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#1 Parent JNET - 2007-09-01
Re: Not True! - Teachers Discussion

WOW!!!!! you are one heck of a guy who am sure has the reputation of BLUNT speaking. Why in the world should a professional like you (hmmmmm.....i doubt it ) make such an impudent remark on blacks?
I have black friends who are loved and liked by thier superiors and students as well simply because they are......HUMAN....in thoughts, words and in deeds.

#2 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2007-08-31
You're so Witty! lol - Teachers Discussion

You said,

"WEll... never heard of a decent looking black guy who chinese people like... except if you are making money for them.... hahahaha"

Well maybe you need to get out a bit more and meet people, and see what's really going on in China.

We could just as easy replace the word black in your quote with the word white though, couldn't we? But then that would mean being dragged down to your level wouldn't it?

Please post when you've got something RELEVANT to add to this topic.


#3 Parent FYI - 2007-08-31
Re: Not True! - Teachers Discussion

WEll... never heard of a decent looking black guy who chinese people like... except if you are making money for them.... hahahaha

#4 Parent lingujisticus - 2007-08-30
Re: Race issue? - Teachers Discussion

Maybe I am not qualified to reply to you because I am not black, but I do feel you are not displaying the most reliable characvteristics of open-mindedness in your post because your message boils down to a very racist dogma: Chinese girls hate Black men!
I don't buy it from you because I don't see race-based animosity in Chinese towards Blacks. As I write, several Blacks are known to be highly popular in a town of 41'000 inhabitants. Why one of them is universally respected and liked has certainly a lot to do with his own charisma; if that is not every Black's fate, the reason might be that some Blacks lack that charisma...

Also, you make no bones about what your favourite pastime is, i.e. chasing after skirts. It's not my right to come down on you for that but surely if a man has only sex in his mind he must accept an occasional rebuff. Some guys take it badly because they are driven by that old-fashioned and erroneous thought machismo is manliness...

But I agree some Chinese still have to overcome ethnocentrism and other prejudicial thinking; in this they are not alone among humanity...

#5 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2007-08-30
Thank you - Teachers Discussion

Thanks Ibala

Don't be fooled, though. I have moments when I'm as unreasonable and immature as anyone else. I just wanted to give my 2 cents.

All the best.

#6 Parent lbala - 2007-08-29
Re: Not True! - Teachers Discussion

your response is great. you seem to be an intelligent, mature, reasonable indiv. my hats off to you.

#7 Parent JNET - 2007-08-29
Re: Race issue? - Teachers Discussion

Why don't you go and get the answer direct from the horse's mouth

#8 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2007-08-29
Not True! - Teachers Discussion

I'm sorry JAS, but I must say that I find your post unclear. First you assume that Chinese girls HATE black men. Then on top of that you say that this question has been on EVERYBODY'S mind. Who is this 'everybody' you are speaking about? Everybody in China? All of your family? All the teachers at your school?

Can you explain how you came to that conclusion? That's a very strong claim that you have made. What is your claim based on? Personal experience? Third party experience? What you heard on the Internet? Do you work in China? How many places have you worked at? Are there any white men where you are? If the place you are in is a real backwater, it may be just fear of foreigners in general that you are experiencing. You really need to supply more background and facts if you are going to make such a strong claim on the Internet.

I'm black, and I've been working in China for nearly five years and I have never got the slightest impression that Chinese girls HATE black men.

The following are the basic things I've observed during my time in China:

Most Chinese people find foreigners from any country intriguing.

Some Chinese people have a xenephobic attitude toward foreigners.

Some Chinese girls have a xenophobic attitude toward foreigners.

Some Chinese girls have a xenephobic attitude toward whitemen.

Slightly more Chinese girls have a xenephobic attitude toward blackmen.

I do admit the fear of blackmen may be slightly stronger with some Chinese girls. Hell, even some Western women are a bit fearful of black men. Does that mean Western women HATE black men? Of course not! I think the way in which blacks have often been portrayed in Hollywood, and the reputation we have of taking no nonsense has contributed to this fear of black men by some. But I'm talking about a MINORITY of Chinese girls, and HATE hardly ever comes into it.

Now I know some white guys claim that some Chinese people/ girls have told them that they don't like blacks etc. I don't dispute that some have been told this.

But, let's be honest here.

How many of those girls, the very next day would turn down the offer of a dinner with a presentable, decent looking black guy? I've been told by women in China that they like men with a bit of colour. Yes, they want their own skin to be white, because that's what Chinese MEN want, but Chinese girls have told me that Chinese girls in GENERAL think that MEN who are too white, look girly, and that a REAL man should have some colour.

So who or what are we to believe? Well, we believe everything or nothing. Either those Chinese girls are telling the truth or they are telling their white or black boyfriends what they think they would like to hear. That is a Chinese trait. I don't need to tell anybody that. It's called face, and it helps to keep relationships running smoothly, so that all parties can be happy and content.

A good amount of Chinese girls are interested in foreign men.

Now let's not dwell on the reasons why Chinese girls are interested in foreigners. The topic here is a claim that Chinese girls hate black guys. The fact is what I mentioned above. Many Chinese girls are interested in foreign men:white or black. There may be a slight preference for white guys, but to be honest I'm not even sure about that.

Maybe this isn't really the right forum for this topic. It's an interesting topic, though. Maybe some Chinese girls can post their views here, and give us a clearer picture, regarding this issue. Please, no dodgy white guys posing as black guy hating, Chinese girls, in order to put black guys off of coming to China, and increasing the competition (Those guys are few, but they do exist).

Some Chinese girls may be initially, slightly more fearful of black guys, but after five years of living in China, I am absolutely sure of one thing:

Chinese girls do NOT hate black men, anymore than they hate whitemen.

If anybody is thinking of coming over to China to live, work or take a holiday, there's one thing you should know about China:

You get out of China, whatever you put in. Whether you are white, black, yellow, brown, or red, Chinese people will love you as much as you love them.

#9 Parent Andrew Dewitte - 2007-08-29
Re: Race issue? - Teachers Discussion

...I don't think ALL Chinese women hate Black men...
In fact, I'm sure that there are some who do like them...

It sounds like you have had some bad experiences...
and that is unfortunate...

On the other hand some chinese girls literally throw themselves at White men...

JAS - 2007-08-28
Race issue? - Teachers Discussion

Hi everybody,
I must first say that I love this site. But I have one question that has been on everybodys mind. Why do chinese girls hate "Black Man?"

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