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#1 Parent just..james - 2007-07-19
contract clauses - Teachers Discussion

I'm still a little confused. In the midst of your latest diatribe, you wrote this:

"PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE share YOUR international (especially China) ESL experiences with the rest of us, and I will gladly sit back and ask YOU to prove it all to MY personal satisfaction, by MY own definition and standards of credibility."

I didn't know that there was a requirement of "x" amount of experience in order to join this forum. And by the way, one cannot have ESL experience in China. If you are actually a qualified ESL/EFL instructor, then you should know that foreign teachers in China are teaching English as a Foreign Language not as a second language.

At any rate, my experience or absence thereof, is still not germane to the issue of the validity of the information you have so cavalierly posted in this forum. In fact, it is completely irrelevant. It would seem that you are one of those people who are so hung up on their own importance that they simply spew rhetoric in order to advance their own self image. It's a form of narcissism sans mirrors.

From scanning your past mountain of posts in this forum - no I didn't bother thoroughly reading all of them because I have much better things to do with my time - one must conclude that you have very little trust in the Chinese; however, you would have me believe that what a few of your Chinese lawyer friends related to you, as opinion, should be believed simply because it fits in with your own preconceived notions regarding contract law for foreigners in China.

Too bad there's not a kind of virtual trash heap here; if so, I would most assuredly have to relegate your posts to such a place. By the way, are you planning on making a career out of your China bashing? Perhaps you could start a club called, "United China Bashers!" On second thought, since you seem to be glued to your computer chair - based on the number of your posts I've seen here recently, you may as well just get started on your anti-China book. Good luck with that. But please get your facts straight first.

Finally, it would seem that you consider yourself a "helper." And you attack me because your narrow vision allows you make the assumption that I am not. Okay, I'll accept that based on zero information you reached a conclusion that may or may not be warranted. But please do yourself and others a favor and just stick with the facts.


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