Return to Index › Training at Aston - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2007-07-22
Which is it? - Teachers Discussion *Picture*


Getting two versions of the story here.

The teacher is telling he's being required to take the extra training...at his expense...if he wants to enjoy the luxuriant salary and primo shared accommodations he's being offered.

The school is telling us that they are offering the extra training, and reimbursing all but the transport/accommodation expense (which is probably most of the cost anyway...).

I can certainly see a new teacher misunderstanding the bewildering amount of information that can confront him.

And I can definitely see AES trying to niggle a few more piastres out of the teachers who fall within their event horizon.

Which one is happening here?

What was inflicted upon me, and the extreme prejudice with which it was implemented, by the fine, upstanding fellow-Westerners at this company is a matter for another thread and another time.

Raoul's China Saloon

#2 Parent Lou - 2007-07-21
Training at Aston - Teachers Discussion

Aston require all new teachers to attend an initial two day training in it's schools expectations, curriculum and procedures. This is paid for by the individual schools. They also offer a seven day introduction to TEFL course, this is paid for initially by the trainee but reimbursed after three months of the contract.

Accommodation is covered for the two day course but not the seven. Transport is not covered for either, I am guessing this is where the "at our own expense" comment came from. Aston takes teacher training and development seriously and I benefited form this as a rookie teacher.

In my experience, Aston is a good company to work for. I worked in Xi'an, Dalian, Hanzhong and Guiyang.

If Raoul feels hard done by, then I am truly sorry. I have never seen him post the specifics of his time with Aston so cannot comment on this. All I can say is I was always treated well and fairly and would not hesitate to go back should I return to teaching

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