Return to Index › Korea Criminal Record Check - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Jack - 2007-08-07
Comment - Teachers Discussion

Do you know what is the question (s) your employer will ask about criminal record on a job application.

a)Do you have a criminal record? ie: convictions
b)Have you ever been charged with a felony?
c)Have you ever been arrested?

If a), does not apply to you. Without conviction, you are presumed innocent. Nothing to confess

Note: don't know Korea but most employers may not consider arrests without convictions or even ask about arrests in most cases. Also, employers usually cannot ask about juvenile criminal records.

For the future, I stronly suggest you have this arrest either sealed or expunged. Any criminal lawyer can answer any question and assist you.



#2 Parent Simon - 2007-08-04
Thanks - Teachers Discussion

Thanks for the response, Jack. I think I'll probably 'fess up to my employer, I was just wondering if the police search in Korea would reveal misdemeanors where the charges were dismissed.

#3 Parent Jack - 2007-08-04
A friendly word of advice - Teachers Discussion

Whether you declare your past or not is your choice. However, if an employer ask you, it's usually best to tell the truth. I suggest you talk to your present/future employer before seeking a new contract. Also, keep a copy of any communication regarding this so you have a copy of each message/letter you've sent and received, these could prove very useful to you just in case immigration or the local police ask. You were honest and told the truth from the beginning when asked.

As far as I know, pardons are only granted (in most cases) to anyone who has been convicted of an offence. No applicable to you. You're clean.

Enjoy korea


Simon - 2007-08-03
Korea Criminal Record Check - Teachers Discussion

Hey all. I'm an American and I've just got a job in Korea and I'm looking forward to going, but when I look through my contract, it says I will have to complete a police record check in Korea.

I do not have ANY criminal convictions, however a couple of years ago I was arrested and charged with assault. The charges were later dropped and thus my "criminal record" is, in total: One arrest, Zero convictions.

Will this show on my record check in Korea?

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