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#1 Parent eng teacher - 2007-07-14
Opinions ? - Teachers Discussion

Hello little Minnow. I am a little confused as to why you say that I am finally able to see the difference between statement of opinion and statement of fact. When did I confuse the two? If you can point me to one of my postings that mixed them I will apologise but if you cannot I hope that you will be man enough to apologise to me. Is that fair?
I also noted that you didn't answer any of the points I made. A little scared were we?
The first four statements in your last post titled " Opinions " I agree with, and indeed your fifth statement about women being given the vote in Utah I would not argue with either. But I would ask WHY DO THE CHINESE GOVT. NOT DO THAT NOW? Not only for women but for EVERYONE? They have the power so what is stopping them ?

"Saipan never had a hospital until somebody built it. Now they also have a nursing school". HELLO! Don't the Chinese Govt. have the money and Power to do that everywhere a hospital and nursing school is needed HERE in CHINA, NOW ?

I will admit that I do not know the automobile emission regulations here , now in China, so perhaps you can explain them. The same goes for the OSHA regulations, so again, perhaps you could explain them as well. Thanks.

"Migrant farmers didn't have a union until Cesar Chevez started one". Again thats true. So would the Chinese Govt. allow one if it were to be started here TODAY?

Racial segregation etc. Granted.

Thalidamide. Are you suggesting that the awfull repercussions of that dreadfull incident were due to DELIBERATE cost cutting in order to increase profits?
As for LSD and coat hangers in TJ I have no knowledge of either so I cannot comment.

The rest of your post about forestry and logging regs, seat belts, air bags etc etc is just flim flam.

"Do you really think it was all by accident,or was it through hard work and diligence"?
I think it WAS by hard work and diligence. NOT by those that said " Yes Sir. No Sir. Three bags full Sir. Please sir. Could we sir? Thank you sir " It was by the people who were prepared to stand up and be counted!
Thats the difference between you and I. Some of us are prepared to stand up and speak out ( albeit in a very small way ) Others are content to GROVEL for scraps from the powerfull mens table and defend them no matter what. I find that very sad.
Again I say you are using the mistakes of the past, by the West, to make excuses for China today. If we do not learn from past mistakes, HOW DO WE LEARN?
If people listened to you and your ilk they would have to accept every bad thing that has happend in the past and pretend that it is alright now to do the same HERE. NONSENSE!
Stop defending the indefensible, stop making excuses for the inexcusible and start to listen to CHINESE PEOPLE.
But of course you will not because you are a MINNOW!


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