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#1 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2007-09-26
Preaching or Teaching? - Teachers Discussion

I didn't realize that my innocent post (at least that's how I saw it), would bring such strong responses.

Gentlemen, if you care enough to re-read my previous post you will notice that I pointed out that use of the Martin Luther King speech in my class, was NOT in the context of a lesson on racism. I am an ENGLISH teacher (though some may deny that I am even that). I do not preach politics in class. In fact I am not too greatly interested in politics.

You mention that we should only bring ourselves into the class. If you mean by this, that we should not put forward the political beliefs of others in order to promote a personal political agenda, then I am with you. Let me, though, explain how I used King's speech. My objective was to help students appreciate that the main purpose of language is communication, and that, in turn, words, whether written or spoken can have a powerful influence on us long after we have died. I used part of King's speech as a case in point to help them appreciate that King is still talking, encouraging, inspiring, and giving hope to people all over the world today, despite the fact that he died nearly forty years ago. I was trying to help students appreciate what a powerful medium English could be for them if they master it well. Having good English skills will help them in turn encourage, inspire, and give hope to people all over the world. The ultimate objective of the activity was to motivate and inspire them into working harder at English by realizing the potential it has for helping them to contribute to society in a positive way, and to derive satisfaction from that.

Is that preaching? Is that promoting a political agenda? I don't think so (though you may disagree), but it is my intention to carry on with such activities in my classroom. After five years of teaching, I believe that part of my job is to motivate students. My intention is not to just teach the subject, but the student as well. Now I do realize the extra responsibility that this entails. One way that I accomplish this is by often writing inspirational quotes on the blackboard, for the students to discuss. The only purpose for such activities is to inspire them to believe in themselves and work hard at making their lives successful. Also they will hopefully use the positive principles that they have learnt to make a positive contribution to society.

So by using King's speech in my class, I was not promoting anti-racism or trying to demonize America. I was promoting the opportunity that good English communication skills could open up for them. The reason I used King's speech for this purpose was because of the following:

1. It is one of the most heartfelt, vivid and powerful speeches ever given.

2. Students in china are VERY familiar with it. I can't remember ever hearing any student over 12 years old in China tell me that they have never heard of it.

3. The message itself is powerful and is universally appreciated by people all over the world (thus validating the purpose of my activity in helping students to see the potential, good English communication skills have).

I do detect, though, a little insecurity in the posts of both yourself and Linguisticus (sorry if I mispelt the name). Are you so ashamed of America's history of poor treatment of it's minorities in America, that you are determined to hide or gloss over it when in China (not that I am determined to highlight it. As I said my purpose of usage is non-political)? If so it is too late for that, because virtually all Chinese students are familiar not only with the speech, but also it's meaning and it's political background. Or, might you be concerned that Chinese students might gradually join in solidarity with minorities all over the world in order to overthrow the Western political system? Forgive me, but any overreaction on my part probably does no more than mirror what certainly seems like a similar one on your part, in relation to my previous post.

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