW.


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